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  • User Ranks & Badges

    This page is a dedicated list of all of the available User Ranks and Badges which you may earn by participating on VGS. If you have questions or suggestions, you can post in the discussion thread here. If you'd like to sign up for a Badge, click this link!



    Registered users on VGS can earn ranks by participating in site activities. There are currently 20 Ranks in total to be earned.

    How to earn Points to level up your Rank:

    • Log in!
      • Once a day, your first login will award 1 Point
    • Post some Content
      • New Topics, Blog Posts, etc. will earn 1 Point
    • Reply to/comment on Content
      • 1 Point!
    • Vote in a Poll
      • 1 Point!
    • React to something
      • 1 Point for you and the user you Reacted to
    • Earn a Follower
      • 5 Points!
    • Earn Badges
      • Points vary per Badge, but in general it's 50 for a "normal" Badge, and 100 for a "completion"


    Ranks and Points required:

    01.png.05843f68e8a46b1bdc41911600f74bd9.  Peasant - 0 Points

    02.png.05d8b36258e7fdc13e466d08cc93d543.  Thief - 200 Points

    03.png.d1b34f9934354ce3d2d008ff7f5a6a1b.  Hunter - 500 Points

    04.png.182509652c101ccce947f8f6e6143632.  Mage - 1,000 Points

    05.png.ce8d794205a170d410c1af3076fd7dd5.  Squire - 2,000 Points

    06.png.25b74edc830d9d7a06d1c444d167c5d1.  Archer - 3,500 Points

    07.png.43bf1d2c7ccc9797008c900b5a5ceefc.  Falconer - 5,000 Points

    08.png.290cc9e8cc4b842a399793067a8c9c66.  Conjurer - 7,500 Points

    09.png.1d4c91cb5bf51c449d8e0ffa12535e24.  Heir - 10,000 Points

    10.png.85e8d6ce215bd4569a1c5481b81ba06d.  Guard - 15,000 Points

    11.png.f626acc0c2e405ab93566bd18033211b.  Cavalier - 20,000 Points

    12.png.cf741a01b4eee013b1c0834f18b0d737.  Thaumaturge - 25,000 Points

    13.png.759aeae8653e5fca4836bf6cde5e0a20.  Noble - 30,000 Points

    14.png.83c062f51209bc770637005f8f625111.  Paladin - 40,000 Points

    15.png.c658a9ba209b092d0947d8102628ec53.  Shapeshifter - 50,000 Points

    16.png.43653e25e7c4473d3ad9f4dfef3990b4.  Magus - 60,000 Points

    17.png.4fd98860de847476f3a3dbc70e7f34b9.  Majesty - 70,000 Points

    18.png.d8a09b8894360efca94e52b0743f129f.  Knight - 80,000 Points

    19.png.08b37c59dc1c8d179e34c7508a94fad0.  Dragonrider - 90,000 Points

    20.png.68dc72af95dcae98f3c9ef78bb85246b.  Sage - 100,000 Points

  • Badges

    Badges can be earned a variety of different ways, catering to all kinds of game enthusiasts! These are handed out manually, so if you'd like to claim one (or multiple...) you can make your request in the signup thread here. If you'd like to request that we add a new Badge, or have suggestions for improvement, join the discussion here!


    Here are general descriptions for the different types of Badges available:


    COLLECT Games
    (collect 50 unique games or 50% of the system's retail library for a purple charm)
    (collect the full set of region-appropriate retail releases for a gold charm)

    COLLECT Toys to Life 
    (collect 25 unique figures or 50% of all retail figures in a set for a purple charm)
    (collect the full set of region-appropriate retail figures for a gold charm)

    COLLECT Paper
    (collect 50 unique magazines or 50% of the magazine's library for a purple charm)
    (collect the full set of region-appropriate issues for a gold charm)

    COLLECT Imports 
    (collect the specified number of games from outside your region of residence)

    COLLECT Homebrew
    (collect the specified number of homebrew releases)

    COLLECT Hardware 
    (collect one standalone unit or all units in a specified set)

    COLLECT Prototypes
    (collect a prototype or test game)

    COLLECT Signs
    (collect a gaming sign originally for retail display)



    CREATE Homebrew
    (contribute to a homebrew game release in the specified department)

    (Brewer, Graphic Artist, Chiptune Artist, Publisher, Brew Crew



    PLAY Games
    (beat 25 unique games or 50% of the system's retail library)

    PLAY Completions
    (participate in the appropriate "beat every game" thread for a purple charm)
    (place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the appropriate "beat every game" thread for a bronze, silver, or gold charm)

    PLAY Homebrew
    (participate in the Homebrew Contest for a purple charm)
    (place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the Homebrew Contest for a bronze, silver, or gold charm)

    PLAY Leaderboard
    (participate in a VGS leaderboard for the corresponding charm)

    PLAY NES Contest
    (participate in the NES Weekly Contest for a purple charm)
    (place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the NES Weekly Contest for a bronze, silver, or gold charm)
    (win the NES Weekly Contest Tournament for the corresponding charm)

    (place first in a NES Weekly Contest genre for the corresponding charm)

    PLAY Genres
    (beat 25 games in the specified genre for a purple charm)



    (contribute to VGS for the corresponding charm)

    (participate in VGS Bingo for the corresponding charm)

    PARTICIPATE Holiday Contest
    (participate in a VGS Holiday Contest for the corresponding purple charm)
    (win a VGS Holiday Contest for the corresponding gold charm)

    PARTICIPATE VideoMation
    (win the specified category in the VGS VideoMation Contest for the corresponding charm)

    PARTICIPATE Super Tilt Bro
    (participate in the VGS Super Tilt Bro Tournament for a purple charm)
    (place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the VGS Super Tilt Bro Tournament for a bronze, silver, or gold charm)

    PARTICIPATE Game Night
    (participate in the specified number of VGS Game Nights)

