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Episode 44: Cyber Mission

A Homebrew Draws Near! A blog series by @Scrobins Episode 44: Cyber Mission Introduction: Most homebrewers, for all their experimentation and boundary pushing, have a sweet spot they settle into; a pattern by which they can be defined and recognized. It may be a particular genre or aesthetic, but for some devs the pattern is experimentation itself. These are the people about whom we wonder what could possibly be coming next from them, given how wildly different their la


Scrobins in A Homebrew Draws Near!

MegaMan52's Top 10 Games Within Games

Introduction  There have been a lot of games released over the years that include extra games. Games within games. These could be emulations or remakes of games released for other systems, or they could be fun little original games or games inspired by other games that were just included as extras.  Here's my top 10 list of games within games. MegaMan52's Top 10 Games Within Games  10."That Is Galactic Dancing" (Ridge Racer Revolution, PS1) Namco's Ridge Race

Atari Missile Command - Dead, Nothing on Screen

This was a quick hit project, it only took about an hour between putting it on my bench and getting it working. So before I even turned it on, I noticed that the crystal was broken, it is a 10MHz crystal, common enough. Without this it cannot do anything. After replacing it with a modern one that doesn't stick as high up (so it won't break the same way again). I finally hooked it up and got nothing on the screen. Because of that I started checking clocks (especially considering I just


Working on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 some more. I thought "What is in the jungle?" Then it came to me: Monkeys. Monkeys are hard to draw normally. Especially if you're limited to a 16x16 pixel space with 4 colors.  So it was very difficult for me to draw this monkey. Laughing will now begin. I told you I can't draw worth crap. I added some other frames for moving left and right. The monkey is pooping down on you. If you get up above the monkey, he'll throw the poop upwards at you.

Nintendo Popeye - Missing Backgrounds/Dark Colors/Corruption

This one was odd in the sense that I was having the most issues during gameplay, but not on the title screen. There was occasionally flickering and artifacts on the title screen where it was all text objects, but once a background was introduced (such as during gameplay) I ran into issues. With the image being so dark, my kneejerk reaction was to immediately look at the PROMs. I figured that they weren't properly being enabled. Looking at the schematics I started with the backgr

Frank the Fruit Fly 2 work

I was super bored today. It was a very very boring day today. I decided to tough out being bored for one more day and face the stupid time between my 12-hour sleep times. I sleep for at least 12 hours a night. I went and worked on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 some more. It's my Game Boy game I work on and off on I started about a month ago. Today I added fade outs and fade ins to screens. It was a really hard time doing this, but I eventually managed to get some help with it and worked it out. So

Special Episode: The State of Homebrew 2024

A Homebrew Draws Near! A blog series by @Scrobins Special Episode: The State of Homebrew 2024 Homebrew continues to evolve at a steady pace. A few years ago, I solicited input from the community on a survey I made and used the results as a snapshot and symposium of the state of homebrew. The results afforded some meaningful insights that helped me better understand the community and added nuance that challenged my assumptions. While enough time hasn’t passed to revisit the s

Virtual Boy Casino (part 2)

So I cleaned up the pictures and tried a different color scheme. I sort of inverted some colors. I got this: The games on the menu are more readable imo. Thoughts? As for the s after the apostrophe, I was taught that you needed the s, even when the ending of the word was s. So even though that would make something like "Boss's Day" look weird, it would be correct. But who knows for sure? And yes, I added Keno. But instead of 20 numbers, I dialed it back to 10 to make it

Virtual Boy Casino

I made a VB game of casino games a long time ago. It wasn't spectacular, but it worked. I ran across it while I was going through my old files on my computer. The code to get random numbers was really wonky, so I decided to fix it. The random numbers seem more random, but I just can't seem to avoid doing bad in video poker, even though the numbers of the cads are more random than they were. I discovered a problem with Blackjack that I think I have fixed yesterday. Then I took a nap. The nap


PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES   …OR PII THROWS A FEW LIRA INTO THE SPACE FOUNTAIN   I’ve seen this a couple of times before but it’s been a while and so everything was pretty fresh.  One of the first things that got me laughing pretty good was just the sound effect when the space ship lands.  A short while later after the first scene outside the ship it cuts back to the interior.  Everyone is just sitting around.  No one is saying anything or moving a muscle



Frank the Fruit Fly 2 demo

Kind of odd to put a demo when there's only two screens done so far, but I want to see if I'm doing good with this, so I'm posting a demo version of Frank the Fruit Fly 2. One thing I put in the game today was a warning sound whenever Frank loses health. I thought it was odd that it was silent and players might not know (or see) that Frank got hit by something bad. He does have a health meter up at the top. If Frank's health reaches 0% Frank dies and the game ends. And we don't want poor Fr

Famicom Video Game Master Set

This is the complete Famicom Video Game Master Set: Famicom CIB Famicom Disk System CIB 1 loose Famicom controller Famicom light gun CIB Famicom Robot CIB (batteries not included) Famicom Data Recorder CIB Adventure Island CIB Adventure Island II CIB Adventure Island 3 CIB Adventure Island IV CIB Adventures of Lolo CIB Adventures of Lolo 2 CIB  Akumajō Densetsu CIB  Akumajō Dracula CIB All N

