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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

Game Boy homebrew (part 2)

So I went ahead and bought Retroid and Infinitron for Game Boy. I don't know if Infinitron can be playable on a regular Game Boy or not because the website's screenshots were in color, which I guess is okay since I have a Game Boy Color, but I am looking for stuff to play on just a regular Game Boy. As I understood and gathered, Retroid is similar to Arkanoid and Infinitron is similar to Robotron 2084. Hopefully Retroid will be better than my Game Boy games Super Breakout and Alleyway. But there


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Game Boy homebrew

Where can I buy physical copies of homebrew games for the Game Boy? I've been working on GoSub and it's making me want to try out some other Game Boy homebrew games. I made a couple of changes to the border. I think it looks better. I also made the sub fall apart when it crashes. It adds a touch of realism instead of just stopping when it crashes. But I think of the poor crew drowning when I hit something when I test it now. Also, would anyone like to publish it when it's done? Th


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Game Boy dolphin

So it's a unusually hot October day. It got to be 85 here today for some reason. So this got me thinking about tropics. And how they're as hot as deserts. So in the last screen of level 3, I merged the two. I put palm trees and a dolphin jumping in and out of one of three random ponds. How a dolphin can fit in that tiny pond, I don't know. I was having trouble trying to draw a dolphin. Attempt #1 looked good, but I forgot that white=transparent so it couldn't work. So I changed the white parts t


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Game Boy Burgers

Well, let's see. We have Burgertime, we have...um...that's about it. Until now. I began a quest yesterday to see if I could port Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland to Game Boy. The game originally was on the Game Gear, and I made a Virtual Boy version, and I made an NES version. So now I am attempting this Game Boy version. It's really hard to draw a hamburger, a milkshake, and, well, just about anything using only 3 colors. That's the trouble I had with the Virtual Boy version. I worked on it s


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank underwater

I've been working on Frank the Fruit Fly again. I've got three screens done since October 1, my last blog entry. Also, I got my 5200 in the mail yesterday but I can't test it because I need the special rf switchbox and a controller. I spent big, getting a refurbished 5200 controller instead of all those UNTESTED ones on eBay. Question: If you're selling controllers for a console, why not just take the time to actually test them? Because if you don't have the console, how did you get a


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly: Igloo.

I had to get rid of the spider web screen. I worked on the game all last night. I got bank 1's compiling time from around 2-3 minutes down to 35 seconds or so. And I fixed some other things as well. And I began level 2 work. Here's Frank in level 2 in front of an igloo. In order to pass this screen, Frank will go into the igloo and push a button located inside. But I haven't gotten that far yet. I just started work on level 2. The next thing I want to work on is composing music for lev


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly for Game Boy

The time is right. Game Boy deserves Frank the Fruit Fly. I've begun working on a Game Boy version of Frank the Fruit Fly. I made a Pokemon Mini version, which turned out to be the second-largest Pokemon Mini homebrew game ever made. But it had problems. I couldn't get it to save anything, so I had to resort to passwords. Second, the tiny screen didn't allow for more elaborate things, like, say, quotes. To talk to a thing that can be talked to, go up to it and press B. There are o


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly box

The gnome thing for the celery game was not going to work. The speed of the gnomes got slower whenever the celery was moving and sped up again when he wasn't. I think that was a sign of me trying to put too much code into the game. I was really bored yesterday. I decided to see if I could make a box for my Game Boy game. I got a template for a GB box. Yesterday I worked on the front and today I worked on the back. This is the front I designed: I debated a long time against myself


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the fruit fly - changes.

I thought "I have some unused background tiles, so why not try to make the title screen a bit nicer?" So that's what I did. I replaced the text with the title spelled out using background tiles. I think it looks better. Especially since it wasn't centered with the text. Well, this isn't exactly centered either, since the title I wrote couldn't be, it's off by 1 pixel, but it still looks centered enough. I made contact with a guy who released my Virtual Boy game who says he may be able


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly - 8/2/2022

I changed the font. I didn't like the one I had in there. I replaced the not working spider web screen with a couple of new ones. One has Frank dodging a bee. If the bee stings Frank, he'll lose health and another bee will come out of the  beehive and go after him. The other has two flowers. Frank must go on the ground between the two flowers and press A to unlock the way out of level 1. I don't know how hard it will be to figure out that's what you must do, though. I also fixed a


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly - 11/30/2022

It's the last day of November. The wind and rain is sure coming around now. Electricity kept. So I worked on Frank the Fruit Fly again. I put in an idea I had where Frank moves right automatically and you need to move the trees out of Frank's way. So I did that. I wasn't sure how this screen idea would turn out, but it turned out pretty good I think. There's lots of unused space, the bottom half isn't used for anything, which is kind of weird, but I had to do it this way so it would be


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly - 11/25/2022

Last night I worked feverishly to put in a sound when Frank lost some health. This must be the last major change I can make to the game, since I have to do stuff like that bank by bank and bank 2 only has 200 bytes left in it! I think putting any more code there would make bank 2 overflow into bank 3 and cause tons of problems, like crashing the game. The one thing I had trouble with (the fading out of level 2, it broke for some reason) got fixed finally earlier today (I woke up at about 6 p.m.)