    PARTICIPATE Werewolf
    (participate in the specified number of VGS Werewolf games)

    PARTICIPATE Survivor
    (participate in the specified number of VGS Survivor games)

    (create and post in a blog on VGS)


    (e.g. gaming tattoo)



    Here are the Badge Icons and names for each:

    1. COLLECTAmiibo.png.4aed2a97ae1733ced362da

      COLLECT - Toys to Life: Amiibo 1

    2. COLLECTAmiiboFullSet.png.8397b3ebdf78ce3

      COLLECT - Toys to Life: Amiibo 2

    3. COLLECTDisneyInfinity.png.73eb9cbb188798

      COLLECT - Toys to Life: Disney Infinity 1

    4. COLLECTDisneyInfinityFullSet.png.05f7b64

      COLLECT - Toys to Life: Disney Infinity 2

    5. COLLECTLegoDimensions.png.0b8dc929a90482

      COLLECT - Toys to Life: Lego Dimensions 1

    6. COLLECTLegoDimensionsFullSet.png.6b6f692

      COLLECT - Toys to Life: Lego Dimensions 2

    7. COLLECTSkylanders.png.99b3f259e81e954e79

      COLLECT - Toys to Life: Skylanders 1

    8. COLLECTSkylandersFullSet.png.2d0b0c2bde8

      COLLECT - Toys to Life: Skylanders 2

    9. COLLECTNintendoPower.png.68fe49c2953dca1

      COLLECT - Paper: Nintendo Power 1

    10. COLLECTNintendoPowerFullSet.png.75f5327f

      COLLECT - Paper: Nintendo Power 2

    11. COLLECTElectronicGamingMonthly.png.0e5ab

      COLLECT - Paper: Electronic Gaming Monthly 1

    12. COLLECTElectronicGamingMonthlyFullSet.pn

      COLLECT - Paper: Electronic Gaming Monthly 2

    13. COLLECTImports25.png.859aacefe7420be9baa

      COLLECT - Imports 25

    14. COLLECTImports50.png.524edcfc2ce1b5d821b

      COLLECT - Imports 50

    15. COLLECTImports100.png.d87a5b04012aeee3b6

      COLLECT - Imports 100

    16. COLLECTHomebrew10.png.559ddd42c41d562b63

      COLLECT - Homebrew 10

    17. COLLECTHomebrew25.png.90cb1c73ca9d4c5251

      COLLECT - Homebrew 25

    18. COLLECTHomebrew50.png.dcdea1138c95576238

      COLLECT - Homebrew 50

    19. COLLECTHomebrew100.png.57cd7b98be5fbe899

      COLLECT - Homebrew 100

    20. COLLECTMusicCart10.png.c0b40d860922195ae

      COLLECT - Music Cart 10

    21. COLLECTArcadeCabinet.png.d2b6b696f4666ab

      COLLECT - Hardware: Arcade Cabinet

    22. COLLECTKiosk.png.e7bbb1ed7c4ccd530449d22

      COLLECT - Hardware: Kiosk

    23. COLLECTNintendo64Funtastic.png.ea71fad06

      COLLECT - Hardware: Nintendo 64 Funtastic

    24. COLLECTNintendoPlayItLoud.png.4912c51f1e

      COLLECT - Hardware: Game Boy Play It Loud

    25. COLLECTPrototype.png.ced3c88c9768aaf4c56

      COLLECT - Prototype

    26. COLLECTRetailDisplay.png.911c4b011fbb7eb

      COLLECT - Signs: Retail Display

    27. CREATEHomebrewBrewer.png.1a15cf511018d80

      CREATE - Homebrew: Brewer

    28. CREATEHomebrewGraphicArtist.png.f69c9c1a

      CREATE - Homebrew: Graphic Artist

    29. image.png.5d6acf7ddfe494079472a0e7e7f802

      CREATE - Homebrew: Chiptune Artist

    30. CREATEHomebrewPublisher.png.9b69554932b8

      CREATE - Homebrew: Publisher

    31. CREATEHomebrewBrewCrew.png.3dd013f6af97e

      CREATE - Homebrew: Brew Crew

    32. PLAY-Completions-Atari2600.png.06c77e400

      PLAY - Completions: TurboGrafx-16 Participant

    33. PLAYBeatEveryNintendo642022.png.ffec8ee2

      PLAY - Completions: N64 2022 Participant

    34. PLAYBeatEveryNintendo642022Bronze.png.a8

      PLAY - Completions: N64 2022 Bronze

    35. PLAYBeatEveryNintendo642022Silver.png.aa

      PLAY - Completions: N64 2022 Silver

    36. PLAYBeatEveryNintendo642022Gold.png.f024

      PLAY - Completions: N64 2022 Gold

    37. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoGameBoy2021.png.1cf

      PLAY - Completions: Gameboy 2021 Participant

    38. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoGameBoy2022.png.546

      PLAY - Completions: Gameboy 2022 Participant

    39. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoGameBoyColor.png.bc

      PLAY - Completions: Gameboy Color Participant

    40. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoGameCube.png.f0ab56

      PLAY - Completions: Gamecube Participant

    41. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2020.png.39d3170

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2020 Participant

    42. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2020Bronze.png.b

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2020 Bronze

    43. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2020Silver.png.a

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2020 Silver

    44. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2020Gold.png.a71

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2020 Gold

    45. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2021.png.63d8eee

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2021 Participant

    46. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2021Bronze.png.a

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2021 Bronze

    47. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2021Silver.png.e

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2021 Silver

    48. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2021Gold.png.160

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2021 Gold

    49. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2022.png.9f2439c

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2022 Participant

    50. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2022Bronze.png.3

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2022 Bronze

    51. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2022Silver.png.3

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2022 Silver

    52. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoNES2022Gold.png.ccc

      PLAY - Completions: NES 2022 Gold

    53. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoSNES.png.1100763b55

      PLAY - Completions: SNES Participant

    54. PLAYBeatEveryNintendoSwitch.png.e3b242c9

      PLAY - Completions: Switch Participant

    55. PLAYBeatEverySegaGenesis.png.5840eded0f4

      PLAY - Completions: Genesis Participant

    56. PLAYBeatEverySegaSaturn.png.9245d1203830

      PLAY - Completions: Saturn Participant

    57. PLAYBeatEverySonyPlayStation.png.58d4d8b

      PLAY - Completions: PlayStation Participant

    58. PLAYBeatEverySonyPlayStation2.png.a189c9

      PLAY - Completions: PlayStation 2 Participant

    59. PLAYHomebrewContest2020.png.5f988f2eae17

