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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

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Working on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 some more. I thought "What is in the jungle?" Then it came to me: Monkeys. Monkeys are hard to draw normally. Especially if you're limited to a 16x16 pixel space with 4 colors.  So it was very difficult for me to draw this monkey. Laughing will now begin. I told you I can't draw worth crap. I added some other frames for moving left and right. The monkey is pooping down on you. If you get up above the monkey, he'll throw the poop upwards at you.

Frank the Fruit Fly 2 work

I was super bored today. It was a very very boring day today. I decided to tough out being bored for one more day and face the stupid time between my 12-hour sleep times. I sleep for at least 12 hours a night. I went and worked on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 some more. It's my Game Boy game I work on and off on I started about a month ago. Today I added fade outs and fade ins to screens. It was a really hard time doing this, but I eventually managed to get some help with it and worked it out. So

Virtual Boy Casino (part 2)

So I cleaned up the pictures and tried a different color scheme. I sort of inverted some colors. I got this: The games on the menu are more readable imo. Thoughts? As for the s after the apostrophe, I was taught that you needed the s, even when the ending of the word was s. So even though that would make something like "Boss's Day" look weird, it would be correct. But who knows for sure? And yes, I added Keno. But instead of 20 numbers, I dialed it back to 10 to make it

Virtual Boy Casino

I made a VB game of casino games a long time ago. It wasn't spectacular, but it worked. I ran across it while I was going through my old files on my computer. The code to get random numbers was really wonky, so I decided to fix it. The random numbers seem more random, but I just can't seem to avoid doing bad in video poker, even though the numbers of the cads are more random than they were. I discovered a problem with Blackjack that I think I have fixed yesterday. Then I took a nap. The nap

Frank the Fruit Fly 2 demo

Kind of odd to put a demo when there's only two screens done so far, but I want to see if I'm doing good with this, so I'm posting a demo version of Frank the Fruit Fly 2. One thing I put in the game today was a warning sound whenever Frank loses health. I thought it was odd that it was silent and players might not know (or see) that Frank got hit by something bad. He does have a health meter up at the top. If Frank's health reaches 0% Frank dies and the game ends. And we don't want poor Fr

Game Boy stuff

So I was goofing off on Game Boy programming. I played a couple of Game Boy games recently and it got me in the mood. So if I was to do this, it would need a battery save like the first one. I tried and tried to put it in (it's been awhile since I last did this) but I think I got it now. One of the key things I needed to remember (but forgot) was to put "ENABLE_RAM_MBC5" in the game. So level 1 of "Frank the Fruit Fly 2" if I decide to make it, will take place deep in the j


Most of us wear it, so why not make a video game about it? Your job is to collect underwear from various mazes.   Avoid those deadly umbrellas. I've been working on this for a few days now. I'll return to the Colecovision game I was working on when I get my cartridge. I ordered it over a week ago and still nothing, not even an e-mail saying it's been shipped. You know, if you have an online shop that you don't run any more, it'd be nice to put on that page it doesn't run any more

Coleco stuff today

I worked on Flying Potato Chips today. I am beginning work on the second level. The levels changing are an indication that something in the game has changed. For example, what I want to do is: level 2 - chicken nuggets start appearing. level 3  - popcorn enemy introduced shooting and floating faster than the pretzel. level 4 - enemies can (but not necessarily will) move up and down. and so on. I think if you shoot 25 enemies worth two points each, the

More Colecovision work

I don't have any new pictures to show. All the work done today had to do with music, so that's why. I did however add a game over screen, but it's just a "GAME OVER." message against the blue sky, so it's not really all that noteworthy. I added a title screen song, a game over song, and a level cleared song. As well as cleaning up stuff I had going wrong with the game so far. So the next time I pick this project back up, I'll begin work on the second level. Although I kind of want to wait until

Colecovision again.

Back to work on Flying Potato Chips. Today I added in the boss screen. It took a few hours to play, find bugs, try to fix the bugs, play again, find another bug, etc. But I think I have it squared away for now. I made the boss a red pretzel and he has onion rings to guard himself. You need to shoot the boss pretzel 5 in order to defeat him and go on to the next level. But there is no next level yet because I haven't got that far yet. Stuff I need to do before level 1 is finished include making s

Colecovision work

All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy. I got a thing that will let me test my Colecovision game on a real Colecovision. And I armed the pretzels. They now shoot onion rings. So far I have 7 kb of my 32 kb filled before I need to bankswitch. Things ultimately I need to add in: more enemies. (need to think of junk food types that only are one colored.) vertical movement of enemies. chicken nugget for extra life? boss more levels. So yeah,

Bob The and Larry

I was looking at "Uncle Grandpa with no context" clips on YouTube and I got an idea. I was going to make my own animated show. Armed with my Pinnacle Studio 19, I began work. I know I can't draw, but that won't stop me. I've got about 1 1/3 minutes' worth of animation done. It took at least 2 hours. Then I had to "refine" and add in new ideas I thought up. And then I was done after about 45 more minutes' worth. And then I was done for the day. Bob The (The is Bob's last name) and

