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CasualCart's Ink-tober 2022


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Events Team · Posted
3 hours ago, CasualCart said:

29 - Spider-Snake [Castlevania II]

As promised @ZeldaFreak - I did my best to turn that mess of pixels into something neat!




Heeey, pretty close actually! I'm surprised you picked up on the teeth, I always though those were meant to be eyes or something.

Here's what it's actually supposed to be, according to the manual:



Like I said, even once I knew what it was supposed to be, it still took me a bit to see it, haha. Awesome job though, as always!

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Graphics Team · Posted

Thanks so much to everyone who posted suggestions and comments this year (and @JamesRobot for posting his own Ink-tober artwork)! It's been a blast as usual, and I'm really happy with how most of these turned out.

I'll get the ball rolling soon for whoever wants to claim the original drawings, and hopefully I can ship them out around mid-November. So stay posted if you want a doodle, but don't start calling dibs quite yet.


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6 hours ago, CasualCart said:

31 - Pong-Bot [Pong]

Here it is - the last submission of Ink-tober 2022! And what better way to end it than with @ThePhleo's suggestion of the Pong paddle?




I love it! Thank you for taking my joke serious.

I didn't want to give a hint away to look at Alleyway (Gameboy) box art to see that their imagination of the paddle is Mario piloting a bar shaped spacecraft. I wanted to see a CHARACTER interpretation of it and you did not disappoint. 🙂

I love that it's a cute little robot holding a reflector thing.

Here's Alleyway for reference though. ALLEYWAY IS TECHNICALLY A MARIO GAME PEOPLE (Alleyway, Arkanoid, and Breakout are just single player pong clones with destructible walls, and you all know it)



Edited by ThePhleo
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52 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:

Here's Alleyway for reference though. ALLEYWAY IS TECHNICALLY A MARIO GAME PEOPLE

I always noticed Mario on the Alleyway cover art.

52 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:

Alleyway, Arkanoid, and Breakout are just single player pong clones with destructible walls, and you all know it

Don't forget bricks.exe


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Graphics Team · Posted

@a3quit4s @Bearcat-Doug @ZeldaFreak @drxandy @fox @Aguy @Red @Famicuber @SNESNESCUBE64 @Makar @ThePhleo @Khromak @DefaultGen @RH @DarkTone @AverageOliver98 @Link @Jeevan @spacepup @CodysGameRoom @PII @Gloves @Code Monkey @BortLicensePlate @guitarzombie @captmorgandrinker @Sumez

Mail-call for whoever wants some original Ink-Tober drawings. (Thanks for reminding me, @Makar!)

Please post here in the thread if you want any, and I'll mail them out in a week or two. First dibs on each drawing goes to whoever originally suggested the sprite, and I'll just do my best to divide others fairly between whoever asks for them.

Once I'm ready to start mailing them, I'll PM you asking for a shipping address (please don't PM me first, or I might get overwhelmed and disorganized).

I'll give you all a week or so to place dibs, then I'll finalize who gets what.



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Events Team · Posted

Oh man, I love all of these so much, it's so difficult to narrow it down...

Well, the ones I'd for sure really want would be my suggestions, as well as any other Zelda-related ones for self-explanatory reasons, haha. Those would be Megmat (03,) Spider-Snake (29,) & One-Tooth Dragon (23.) If I can get my hands on those I'll be a super happy camper, but beyond that...

Incredible Wizard (30) in particular I'd really like, it feels very distinctly CC to me, something about the way he's drawn and his stance feels very unique to you for whatever reason, and I really like it because of that. (Nevermind, AO got it!) In addition, I'd love ToadBorg (09) since I love that color scheme (You know how much I love those green+blue colors,) and Enchantress (14) would be cool since I also love her color scheme. Might actually give that one to my friend Brett as a Christmas present since he's a super huge fan of Shovel Knight. Cyclops Wizard (16) would be awesome too, I love how goofy he looks. Obviously Nerves and the Hound (10) would be incredible to have most of all, that's the big one, but I imagine people are gonna really want that one so I won't be too greedy about it, haha. If by some miracle nobody else wants it, I would be thrilled to take it.

Obviously I do not whatsoever expect to get all of these, just expressing which ones in particular I really like for the record. I'll take any I can get my hands on as always, I love all of them! If there ends up being any unclaimed ones I'd be more than happy to add them to my growing collection of CC art, haha. Would be happy to have another frame full of CC Ink-tober art hung up on the wall 🙂

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