      PLAY - Homebrew: 2020 Participant

    60. PLAYHomebrewContest2020Bronze.png.09855d

      PLAY - Homebrew: 2020 Bronze

    61. PLAYHomebrewContest2020Silver.png.80aa49

      PLAY - Homebrew: 2020 Silver

    62. PLAYHomebrewContest2020Gold.png.5894fd97

      PLAY - Homebrew: 2020 Gold

    63. PLAYLeaderboardHomebrew.png.57d00faa4ced

      PLAY - Leaderboard: Homebrew

    64. PLAYLeaderboardAtari2600.png.395da29415a

      PLAY - Leaderboard: Atari 2600

    65. PLAYLeaderboardVideoPinball.png.2d9b79a2

      PLAY - Leaderboard: Video Pinball

    66. PLAYLeaderboardBubbleBobble.png.be818eeb

      PLAY - Leaderboard: Bubble Bobble

    67. PLAYLeaderboardShootEmUps.png.2606750fd2

      PLAY - Leaderboard: Shoot Em Ups

    68. PLAYNESContest2019.png.ada013abff924dec4

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Participant

    69. PLAYNESContest2019Bronze.png.00285e8d9a6

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Bronze

    70. PLAYNESContest2019Silver.png.3ddcd4bee08

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Silver

    71. PLAYNESContest2019Gold.png.2a94ed859a386

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Gold

    72. PLAYNESContest2019TournamentWinner.png.e

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Tournament Winner

    73. PLAYNESContest2019GenrePlatformer.png.00

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Genre Platformer

    74. PLAYNESContest2019GenreArcade.png.b990f2

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Genre Arcade

    75. PLAYNESContest2019GenreShootEmUp.png.1b6

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Genre Shoot Em Up

    76. PLAYNESContest2019GenrePuzzle.png.30533e

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Genre Puzzle

    77. PLAYNESContest2019GenreBeatEmUp.png.fa37

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Genre Beat Em Up

    78. PLAYNESContest2019GenreSports.png.701ef4

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2019 Genre Sports

    79. PLAYNESContest2020.png.aec02f082d8b4039a

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Participant

    80. PLAYNESContest2020Bronze.png.996d567788b

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Bronze

    81. PLAYNESContest2020Silver.png.9fb7e515969

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Silver

    82. PLAYNESContest2020Gold.png.ac1abbf56140a

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Gold

    83. PLAYNESContest2020TournamentWinner.png.a

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Tournament Winner

    84. PLAYNESContest2020GenrePlatformer.png.34

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Genre Platformer

    85. PLAYNESContest2020GenreArcade.png.571ae4

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Genre Arcade

    86. PLAYNESContest2020GenreShootEmUp.png.a42

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Genre Shoot Em Up

    87. PLAYNESContest2020GenrePuzzle.png.6690e1

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Genre Puzzle

    88. PLAYNESContest2020GenreBeatEmUp.png.64f3

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Genre Beat Em Up

    89. PLAYNESContest2020GenreSports.png.fbe2bd

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2020 Genre Sports

    90. PLAYNESContest2021.png.263f4c58efcd3167c

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Participant

    91. PLAYNESContest2021Bronze.png.5b9580f66fb

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Bronze

    92. PLAYNESContest2021Silver.png.399bf585526

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Silver

    93. PLAYNESContest2021Gold.png.e8cf84b6dc9e6

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Gold

    94. PLAYNESContest2021TournamentWinner.png.e

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Tournament Winner

    95. PLAYNESContest2021GenrePlatformer.png.3b

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Genre Platformer

    96. PLAYNESContest2021GenreAction.png.7997a0

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Genre Action

    97. PLAYNESContest2021GenreArcade.png.64c029

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Genre Arcade

    98. PLAYNESContest2021GenreShootEmUp.png.b70

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Genre Shoot Em Up

    99. PLAYNESContest2021GenrePuzzle.png.618797

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Genre Puzzle

    100. PLAYNESContest2021GenreBeatEmUp.png.1bf7

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Genre Beat Em Up

    101. PLAYNESContest2021GenreSports.png.d8042e

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Genre Sports

    102. PLAYNESContest2021GenreRacing.png.bcd592

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2021 Genre Racing

    103. PLAYNESContest2022.png.5f8e4e338c28a361a

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Participant

    104. PLAYNESContest2022Bronze.png.cfff492f949

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Bronze

    105. PLAYNESContest2022Silver.png.96b131d69ed

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Silver

    106. PLAYNESContest2022Gold.png.5606042207df5

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Gold

    107. PLAYNESContest2022TournamentWinner.png.d

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Tournament Winner

    108. PLAYNESContest2022GenreAction.png.82cb55

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Genre Action

    109. PLAYNESContest2022GenreArcade.png.72e0bd

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Genre Arcade

    110. PLAYNESContest2022GenreShootEmUp.png.81c

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Genre Shoot Em Up

    111. PLAYNESContest2022GenrePuzzle.png.349457

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Genre Puzzle

    112. PLAYNESContest2022GenreBeatEmUp.png.55ab

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Genre Beat Em Up

    113. PLAYNESContest2022GenreSports.png.57032a

      PLAY - NES Contest: 2022 Genre Sports

    114. PLAYGenrePlatformer.png.1c52952598dd5e20

      PLAY - Genre: Platformer

    115. PLAYGenreAction.png.b300440f3d0cb3427ced

      PLAY - Genre: Action

    116. PLAYGenreArcade.png.095b98fd55ff761c49d8

      PLAY - Genre: Arcade

    117. PLAYGenreBeatEmUp.png.e0bb5773f122976202

      PLAY - Genre: Beat Em Up

    118. PLAYGenreFighting.png.890299f2704d015009

