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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

Virtual Boy Casino (part 2)

So I cleaned up the pictures and tried a different color scheme. I sort of inverted some colors. I got this: The games on the menu are more readable imo. Thoughts? As for the s after the apostrophe, I was taught that you needed the s, even when the ending of the word was s. So even though that would make something like "Boss's Day" look weird, it would be correct. But who knows for sure? And yes, I added Keno. But instead of 20 numbers, I dialed it back to 10 to make it

Virtual Boy Casino

I made a VB game of casino games a long time ago. It wasn't spectacular, but it worked. I ran across it while I was going through my old files on my computer. The code to get random numbers was really wonky, so I decided to fix it. The random numbers seem more random, but I just can't seem to avoid doing bad in video poker, even though the numbers of the cads are more random than they were. I discovered a problem with Blackjack that I think I have fixed yesterday. Then I took a nap. The nap

Island Issues

Work resumes on Minigame Mayhem. I didn't feel like doing anything else, so I figured I might as well work on this. It's a clone of the Game and Watch game Manhole, which I discovered in the Game and Watch Gallery for GB. The plan is to make 12 minigames. Six minigames to start with. Each minigame has another minigame to unlock when a certain score is reached. I finished the six minigames, and am working on making the unlockable minigames. This will be minigame #8 and it's almost done


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy


While I'm trying to think of some new ideas, I thought I'd look back on Minigame Mayhem's first couple of games and see if I can change them and make them better. Today I took "Cartful Dodger" and made it better. I made it go faster every ten points until it gets its fastest at 90. I also changed the peoples' graphics a little. It now looks like this: I also changed the menu a little to show that you have the ability to unlock some. If you try to open a locked game, a buzz


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Upmonster for Virtual Boy

So awhile back, I made an Intellivision game called "Upmonsters" about a group of monsters who keep jumping up on clouds that keep popping up while it scrolls up. I ran out of ideas for my Minigame Mayhem. So someone suggested some stuff and so I looked back on all the games I created, and decided to attempt a port of the game for it. This is the result. I made it so the game autoscrolls up. And the goal has been changed so that the point of the game is to see how far up you can go. Bu


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Save states

So I learned how to make save states. This can be useful. For example, I can now make an "unlockable" game. If a player scores a certain score, a game can be then unlocked and then it can save that it's been unlocked so you can go back to it even when you power the VB off and then turn it back on again. In order for this to work, the Virtual Boy cartridge would require a battery. I don't know how plentiful that would be or how feasible it would be to get cartridges made if they need batteri


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Minigame Mayhem - October 2, 2023

I have finished the Mouth game in my VB minigame collection: I also went back and worked some more on Fruit Fly Fun, making the bees bigger: Next I will work on a Doodle Jump clone. All I need to do on my Odyssey game is go to the post office and mail them. I don't know how since I'm asleep all day and awake all night. If only the post office was open at 2 a.m. My mouth I designed when closed looks like a clam. I guess it would since it is basically a clam.


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Minigame Mayhem / Six² update

An update on Six². I began the tedious work of wrapping the tubes in brown paper. I have half of them done. After that's done, I will do the labels. All the addresses are in a document so I just print them out and tape them onto the tubes. An update on Action 54. Since people were really thinking I was going to have 54 minigames, I decided to rename the game. It's now called "Minigame Mayhem." Although I seem that's too close a title to this: I don't know. What do you


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Fruit Fly Fun on Virtual Boy (part 2)

So yesterday I worked on the graphics for Fruit Fly Fun some more, refining them and making them look better. I ended up with this: And today, I worked on random number generating, trying to make it better. The game now uses SRAM to generate random numbers and to keep track of them so it doesn't do the same sequence of them every time you turn the VB on. I failed to do this on Supper Mario because I didn't know what was being done (I made it 6 years ago, so I forgot), but it should be


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Fruit Fly Fun on Virtual Boy

Worked on initial work on Fruit Fly Fun, the newest minigame for Action 54. Unfortunately, I can't flip the flyswater sprite, so it will have to be like this. Stuff I need to do: make fly move introduce bee make bee move have game end if swatter touches bee. I got it working on a real Virtual Boy so that's good. I also want to add a pause function to the games, so before I do anything else, I'll probably do that.


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Virtual Boy fun (part 2)

The Virtual Boy is a strange machine. Its "screen" is 384 x 244 pixels. Which is unfortunate since unsigned characters only go up to 255. Which means if I want to put a sprite, say, monsterx, at 364, I'd have to make monsterx an int which would make it a 16-bit number, and a lot of wasted space there. So in the effort to make Cranberry Capers a lot better, technically speaking, I limited the monsterx to an unsigned character. And then I put two more in there for good measure. Speaking


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Virtual Boy fun

OK, so I have been working on a Virtual Boy game. It's called "Action 54". It's like the NES game Action 52, because it's a collection of mini-games. But it won't have 54 games in it. I don't think I can think of 50 more game ideas. I have one that I will program when I am done with the current one I've been working on: a fly swatting game. Swatting flies in a video game seems to be fun. While I was working, a dumb ant came crawling on my arm. Oh well. Here is a picture of the minigame I've


