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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

Stupidman 2: door 1 (part 2)

I added some logs and an enemy. If you touch the banana, the level restarts. Fortunately, the banana will flash for a couple of seconds so you have time to get on the other side of the log (or jump off it on to another log) before it becomes deadly. There's still a lot more to do before I finish the first level I chose to work on (you can choose which level you want to go in in any order.) The next thing I need to do is compose some music for the level. I'll do that the next time I wo


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman 2: door 1

Yesterday was a bad day. I was blowing my nose all the time. My nose was like a faucet I couldn't turn off, it kept dripping out watery snot. One day later, and it's not doing it any more. Weird. I suddenly felt good enough to work on something. But what? I was going through my computer and found a muse: Stupidman 2 for the NES. I started work on it but didn't even complete room 1 or 4. So I decided to make the background for it. In this door, the left-most one, (you can complete


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman Episode 2: main menu

So I worked some more on Stupidman 2 and I have something besides the title screen done. So it seems like bananas are aliens that we eat. So Stupidman gets beamed up on a spaceship and is faced with four rooms to go in. I decided to make this a Mega-Man style of game in that you can decide which level you want to clear in any order you want. I decided to get rid of the score since it didn't reallly add much to the gameplay. So there will be 4 levels+a big boss fight. Also, I suce


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

It's been a while.

Hi. I have insomnia. Tonight I've tried twice to go to sleep, but I had to give up after half-an-hour of laying in bed with my eyes closed, trying to go to sleep but ending up not. I was reading old issues of Nintendo Power in the bathroom, reminiscing about the NES, wishing for new games for it. Then I decided, "Hey, I programmed Stupidman. Why not make a sequel for it? After all, they made 6 Mega Man games for the NES!" So in this adventure, all the bananas in the world suddenly disa


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Between the liNES - Tetris

How did almost a whole week pass between my previous blog update? Anyway, after reading about that kid who beat Tetris, I decided to play it myself. Here's how far I got. Apparently it doesn't take very much to be a Tetris master. I crap out at level 19 because it gets way too fast and I can't control the pieces any more. I don't understand how tapping the underside of the controller is supposed to help ("rolling"). I wonder what the highest speed is. I remember playing Tetris DX


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Between the liNES - Super Mario Bros.

Today I played NES. I wondered if it was possible to score over a million points and finish the game. Yes, but you must "cheat" in order to do so. In 3-2 you can build up your score to a million without losing very many lives and then proceed to beat the game. I watched some YouTuber get a million points. I was wondering why he kept dying, but I soon figured out why. So all that talk about SMB made me want to play it. All I did was use infinite lives, nothing else. And I beat it a second ti


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Bad bananas.

So I thought to myself "What can I put in the Stupidman museum level beside boxes?" What's long and would fit in the game? Then the answer came: bananas. Some other changes I made: made Stupidman stop animation in Mr. Germ's hideout when he reaches an end. fixed the supermarket level by re-designing it. made it so the soap is always in a different screen each time you play the game. spaced out the bananas more evenly. So now I think I've completed t


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

I finished Stupidman

Got up this morning at 4 a.m. (Well, it was 5 a.m. but stupid clock changing made it 4 a.m. Why can't we just get rid of it?! It benefits nobody and it's really annoying.) I composed a couple of songs for Stupidman. The final battle song and an ending song. And I put them in the game. And I was done. I decided to hook up my NES and try it on that too. And so I did. And it works fine, but there's a space at the leftmost side where there's no colors or anything except the bakground color. And


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

The final matchup

I had a nice birthday. I had cake and pizza, we played Scattergories, I opened one present (nothing much, just a Carl's Jr. gift card and a $20 bill.) from my sister. If you remember, Mom got me my new office chair for my office room. I also took some time to work on Stupidman. I went to sleep at about 7 p.m., way past my bedtime. And I woke up at 5 a.m. My stomach is acting up. It doesn't hurt, but I've been farting up a storm recently. So I finished the final match between Stupidman and M


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

What color are germs?

I worked some more on the walls and I think I got them good now. I also began work on the final battle between Mr. Germ and Stupidman. In doing so, I had to figure out something. What color are germs? Did you know that germs are bright green? Well, at least according to this game. I also designed the dirt Mr. Germ constantly throws (it's brown, but I may have to recolor it since the floor ended up brown) and the soap bubbles will be white. Here's how the final battle will wo


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman: better walls.

I worked on Stupidman some more. I made the walls better. Tried to do something about the fact that the horizontal position is sort of off on the wall collision, but I couldn't so it will just have to stay that way. At least it looks better I think. I wasn't awake for half of Halloween. I went to sleep at about noon and woke up at around 2 a.m. on November 1 (today) I also designed four frames of Mr. Germ. He'll start out as 4x4, then he'll shrink down to 4x3 if hit, 4x2 if hit a


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Little things

I decided to make some small changes to the Stupidman game, which actually IMHO helped the game out somewhat.  Stupidman's feet now face left when he walks left. I think that was a big part of what the game needed. I also made a couple other small changes to the sprites making up Stupidman. Stupidman now looks a lot better than what he did, even though they were small changes. Another thing I noticed were the grocery store aisles being really crappily drawn. So I fixed that: Still cra