      PLAY - Genre: Fighting

    119. PLAYGenreFPS.png.b43fe755fce61ab8483b464

      PLAY - Genre: FPS

    120. PLAYGenreMOBA.png.3dc767476b3cecf8f15f7b

      PLAY - Genre: MOBA

    121. PLAYGenrePuzzle.png.b101a5cdc9216bdd119f

      PLAY - Genre: Puzzle

    122. PLAYGenreRacing.png.7d5a1100428147420d82

      PLAY - Genre: Racing

    123. PLAYGenreRPG.png.83dbea1f0d8e62fb2b18385

      PLAY - Genre: RPG

    124. PLAYGenreSandbox.png.ff7d76f16318b06abda

      PLAY - Genre: Sandbox

    125. PLAYGenreShootEmUp.png.f755a15501227f1ea

      PLAY - Genre: Shoot Em Up

    126. PLAYGenreSimulation.png.0eedc664254d2c24

      PLAY - Genre: Simulation

    127. PLAYGenreSports.png.0b379461fe1161013996

      PLAY - Genre: Sports

    128. PLAYGenreStrategy.png.51163640960d6df3a4

      PLAY - Genre: Strategy

    129. PLAYGenreSurvival.png.dc291beb88c172f97c

      PLAY - Genre: Survival

    130. PARTICIPATESubscriber.png.c53ecb4d2d2b59

      PARTICIPATE - Patron: Subscriber

    131. PARTICIPATESubscriberBronze.png.306b6e8c

      PARTICIPATE - Patron: Subscriber Bronze

    132. PARTICIPATESubscriberSilver.png.597887d4

      PARTICIPATE - Patron: Subscriber Silver

    133. PARTICIPATESubscriberGold.png.a839b8a176

      PARTICIPATE - Patron: Subscriber Gold

    134. PARTICIPATEHelpingHand.png.de6b62056cf58

      PARTICIPATE - Helping Hand

    135. PARTICIPATEMerchBuyer.png.d427402a03d969

      PARTICIPATE - Merch Buyer

    136. PARTICIPATEStaffService.png.23255db7cb69

      PARTICIPATE - Staff Service

    137. PARTICIPATEBingo2020Line.png.e97c2f50115

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2020 Line

    138. PARTICIPATEBingo2020X.png.c63061502fbd32

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2020 X

    139. PARTICIPATEBingo2020Blackout.png.9e2df67

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2020 Blackout

    140. PARTICIPATEBingo2020Play.png.6ac65edf978

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2020 Play

    141. PARTICIPATEBingo2020Collect.png.8e4775b5

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2020 Collect

    142. PARTICIPATEBingo2020Create.png.9b13a115d

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2020 Create

    143. PARTICIPATEBingo2021Halloween.png.286238

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2021 Halloween

    144. PARTICIPATEBingo2022Line.png.b3cdac610f5

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 Line

    145. PARTICIPATEBingo2022X.png.432111126f1f49

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 X

    146. PARTICIPATEBingo2022Blackout.png.946f0f9

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 Blackout

    147. PARTICIPATEBingo2022Square.png.b3644bef3

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 Square

    148. PARTICIPATEBingo2022Play.png.2ac994eb3c6

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 Play

    149. PARTICIPATEBingo2022Collect.png.c7c0a1a1

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 Collect

    150. PARTICIPATEBingo2022Create.png.a5eb1f6b1

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 Create

    151. PARTICIPATEBingo2022Engage.png.fa61e4f79

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 Engage

    152. PARTICIPATEBingo2022Repair.png.e71aab9fc

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2022 Repair

    153. PARTICIPATEValentines2022.png.00cea441f3

      PARTICIPATE - Holiday Contest: Valentines Day 2022 Participant

    154. PARTICIPATEValentines2022Winner.png.cdca

      PARTICIPATE - Holiday Contest: Valentines Day 2022 Winner

    155. PARTICIPATEStPatricks2022.png.2ae111bbf3

      PARTICIPATE - Holiday Contest: St. Patrick's Day 2022 Participant

    156. PARTICIPATEStPatricks2022Winner.png.1403

      PARTICIPATE - Holiday Contest: St. Patrick's Day 2022 Winner

    157. PARTICIPATEIndependenceDay2022.png.aa0a3

      PARTICIPATE - Holiday Contest: Independence Day 2022 Participant

    158. PARTICIPATEIndependenceDay2022Winner.png

      PARTICIPATE - Holiday Contest: Independence Day 2022 Winner

    159. PARTICIPATEHalloween2022.png.bd1ab365b52

      PARTICIPATE - Holiday Contest: Halloween 2022 Participant

    160. PARTICIPATEVideoMation2020GrandPrize.png

      PARTICIPATE - VideoMation: 2020 Grand Prize

    161. PARTICIPATEVideoMation2020BestOriginal.p

      PARTICIPATE - VideoMation: 2020 Best Original

    162. PARTICIPATEVideoMation2020BestGraphic.pn

      PARTICIPATE - VideoMation: 2020 Best Graphic

    163. PARTICIPATESuperTiltBro2022.png.6da6ce2b

      PARTICIPATE - Super Tilt Bro: 2022 Participant

    164. PARTICIPATESuperTiltBro2022Bronze.png.60

      PARTICIPATE - Super Tilt Bro: 2022 Bronze

    165. PARTICIPATESuperTiltBro2022Silver.png.6c

      PARTICIPATE - Super Tilt Bro: 2022 Silver

    166. PARTICIPATESuperTiltBro2022Gold.png.d995

      PARTICIPATE - Super Tilt Bro: 2022 Gold

    167. PARTICIPATEGameNight01.png.b78b36cf54b05

      PARTICIPATE - Game Night: Attend 1+

    168. PARTICIPATEGameNight05.png.7ab105c2968a1

      PARTICIPATE - Game Night: Attend 5+

    169. PARTICIPATEGameNight10.png.6c90dc8307f5c

      PARTICIPATE - Game Night: Attend 10+

    170. PARTICIPATEGameNight25.png.9d03891598f11

      PARTICIPATE - Game Night: Attend 25+

    171. PARTICIPATEWerewolf01.png.2f32c01f35ca5b

      PARTICIPATE - Werewolf: 1+ Games

    172. PARTICIPATEWerewolf05.png.d7674a882e3b94

      PARTICIPATE - Werewolf: 5+ Games

    173. PARTICIPATEWerewolf10.png.4480c27f6a95b4

      PARTICIPATE - Werewolf: 10+ Games

    174. PARTICIPATEWerewolf25.png.9d5d47bf890a82

      PARTICIPATE - Werewolf: 25+ Games

    175. PARTICIPATESurvivor01.png.2deb09587af6dd

      PARTICIPATE - Survivor: 1+ Games

    176. PARTICIPATESurvivor05.png.577fa248364b8a

      PARTICIPATE - Survivor: 5+ Games

    177. PARTICIPATESurvivor10.png.336261aadfa4fa

      PARTICIPATE - Survivor: 10+ Games

    178. PARTICIPATESurvivor25.png.6bcd88c7a220e3

      PARTICIPATE - Survivor: 25+ Games

    179. PARTICIPATEBlogger.png.3d176d27cd6aec312

      PARTICIPATE - Other: Blogger

    180. PARTICIPATEGamerTattoo.png.80f85031c9d4c

      PARTICIPATE - Other: Gamer Tattoo

    181. PARTICIPATEBacklog2022.png.077d59949f870

      PARTICIPATE - Backlog: 2022 Participant

    182. COLLECT3DO.png.a70bf9fecad6f17776d855023

      COLLECT - Systems: 3DO 50

    183. COLLECT3DOFullSet.png.82398097c27d753b01

      COLLECT - Systems: 3DO Fullset