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly - 11/23/2022

I began work on level 6 of Frank the Fruit Fly. I was angered by the amount of time spent compiling. So I decided to try to do it myself after asking for help. That way, if I fail to do it myself, I can still have asked for it. Bank 0 was taking about 2 1/2 minutes alone to compile. So I broke up a giant switch statement into various void functions. That worked, believe it or not. It now was all speedy. But then I had to get rid of the kinks. For example, if I selected "new game" with no pr


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the fruit fly - 11/20/2022

Today finds me spending part of my time awake working on Frank the Fruit Fly. Frank must pass through these walls on the roof (I don't know why there's walls on the roof except to impede Frank!) while avoiding those pesky bigger flies. I think they should be called moths, though. And with this, level 5 is finished. Bank 5 (where level 5 data is) is only 10% free, so I will make a level 6, an ending, and a game over screen, and then call it done. I still have not run into the game crash


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank in the desert.

Last time we left Frank the Fruit Fly, he was wandering in the desert. I've been working on the game these past few days. I aded a couple of screens to the game. For some reason, the game broke so I had to fix it again. Everything seems to be working again...for now.   I'm almost done with level 3. I'd like to add an oasis with a fish jumping out of a pond that Frank must avoid. That will serve as a prelude to level 4: the ocean. It's like the Pokemon Mini version, where instead o


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank dries off

Today is the big day: I'm supposed to get my 5200 RF switch. After a couple weeks of my 5200 console sitting on the floor, I can finally hook it up and see if it works. I have an AC adapter, I have a console, I have a controller, I have a couple of games (Galaxian should be great for testing the "refurbished" controller I bought) So I should be all set for when it comes. In the meantime, I worked on Frank the Fruit Fly again. Level 4 has been completed and work began on level 5. I composed


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Fixing things.

So I had to give up on my Frank the Fruit Fly game. But I had an idea about maybe fixing it while I was trying to go to sleep last night. So I got up and a couple of hours later it was working again. Although it automatically saved when you got to a new level for some reason even though I didn't tell it to. The problem was it was saving automatically after all screens, something I didn't want it to do. I want players to decide when they save by pressing Select. Oh well. I guess it's good it


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Exploring my game

While working on Golden Pineapples, I've discovered that the puzzles I make usually have more than one solution, especially since you don't need to clear a pineapple to jump. Well, I made that because I thought Lazlos' Leap is too hard. I spent at least half an hour trying to solve one of their puzzles. So I go back and found a bug for some reason it showed an extra pineapple in puzzle #3 after completing level #4. I was working backwards through the puzzles. I think I fixed that problem, b


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ending works.

Yesterday I worked on the ending. I put it in. I composed music for it and put it in. Went to sleep early because I was sleepy for some reason. I woke up 12 hours later. I tested everything. It works great now. If you want to test the game, PM me. I will respond faster on AtariAge since I'm on there more. I will have to give a link since we can't put attachments in PMs here for some reason. I'm not going to put an image of the ending here because I want people to play the game for themselve


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Designing Men

Well, man anyway. (Although I'm fat enough to be considered two men.) I did it. I designed the final level of Ugly Uppity Umpire for Game Boy. Now it has 50 levels. I started last October, so it took about a year of off and on work to design them. Like about one level per week. Although I made the last two levels today. Now what I need to do is make some sort of ending and I'd like to put in a Super Game Boy border. I have room enough to do both since I have two unused banks left. It's been


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Dabbling with Game Boy Color

I finally got around to dabbling in Game Boy Color coding. My goal was to see if I could make a lemon yellow when it was on a GBC, and light gray on a normal GB. Mission accomplished:   I also put in a red color. There's also a third, which is brown. The goal of the game I want to make is make it like Fast Food only have the food go from left to right AND right to left, AND up and down as well. The history teacher is only wanting to eat lemons while avoiding the hamburgers. I want the


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Cursor working

So I woke up at about 11 p.m. or so. I immediately went to work on this after getting up, eating breakfast and taking my pills. It took about two hours or so, but I finally got a grid and a cursor that moves around. The problems were related to how to convert the numbers of the cursor's x and y position so they could be used in the lookup table I made for the grid. One difference between "Lazlo's Leap" and this game are seen even though it's very VERY early on (and may not get finished


Gamegearguy in Game Boy


Ugly Uppity Umpire is complete (unless I find any more bugs.) Worked on the ending today and spent most of my waking hours discovering and fixing bugs I had come across. And now since it's after midnight, and I had played all the levels (except for 13. I hate the snails, and this level is full of them!) I think I may be done. So what's next? Testing it on a real Game Boy. I tested this on my Super Game Boy. I'll do that when I get up. It's after midnight and I need to go to sleep soon. Here is a


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Changes to Frank the Fruit Fly.

First off, I managed to put in the wanderer enemy in Robot Ron in 2084. But I've decided to take a small break from that. I moved on to the Game Boy. While having an insomnia bout, I managed to get in a Super Game Boy border to Frank the Fruit Fly. Then I slept about all day Saturday. I made some more changes to that game after I woke up. I changed the title screen after realizing there was no copyright date on the game. I also changed the music in level 2 because it sounded quite weird wit


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Boss beginning

My stomach still hurts. It's not so much my stomach, it's more hemmorhoids. I've tried various things to ease the pain. Neosporin, Trader Joe's skin cream. I'm going to try petroleum jelly next. I wish I could stop needing to poop so it can heal more. To try to get my mind off it, I've been programming the beginning of the final boss battle in Frank the Fruit Fly. Level 6 couldn't go on much longer, I only had 17% of bank 6 free. So I decided to put the final boss fight in bank 7. Bank 7 is my l


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

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