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Frank underwater



I've been working on Frank the Fruit Fly again. I've got three screens done since October 1, my last blog entry.


Also, I got my 5200 in the mail yesterday but I can't test it because I need the special rf switchbox and a controller. I spent big, getting a refurbished 5200 controller instead of all those UNTESTED ones on eBay. Question: If you're selling controllers for a console, why not just take the time to actually test them? Because if you don't have the console, how did you get a controller for it? So why did I get a 5200? I found that most of the emulation does not work for it. One emulator flat out refused to work at all: I got an error message saying it wouldn't work on my PC. Makes one wonder how there's various other emulators for old consoles (like Game Boy).

In the screen I posted, the pipes don't go anywhere, they instead flush Frank down towards the dangerous spikes at the bottom of the sea.


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