    184. COLLECTAtari2600.png.7465e4cf783987c9fcf

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari 2600 50

    185. COLLECTAtari2600FullSet.png.3cbda5c1bb19

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari 2600 Fullset

    186. COLLECTAtari5200.png.70b1703e437d0f9553f

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari 5200 50

    187. COLLECTAtari5200FullSet.png.12c56386049e

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari 5200 Fullset

    188. COLLECTAtari7800.png.82eb51a3c05abac4b39

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari 7800 50

    189. COLLECTAtari7800FullSet.png.3cb6bcb5c71d

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari 7800 Fullset

    190. COLLECTAtariJaguar.png.fcbe5a1004d7f7363

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari Jaguar 50

    191. COLLECTAtariJaguarFullSet.png.3c2d6960b2

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari Jaguar Fullset

    192. COLLECTAtariJaguarCD.png.48cd6fff461f7e4

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari Jaguar CD 50

    193. COLLECTAtariJaguarCDFullSet.png.7a9629cd

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari Jaguar CD Fullset

    194. COLLECTAtariLynx.png.7ff3032859cfffa3dde

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari Lynx 50

    195. COLLECTAtariLynxFullSet.png.dbd900063b04

      COLLECT - Systems: Atari Lynx Fullset

    196. COLLECTBallyAstrocade.png.75c5a8f345f3dc

      COLLECT - Systems: Bally Astrocade 50

    197. COLLECTBallyAstrocadeFullSet.png.99853e7

      COLLECT - Systems: Bally Astrocade Fullset

    198. COLLECTBandaiWonderswan.png.e87b3fa8580f

      COLLECT - Systems: Bandai Wonderswan 50

    199. COLLECTBandaiWonderswanFullSet.png.3b46e

      COLLECT - Systems: Bandai Wonderswan Fullset

    200. COLLECTColecoColecovision.png.33f7ce94ba

      COLLECT - Systems: Coleco Colecovision 50

    201. COLLECTColecoColecovisionFullSet.png.c8a

      COLLECT - Systems: Coleco Colecovision Fullset

    202. COLLECTFairchildChannelF.png.ac8a2e11849

      COLLECT - Systems: Fairchild Channel F 50

    203. COLLECTFairchildChannelFFullSet.png.8b96

      COLLECT - Systems: Fairchild Channel F Fullset

    204. COLLECTFuntechSuperACan.png.771a5ac5b47b

      COLLECT - Systems: Funtech Super ACan 50

    205. COLLECTFuntechSuperACanFullSet.png.a46ef

      COLLECT - Systems: Funtech Super ACan Fullset

    206. COLLECTMagnavoxOdyssey2.png.9caba1d68c4c

      COLLECT - Systems: Magnavox Odyssey 2 50

    207. COLLECTMagnavoxOdyssey2FullSet.png.f8782

      COLLECT - Systems: Magnavox Odyssey 2 Fullset

    208. COLLECTMattelIntellivision.png.c9d8febcf

      COLLECT - Systems: Mattel Intellivision 50

    209. COLLECTMattelIntellivisionFullSet.png.8b

      COLLECT - Systems: Mattel Intellivision Fullset

    210. COLLECTMicrosoftXBox.png.71e9809d9e7b2cd

      COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox 50

    211. COLLECTMicrosoftXBoxFullSet.png.54c643e7

      COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox Fullset

    212. COLLECTMicrosoftXBox360.png.eee79ce78ef4

      COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox 360 50

    213. COLLECTMicrosoftXBox360FullSet.png.7a614

      COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox 360 Fullset

    214. COLLECTMicrosoftXBoxOne.png.d61a882deef7

      COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox One 50

    215. COLLECTMicrosoftXBoxOneFullSet.png.eac00

      COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox One Fullset

    216. COLLECTMicrosoftXBoxSeriesX-S.png.771579

      COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox Series X-S 50

    217. COLLECTMicrosoftXBoxSeriesX-SFullSet.png

      COLLECT - Systems: Microsoft XBox Series X-S Fullset

    218. COLLECTNECPCEngine.png.598942e7faa128bcf

      COLLECT - Systems: NEC PC Engine 50

    219. COLLECTNECPCEngineFullSet.png.b5ca98c43c

      COLLECT - Systems: NEC PC Engine Fullset

    220. COLLECTNECPCEngineCD.png.cb8d33383aa16c2

      COLLECT - Systems: NEC PC Engine CD 50

    221. COLLECTNECPCEngineCDFullSet.png.0d03a03a

      COLLECT - Systems: NEC PC Engine CD Fullset

    222. COLLECTNECTurboGrafx-16.png.a8127bcfa22f

      COLLECT - Systems: NEC TurboGrafx-16 50

    223. COLLECTNECTurboGrafx-16FullSet.png.c53d6

      COLLECT - Systems: NEC TurboGrafx-16 Fullset

    224. COLLECTNECTurboGrafxCD.png.b7689591b6239

      COLLECT - Systems: NEC TurboGrafx CD 50

    225. COLLECTNECTurboGrafxCDFullSet.png.6c3e5a

      COLLECT - Systems: NEC TurboGrafx CD Fullset

    226. COLLECTNintendo3DS.png.935a78143d5173a3b

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo 3DS 50

    227. COLLECTNintendo3DSFullSet.png.9217cd2022

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo 3DS Fullset

    228. COLLECTNintendo64.png.a57b2017c305a39612

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo 64 50

    229. COLLECTNintendo64FullSet.png.8c35f6c4ca1

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo 64 Fullset

    230. COLLECTNintendoDS.png.fdfa2ece45a0beebc4

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo DS 50

    231. COLLECTNintendoDSFullSet.png.206b3e4176c

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo DS Fullset

    232. COLLECTNintendoFamicom.png.ca007b52545ed

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Famicom 50

    233. COLLECTNintendoFamicomFullSet.png.fb3ad5

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Famicom Fullset

    234. COLLECTNintendoFamicomDiskSystem.png.18f

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Famicom Disk System 50

    235. COLLECTNintendoFamicomDiskSystemFullSet.

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Famicom Disk System Fullset

    236. COLLECTNintendoGameBoy.png.13669e1a5ba4a

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy 50

    237. COLLECTNintendoGameBoyFullSet.png.691a0c

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy Fullset

    238. COLLECTNintendoGameBoyAdvance.png.3d66de

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy Advance 50

    239. COLLECTNintendoGameBoyAdvanceFullSet.png

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy Advance Fullset

    240. COLLECTNintendoGameBoyAdvanceeReader.png

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy Advance eReader 50

    241. COLLECTNintendoGameBoyAdvanceeReaderFull