Game Club 18: Flea and Tapeworm Disco Puzzle

Get the episode here, or find us on your preferred podcasting app of choice! The Game Club takes on Flea! and Tapeworm Disco Puzzle for NES and Dreamcast, two entertaining games about adorable parasitic vermin. You can find links and information for both at ⁠the Lowtek Games website⁠. Our next Game Club pick is Courier for NES. ⁠Get it here⁠. Check out Nick's livestream playthrough of Flea! on ⁠the HBGC YouTube channel⁠. Here's a shot of that ⁠limited edition transparent

Nintendo Space Fever - Power Supply Problems

So one issue that I was having was that the game would not fire up from a 'cold start'. I would have to turn it off and turn it back on for it to work. I didn't think anything of it when I was fixing up the cabinet itself. My thought was that it reeked of power supply problems because the Nintendo supply used here really isn't the greatest. I've seen this kind of goofballery while working on some Williams WPC System pinball machines, so it was worth a try. But we believe in testing on this site

Game Boy stuff

So I was goofing off on Game Boy programming. I played a couple of Game Boy games recently and it got me in the mood. So if I was to do this, it would need a battery save like the first one. I tried and tried to put it in (it's been awhile since I last did this) but I think I got it now. One of the key things I needed to remember (but forgot) was to put "ENABLE_RAM_MBC5" in the game. So level 1 of "Frank the Fruit Fly 2" if I decide to make it, will take place deep in the j


Most of us wear it, so why not make a video game about it? Your job is to collect underwear from various mazes.   Avoid those deadly umbrellas. I've been working on this for a few days now. I'll return to the Colecovision game I was working on when I get my cartridge. I ordered it over a week ago and still nothing, not even an e-mail saying it's been shipped. You know, if you have an online shop that you don't run any more, it'd be nice to put on that page it doesn't run any more

Coleco stuff today

I worked on Flying Potato Chips today. I am beginning work on the second level. The levels changing are an indication that something in the game has changed. For example, what I want to do is: level 2 - chicken nuggets start appearing. level 3  - popcorn enemy introduced shooting and floating faster than the pretzel. level 4 - enemies can (but not necessarily will) move up and down. and so on. I think if you shoot 25 enemies worth two points each, the

More Colecovision work

I don't have any new pictures to show. All the work done today had to do with music, so that's why. I did however add a game over screen, but it's just a "GAME OVER." message against the blue sky, so it's not really all that noteworthy. I added a title screen song, a game over song, and a level cleared song. As well as cleaning up stuff I had going wrong with the game so far. So the next time I pick this project back up, I'll begin work on the second level. Although I kind of want to wait until

Colecovision again.

Back to work on Flying Potato Chips. Today I added in the boss screen. It took a few hours to play, find bugs, try to fix the bugs, play again, find another bug, etc. But I think I have it squared away for now. I made the boss a red pretzel and he has onion rings to guard himself. You need to shoot the boss pretzel 5 in order to defeat him and go on to the next level. But there is no next level yet because I haven't got that far yet. Stuff I need to do before level 1 is finished include making s

Mega Man 9 NES Demo Cartridge

Introduction Mega Man 9 NES Demo Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 (Switch) Mega Man 9 was originally released in 2008 as a downloadable game for the PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360, and for the PS4, Switch, and Xbox One a decade later as part of Mega Man Legacy Collection 2. It returned to the audio and visual style of the NES Mega Man games, and played like the first two Mega Man games by removing Mega Man's slide and ability to charge up his weapon (the Mega Buster).

Colecovision work

All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy. I got a thing that will let me test my Colecovision game on a real Colecovision. And I armed the pretzels. They now shoot onion rings. So far I have 7 kb of my 32 kb filled before I need to bankswitch. Things ultimately I need to add in: more enemies. (need to think of junk food types that only are one colored.) vertical movement of enemies. chicken nugget for extra life? boss more levels. So yeah,

Skate Or Die! 2008

SKATE OR DIE 2008   Skate or Die 2008 opens with the negotiation of a minor drug transaction and is followed up with 5 or 6 minutes of trick-filled skateboarding through Paris that looks like it was intended to make it look like life in Paris is some- -thing much more lively, cheerful and fun than the noisy grey hole that it actually is.   Our main characters are Mickey and Idriss who look like black/white race-switch versions of each other.  Idriss has dreads

Featured Member May 2024: RegularGuyGamer

What initially brought you to NA or VGS? I remember back in 2011 hearing the announcement that Nintendo Power was going to be discontinued. At the time, I was actually still picking the magazine up every couple of months just to page through at work and before bed. I started searching up when the last issue was going to be printed and if any third-party source would spiritually succeed in the efforts of putting together a decent game magazine like Nintendo had for so many years. There were
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