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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

Sound effects...but no music

I've been working on my Hamburgers game for the Commodore 64. I was able to put in a few simple sound effects, but now there's no background music for the levels. I don't know whether that's a good thing or not, but that's the way it will have to be for now since I don't understand Commodore 64 sound. I made the background light blue again instead of the cyan color I switched it to. I agree - you can see the enemies better with these colors. Next I will begin work on level 2. I don't know h


Gamegearguy in Commodore 64

Burgers on the fourth of July

I'm torn. Should I keep the sky color like it was or change it to this: It looks more sky-like, but is it kind of hard to see the enemies? I also worked on a Game over screen. Which has got to be the lamest Game Over screen in the entire world. Even still, this was really hard to program. At least it has the standard death music on it. Plus, keep in mind that I'm a beginner at Commodore 64 assembly, so I don't know much yet. In fact, I'm impressed with what I've done so


Gamegearguy in Commodore 64

Commodore 64

The Commodore 64 was the first computer I ever had. I was around 2 at the time. We had it until Dad sold it and got me and my sister an NES. Years later, a few years ago, I saw a Commodore 64 at a local video game shop. I bought it. I didn't do anything much with it. I tried programming it, but it was really hard to do if you're not used to it. Well, I found a Commodore 64 game in my mess of my room. So I thought I'd try programming it again. Eventually I got this on the screen. I deci


Gamegearguy in Commodore 64

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