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy Advance eReader Fullset

    242. COLLECTNintendoGameBoyColor.png.bfb1bf28

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy Color 50

    243. COLLECTNintendoGameBoyColorFullSet.png.9

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy Color Fullset

    244. COLLECTNintendoGameCube.png.abaf9faa4df6

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo GameCube 50

    245. COLLECTNintendoGameCubeFullSet.png.0f4c2

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo GameCube Fullset

    246. COLLECTNintendoNES.png.f46f096da822acf10

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo NES 50

    247. COLLECTNintendoNESFullSet.png.e8eec93c40

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo NES Fullset

    248. COLLECTNintendoSNES.png.9a82faa4dde21d4c

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo SNES 50

    249. COLLECTNintendoSNESFullSet.png.d9448253f

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo SNES Fullset

    250. COLLECTNintendoSuperFamicom.png.cca9a68d

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Super Famicom 50

    251. COLLECTNintendoSuperFamicomFullSet.png.9

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Super Famicom Fullset

    252. COLLECTNintendoSwitch.png.85b4d6403e3cde

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Switch 50

    253. COLLECTNintendoSwitchFullSet.png.7ae3d94

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Switch Fullset

    254. COLLECTNintendoVirtualBoy.png.14fd33f782

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Virtual Boy 50

    255. COLLECTNintendoVirtualBoyFullSet.png.4eb

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Virtual Boy Fullset

    256. COLLECTNintendoWii.png.31b5024b3894fd8fe

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Wii 50

    257. COLLECTNintendoWiiFullSet.png.fe5fb55219

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Wii Fullset

    258. COLLECTNintendoWiiU.png.505573c3106eb0ab

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Wii U 50

    259. COLLECTNintendoWiiUFullSet.png.629104cdc

      COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Wii U Fullset

    260. COLLECTNokiaNGage.png.965fcf9dfd34f479e0

      COLLECT - Systems: Nokia NGage 50

    261. COLLECTNokiaNGageFullSet.png.f82f71e1a09

      COLLECT - Systems: Nokia NGage Fullset

    262. COLLECTPhillipsCDi.png.c5de99851259f270e

      COLLECT - Systems: Phillips CDi 50

    263. COLLECTPhillipsCDiFullSet.png.961deb20a9

      COLLECT - Systems: Phillips CDi Fullset

    264. COLLECTRCAStudioII.png.69643560d228bc660

      COLLECT - Systems: RCA Studio II 50

    265. COLLECTRCAStudioIIFullSet.png.ab53982375

      COLLECT - Systems: RCA Studio II Fullset

    266. COLLECTSega32X.png.ef32488716865454f75dc

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega 32X 50

    267. COLLECTSega32XFullSet.png.1e9d98aa8eb2ea

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega 32X Fullset

    268. COLLECTSegaCD.png.b77dd54bd1936c98bd1fbe

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega CD 50

    269. COLLECTSegaCDFullSet.png.3564ec340bd5996

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega CD Fullset

    270. COLLECTSegaDreamcast.png.9ef52af79a030b8

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Dreamcast 50

    271. COLLECTSegaDreamcastFullSet.png.918aeda2

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Dreamcast Fullset

    272. COLLECTSegaGameGear.png.d1c5b110f6a4cd13

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Game Gear 50

    273. COLLECTSegaGameGearFullSet.png.15d7bd683

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Game Gear Fullset

    274. COLLECTSegaGenesis.png.5bd81cf7ccf3f3f72

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Genesis 50

    275. COLLECTSegaGenesisFullSet.png.7e20ac3167

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Genesis Fullset

    276. COLLECTSegaMasterSystem.png.9352f32debd5

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Master System 50

    277. COLLECTSegaMasterSystemFullSet.png.03a21

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Master System Fullset

    278. COLLECTSegaPico.png.a7861f683ecc0bda683d

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Pico 50

    279. COLLECTSegaPicoFullSet.png.d750952174299

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Pico Fullset

    280. COLLECTSegaSaturn.png.cf79e726ca9bafe17d

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Saturn 50

    281. COLLECTSegaSaturnFullSet.png.89d4d839ef8

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega Saturn Fullset

    282. COLLECTSegaSG-1000.png.7bcbe93d34204f0be

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega SG-1000 50

    283. COLLECTSegaSG-1000FullSet.png.5bcff93cba

      COLLECT - Systems: Sega SG-1000 Fullset

    284. COLLECTSmithEngineeringVectrex.png.fc537

      COLLECT - Systems: Smith Engineering Vectrex 50

    285. COLLECTSmithEngineeringVectrexFullSet.pn

      COLLECT - Systems: Smith Engineering Vectrex Fullset

    286. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoAES.png.2db13ebf0e80c1db

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo AES 50

    287. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoAESFullSet.png.971c97115

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo AES Fullset

    288. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoCD.png.3332d8b8f68ddd0ee

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo CD 50

    289. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoCDFullSet.png.d1fd5753b3

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo CD Fullset

    290. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoPocket.png.4fbbf4618c542

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo Pocket 50

    291. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoPocketFullSet.png.62b6dd

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo Pocket Fullset

    292. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoPocketColor.png.30b55ce0

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color 50

    293. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoPocketColorFullSet.png.0

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Fullset

    294. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoMVS.png.f10578735e1fc7e6