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Seeing red: Goshzilla

I got bored, so I made a title screen for a Virtual Boy game. The trouble is, I don't know the goal of it is. I just made it because I was bored. If I were to make this a game, I would have to think of its premise. I was still bored so later I came back to it and added the pre-game screens (the warning, the VB screen test, and the set the pause for 15 minutes.) I added cloud motion. The clouds move from right to left over and over again. It is super hot in here. I don't know how I am going to ge


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Hamburgers VB now available

You can now buy your own copy of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland for the Virtual Boy at http://uncletusk.com It is 10 levels of milkshake shooting action. It comes with a box and instruction manual. I'll add a picture once my copy comes. I also changed my avatar. It is Uncle Sam eating corn flakes. I thought it was fitting for this time of year since the Fourth of July is soon. I will change it back once it ends.


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Seeing a lot of red

On the VB Discord channel, everyone was kind of in agreement with the sentiment that there was too much red in it. So I changed it back to what it was before, the night scene. Looking at it now, I have to agree that the entire screen was just red and overwhelming. But in making that all-red screen, I discovered a way to make the text black, so I guess it wasn't all for naught. Since I have yet to find a way to change the text's palette, I just changed the palette it used. Since the same pal


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Hamburgers level 8.

I designed a level 8 for the game. It's a beach scene. I still have to do music for it. Then levels 9, 10 and ending, and it will be all done. I am wondering though whether or not I should make a custom font for the game. I know how to, but I don't know if I should. I want some originality, but at the same time I want it to be legible like it is now. I also worked some more on Pipe Down, that Odyssey 2 game I've been working on, changing things to make it better. Not running code


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

New title screen

I thought that the picture of the hamburger I had on the title screen was really crappy. It didn't look anything like a burger. So I decided to change it. I drew a logo on a piece of paper, then scanned it, then colored it in and this is what I got: There. This way I can change the copyright words (if I need to, like suppose I don't get it done next year. It would be a lot easier, I'd just change the 1 to a 2 in the text. Or suppose a homebrew making company wants to be there instead o


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy


So I figured out that the Channel F will not be able to do what I'd like it to do, so I had to give up on the fly swatting game. And I went back to work on Hamburgers for the Virtual Boy. Nothing much, just added a level selection feature. You can select which level to start on. If I finish the game, I plan to move this from available upon start to accessing it via a special code (button pressing sequences on the title screen.) I woke up this morning at 9 a.m. due to my stomach hurting. An


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Level 5 - snow.

Level 4 is the underwater level. Level 5 is snow. I didn't create the snowman and igloo seen here, but I did arrange the version of "Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow" in the background. I stole the snowflake shape from Wingdings. I also made a black outline for the hamburger because apparently people requested it. So I obliged, although I don't personally like it, but OK. So now I need to design 5 more levels and some ending screens. One for a non-perfect score (<1000) and one fo


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Features bonanza

Put in a few features in my Virtual Boy game. Yes, the dreaded auto-pausing feature makes an appearance in a homebrew game. I also put in the ipd/focus adjustment screen. And to make sure the auto-pause paused after 15 minutes. I played it for 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes later, it worked. My message came up on the screen. I also put in a battery low message. When the battery in the Virtual Boy gets low, a picture of a battery appears on screen next to the score. That was


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

level 3 finished

I changed how the game works. Instead of you needing to shoot 80 milkshakes to force the boss fight, you just need to pass 80 milkshakes. Everything else is about the same. When 20 pass, you get the faster ones, when 40 pass, you get the up and down milkshakes, when 60 pass, you get a random choosing. Starting on level 3 though, I made the boss milkshake move up and down. This makes it a little harder for you to shoot it. Also, you MUST shoot the boss milkshake 20 times to pass the level. I some


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Level 3 - the desert.

The desert, complete with cacti and Giza-like pyramids, is the backdrop for level 3. I guess I should mention that when the level changes, the music changes and the chance of the milkshakes shooting you increasing. So unless I decide to add in another type of enemy, the main part of the game is complete. All I have to do is keep thinking of different places for the hamburgers to be flying around. But I think I will change something: The boss. I think I'll add in him moving up and down in the lat


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Almost done with level 2

I put what I have on the website today. I started work on making some milkshakes be able to shoot onion rings. First I did it with every milkshake. Then when I had that done, I made it so only a few did it. The plan is the higher the level number, the higher percentage chance a milkshake will shoot onion rings. Leading up to the final level, where every milkshake will shoot at you. So I start level 2 with an about 1 in 8 chance. Then I found a bug about the onion ring going missing if you die in


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Sneak peek at level 2

I also made page 1 and 2 of the instruction booklet in case I get far enough to publish it. Here is what level 2 might look like. I need to add in some more code before I want to make it available though.


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Boss fight again

While I was checking the game to make sure it worked okay last night, I had some issue pop up once I got to the boss fight. The onion rings appeared before the giant milkshake came in from the right. I must have spent at least two hours trying to correct the dumb problem. After that it occurred to me that I had been putting in 'shakey' when I should have been putting in 'shakex'. A few tests later and everything worked out well. So NOW I can plan for level 2. After about an hour of uploadin


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

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