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Another return of Stupidman

I was working on my Game Boy game of Superhero Man when it occurred to me that I never finished the game I was basing it off of. So tonight I dipped my toes back into NES C. I have to get re-used to doing stuff, re teach myself because it's been about a year since I did anything. I am not going to get the poor reviews for HERTS to stop me, I still want to finish this project. If it's crappy, so be it. I just want it to be a FINISHED crappy project, Follow my progress of this at the official


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES


I fixed the letter x in my font. I am taking a little break from this because I have been working too hard. I didn't do anything on the game today, and I doubt I will because my head hurts now. I tried to get the computer in the den on the internet. You'd think a guy who can make an NES game do it in three tries, but nooooo. They made it so hard, it's like they don't want you to have two or more computers connected to the same router. God forbid that happen. Now I'm wondering if I can use a


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman font change

I changed the font in Stupidman. It now looks like this: I was never quite that happy with the font I had in there originally, so I changed it. And so all the places where the font was used have now been changed. I don't like the way the letter X turned out in the redesigned font, but if I have to use it, I'll try to redesign it. X, per Bert of "Sesame Street", is "a silly little letter that you hardly ever use." He's right, you know. it's just a cross turned 45 degrees. G, or R, or ev


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman: Act V

I think giant peas attacking the Stupidmobile would be funny, so I put that in the game. I have an idea for the way Mr. Germ slowly dies. He'll start out by being 8 pixels tall. Each time you hit Mr. Germ, he'll shrink by a pixel. So eventually he'd be 1 pixel tall. That'd be really hard to hit though. But first I have to finish Act V, where giant walking peas are attacking the Stupidmobile. They walk towards the Stupidmobile so it would have to dodge hitting the giant peas. Since I re


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

A new song finally

I finally did it! I put in a new song! The problem was this: I was using the wrong program to get the correct code to make the song play correctly. I was using FamiTracker when I should have been using FamiStudio. I guess I should have finished this back when I knew how to do it correctly. I wrote a note to my future self in case I forget again. Now tomorrow I can put in the soap in the game. Or maybe later today. I don't know. I just woke up and an hour of getting angry is enough for one day.


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Act IV intro

Yesterday after I finished the blog entry, my head got better. So I decided to work on the intro to Act IV. I also darkened the background inside the store so you can see the score better. What I'll do today is compose a song for the store and put it in the game. 1,000,000 / 60 / 60 / 24 = 11. I once heard it would take 11 days to count to a million. And sure enough, if you count one number per second, it'd take you 11 days to get to a million. So I think I'll make the s


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Back to the NES

It had been a while, but I decided to get back to programming my Stupidman game for the NES. We last left Stupidman heading to the grocery store to get some soap to kill Mr. Germ, his archnemesis, with. I decided to start the work on Act IV with wandering around a grocery store. It took a long time, like three or four hours, but I finally got Stupidman walking around a grocery store that looks a lot like the museum. So why is there nothing in the grocery store? Well, there IS something


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

The return of Stupidman again

Had it been that long? Last time I worked on my NES game was back in January. I figured I should work on it again. I'm trying to ease myself back into NES programming because I had forgotten a lot of what I had done and learned. The first thing I discovered was I had more tiles than I thought. So I used this to my advantage and used some more tiles to create a better title screen. The title is a pun. The "date" it's referring to is actually a raisin. And not just any ordinary raisin, b


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman (part 8)

I redesigned the road in the game. It now looks like this: Hopefully it better portrays going forward on the street. The yellow lines move down, hopefully creating an illusion of the car moving. I had a heck of a time putting the word PAUSED under the score when the game is paused. So now that I've gone back and done that, the next time I work on this game I can finally see if I can get chickens randomly crossing it. I played an NES game: Xexyz. When it's paused, it doesn't even s


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman (part 7)

Began work on Act 3. I have absolutely no idea how much room I have left in the game. I think what I'll do now is instead have Stupidman go to the store to buy some soap to kill Mr. Germ with. But it just so happens he wanted to go to the store in the middle of the great chicken migration. Chickens crossing the road to get to the other side. If Stupidman hits one, he'll lose points. So the point of the whole game is to see how many points you can get when you finish it. And h


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman (part 6)

Finished the museum's inside, except for two things: programming the raisin room activity, and composing and putting in museum background music. I'll compose the music tomorrow and work on the raisin room stuff on Friday. I had to move the score's position to the right because it was interfereing with the rooms that went up. After four or so excrutiating hours, Stupidman can walk freely around the museum.


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman (part 5)

More work on Act 2. Tidied the museum up a little... And began the insides of the museum: I'm not going to work on this tomorrow because it's my birthday tomorrow so I don't want to get angry on my birthday. I plotted the inside of the museum. I made a map of what I want the inside to look like: The plan is to use six types of room, each with their own collision detection boundaries so Stupidman doesn't go over the walls. So each "T" style room will be the same (the


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Stupidman (part 4)

Put in the act 2 introduction tonight. Stupidman arrives at the museum. Next, I'll put in the museum's inside. Stupidman has to arrive at the room where the raisin is kept. But which room is it? Stupidman doesn't know. Because he's stupid. So next, you'll help him find the raisin room. The museum's inside will look and feel like Adventure for the Atari 2600. Instead of dragons wanting to eat you, it'll be Ming vases floating around and if you touch one, you'll lose a lot of points. But


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

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