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo MVS 50

    295. COLLECTSNKNeoGeoMVSFullSet.png.9d8eb5a8b

      COLLECT - Systems: SNK Neo Geo MVS Fullset

    296. COLLECTSonyPlayStation.png.bb73ca07415c4

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 50

    297. COLLECTSonyPlayStationFullSet.png.55174c

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation Fullset

    298. COLLECTSonyPlayStation2.png.9e7574485a59

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 2 50

    299. COLLECTSonyPlayStation2FullSet.png.49cc6

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 2 Fullset

    300. COLLECTSonyPlayStation3.png.20ed435933b8

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 3 50

    301. COLLECTSonyPlayStation3FullSet.png.b430e

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 3 Fullset

    302. COLLECTSonyPlayStation4.png.a63103990498

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 4 50

    303. COLLECTSonyPlayStation4FullSet.png.6f069

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 4 Fullset

    304. COLLECTSonyPlayStation5.png.ca4b394c4b7d

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 5 50

    305. COLLECTSonyPlayStation5FullSet.png.b68c8

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 5 Fullset

    306. COLLECTSonyPSP.png.b2f608b8b8fd6a246ffec

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PSP 50

    307. COLLECTSonyPSPFullSet.png.876f59c99a3e05

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PSP Fullset

    308. COLLECTSonyPSVita.png.34571a17a17f1b8492

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PSVita 50

    309. COLLECTSonyPSVitaFullSet.png.e67c5bb2cf1

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PSVita Fullset

    310. COLLECTSonyPSVR.png.cdda096e77670ec2dade

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PSVR 50

    311. COLLECTSonyPSVRFullSet.png.ae08914e98972

      COLLECT - Systems: Sony PSVR Fullset

    312. COLLECTTigerGame-com.png.1d2646e3e3aa0e1

      COLLECT - Systems: Tiger Game-com 50

    313. COLLECTTigerGame-comFullSet.png.7d1a3bec

      COLLECT - Systems: Tiger Game-com Fullset

    314. COLLECTWorldsofWonderActionMax.png.bda23

      COLLECT - Systems: Worlds of Wonder Action Max 50

    315. COLLECTWorldsofWonderActionMaxFullSet.pn

      COLLECT - Systems: Worlds of Wonder Action Max Fullset

    316. PLAY3DO.png.64f69cf9c333034f6a15f87aceb8

      PLAY - Games: 3DO

    317. PLAYAtari2600.png.e8cf1fd2c2d4f6bf65993c

      PLAY - Games: Atari 2600

    318. PLAYAtari5200.png.f09fb63bcd93a37d2bab69

      PLAY - Games: Atari 5200

    319. PLAYAtari7800.png.7755bc4017b8db3cca1186

      PLAY - Games: Atari 7800

    320. PLAYAtariJaguar.png.33d147d2d0dc926862ad

      PLAY - Games: Atari Jaguar

    321. PLAYAtariLynx.png.2c3cb2e61a723e33cbe973

      PLAY - Games: Atari Lynx

    322. PLAYBallyAstrocade.png.13397175c60adddf0

      PLAY - Games: Bally Astrocade

    323. PLAYBandaiWonderswan.png.815a12747489cef

      PLAY - Games: Bandai Wonderswan

    324. PLAYColecoColecovision.png.de1fd4c0a12c2

      PLAY - Games: Coleco Colecovision

    325. PLAYFairchildChannelF.png.f407f3441d1b03

      PLAY - Games: Fairchild Channel F

    326. PLAYFuntechSuperACan.png.db48a1f7fa86d9f

      PLAY - Games: Funtech Super ACan

    327. PLAYMagnavoxOdyssey2.png.38060d2a0ae08fd

      PLAY - Games: Magnavox Odyssey 2

    328. PLAYMattelTelevision.png.e40117aa6a49285

      PLAY - Games: Mattel Television

    329. PLAYMicrosoftXBox.png.082a62201adf5be5e7

      PLAY - Games: Microsoft XBox

    330. PLAYMicrosoftXBox360.png.d9b5d7baae89877

      PLAY - Games: Microsoft XBox 360

    331. PLAYMicrosoftXBoxOne.png.f45236a479c4f61

      PLAY - Games: Microsoft XBox One

    332. PLAYMicrosoftXBoxSeriesX-S.png.a9bf6e821

      PLAY - Games: Microsoft XBox Series X-S

    333. PLAYNECPCEngine.png.f3678699b867a14e2e31

      PLAY - Games: NEC PC Engine

    334. PLAYNECTurboGrafx-16.png.95c684b8bc91318

      PLAY - Games: NEC TurboGrafx-16

    335. PLAYNintendo3DS.png.314c52feb75c5f408ffa

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo 3DS

    336. PLAYNintendo64.png.935ca0d5ce713ab9fe77d

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo 64

    337. PLAYNintendoDS.png.3359d30abb1f4ae0796d6

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo DS

    338. PLAYNintendoFamicom.png.8fca689c0101063c

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Famicom

    339. PLAYNintendoGameBoy.png.a0d6edcd261b326d

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Game Boy

    340. PLAYNintendoGameBoyAdvance.png.e5d96bb5c

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Game Boy Advance

    341. PLAYNintendoGameBoyColor.png.1358bd56437

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Game Boy Color

    342. PLAYNintendoGameCube.png.8282b7ef6180036

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo GameCube

    343. PLAYNintendoNES.png.ba441d50f8366540681a

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo NES

    344. PLAYNintendoSNES.png.116d9de8cd19bb341f4

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo SNES

    345. PLAYNintendoSuperFamicom.png.cef0501318a

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Super Famicom

    346. PLAYNintendoSwitch.png.735f6389e6cc14f9b

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Switch

    347. PLAYNintendoVirtualBoy.png.6f0c2a5b4b4a0

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Virtual Boy

    348. PLAYNintendoWii.png.1c302f3e4564f70c9a8b

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Wii

    349. PLAYNintendoWiiU.png.87115c3f83eb3200272

      PLAY - Games: Nintendo Wii U

    350. PLAYNokiaNGage.png.62ec9d69c2ec446e502bb

      PLAY - Games: Nokia NGage

    351. PLAYPhillipsCDi.png.3d7f246b682eb2940ee7

      PLAY - Games: Phillips CDi

    352. PLAYRCAStudioII.png.35abb6f983442c3c4a3a

      PLAY - Games: RCA Studio II

    353. PLAYSegaDreamcast.png.f5913193a91df6e3ac

      PLAY - Games: Sega Dreamcast

    354. PLAYSegaGameGear.png.b0d0cda928928112fc0

      PLAY - Games: Sega Game Gear

    355. PLAYSegaGenesis.png.e806238c466f2849d12c

      PLAY - Games: Sega Genesis

    356. PLAYSegaMasterSystem.png.b94174bf1ffbe28

      PLAY - Games: Sega Master System

    357. PLAYSegaPico.png.22e304877f9b9d79d6911e3

      PLAY - Games: Sega Pico

    358. PLAYSegaSaturn.png.837b34da3f6cdbe347cd4

      PLAY - Games: Sega Saturn

    359. PLAYSegaSG-1000.png.da8184095786f165e9de

      PLAY - Games: Sega SG-1000

    360. PLAYSmithEngineeringVectrex.png.402a7f9e

      PLAY - Games: Smith Engineering Vectrex

    361. PLAYSNKNeoGeo.png.1a01e45a06a22b13226e2f

      PLAY - Games: SNK Neo Geo

    362. PLAYSNKNeoGeoCD.png.ad5d6338423e60331370

      PLAY - Games: SNK Neo Geo CD

    363. PLAYSNKNeoGeoPocket.png.e046a4a83295652c

      PLAY - Games: SNK Neo Geo Pocket

    364. PLAYSNKNeoGeoPocketColor.png.e8de942acf2

      PLAY - Games: SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color

    365. PLAYSonyPlayStation.png.565494b316602734

      PLAY - Games: Sony PlayStation

    366. PLAYSonyPlayStation2.png.cc5127a42c27fd3

      PLAY - Games: Sony PlayStation 2

    367. PLAYSonyPlayStation3.png.7161925d8a195ff

      PLAY - Games: Sony PlayStation 3

    368. PLAYSonyPlayStation4.png.4e337b2fa64e311

      PLAY - Games: Sony PlayStation 4

    369. PLAYSonyPlayStation5.png.28bf1570d3009dc

      PLAY - Games: Sony PlayStation 5

    370. PLAYSonyPSP.png.8bddd56abee45da7e153ec0a

      PLAY - Games: Sony PSP

    371. PLAYSonyPSVita.png.1b97e6d29518a4ac62de9

      PLAY - Games: Sony PSVita

    372. PLAYSonyPSVR.png.c46edb69e1a9cec25ecaded

      PLAY - Games: Sony PSVR

    373. PLAYTigerGame-com.png.0c03f14ce12f0e17be

      PLAY - Games: Tiger Game-com

    374. PLAYWorldsofWonderActionMax.png.48053ce1

      PLAY - Games: Worlds of Wonder Action Max

    375. PARTICIPATEBingo2020Square.png.bb62dfc56

      PARTICIPATE - Bingo: 2020 Square

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