Potato Chips vs. Pretzels

The ultimate food fight. Which snack food beginning with the letter P will win? You play the role of Paul Peterson, a potato chip out for revenge. Seems those evil pretzels are really evil. They sure taste evil, like cardboard. This is the first level. I am going to make the pretzel shoot out onion rings sometimes. Today I discovered that if four or more sprites are on the same y register, they all blink like crazy. The only way I know of to make multicolored sprites is to use more th

Colecovision programming

I've been dabbling with Colecovision Basic a lot. I decided to attempt a port of Flying Hamburgers for it. I have so far a scrolling title screen. For the scrolling, I wanted something simple. Fortunately, I was able to get something working after a few hours and a provided example later. I can't believe there's three different shades of green. It helps with the look of the grass a lot. The straight blades help with seeing that the screen is moving forwards. Without them, it looks lik

Paku Paku for the Odyssey²

I think I'm responsible for half the Odyssey² homebrew library, if not more. Yet I'm starting work on a new Odyssey² game. This time it's a port of the game Paku Paku. I wondered if the Odyssey² could handle it, so I'm trying to do it. I just started on this yesterday. So there's tons more left to do. It was like that with the Intellivision, some one else did Pac-Line for the Intellivision. And I was sad. But shocked nobody tried to do Pac-Line for the Odyssey² yet. So I'm doing


I decided to attempt to make a Jaguar game. This is what I have so far, with a little music playing. I had a really hard time trying to make the pineapple be small at the beginning and then zoom up to the front of the screen but I did it. The Jaguar has built-in scaling effects, so I just used them. The sound of it zooming up was hard to make. So was the title screen music. Putting the music into the game was even harder. So now with the title screen completed, I now need t

You, too, can be a banana guarder

I changed the lemon back to a banana. And during the past week or so I finished the game. And now it is ready for release. And it will be released. I don't know exactly when, within a few months or so. I think I did a pretty good job putting this in 2k. I have one byte left, so I really had to cram stuff in there, AND also make it work at the same time. I also came back to my Odyssey 1 project I started a year ago. I designed the overlay to part 1, not to mention think it up

when life hands you lemons...

I don't know why, but I keep changing my 2k Atari 2600 game Fruit Fly Fun. I guess it's an attempt to try making it better and better. I never did like the banana in the bottom. So I changed it to a lemon. And I changed the clouds so they look far away. Since they do, I then decided to get rid of the enemies going behind the clouds part since there was no longer a need for it. Most of the work was attempting to avoid jagged edges on the playfield (clouds, lemon). I don't know why

2k games for the Atari 2600

When one thinks about 2k games for the Atari 2600, they think of titles like Kaboom, Breakout, and Golf. The first ever Atari 2600 homebrew, Okie Dokie, is 2k. Well, a year ago, I thought I'd take a stab at a better 2k game for the Atari 2600. My first one about a stalk of celery burning vegetarians in an incinerator was just too far out there. It was also my first assembly game. If I was going to make a 2k game, I would need to do it in assembly instead of Batari Basic. I had to stop progr

More burger work

I added a few things to Hamburgers. I added a pretzel that can shoot and moves randomly. The pretzel starts on level 11. It shoots potato chips at you. And since there is a level 11, I got rid of the message on the screen that said the level number. I figured it should say the level number instead of "level 2" when you're actually on level 12. So I just changed it to say "new level." This was apparently not easy to do. I had to spend a few hours trying to get two words to d


So I got all done redesigning all the levels. I got some feedback and I tried to put in an explosion sprite for when an enemy gets shot. I had my eye hurt because I was so angry because it wasn't working. So with my eye hurting I had to quit for the night. I woke up this afternoon and worked some more and I think I got it successfully in. I also changed it so the shooting enemies look different than the normal ones. I also decided to start with the milkshakes, then at level 4 introduce the pizza

Life's a beach

Imagine laying on the nice sand at a tropical beach with palm trees, when suddenly a hamburger flies by trying to down a chocolate milkshake by shooting French fries at it. This is level 7 of my game I'm trying to make good. I spent almost all of yesterday trying to put in a second enemy but I ultimately couldn't because I had a couple of bugs come in. So I had to leave it at just one at a time. This picture was hard to do because it kept saying it had 18 colors. So I made it 18

Hot face

I woke up this morning. I noticed the left side of my face was all red and hot. But what was odd is that the right side of my face was fine. I kept occasionally feeling my face to see how hot it was, and it has been going down a little, and the redness has got down a little as well. But it's still there, just not as bad as it was when I got up a few hours ago. This never happened before. I have also been trying to get used to the new development studio for Game Boy I have been using with no


Gamegearguy in Game Gear

It's Bert! (part 3) / Legend of Helga

OK, so someone at AtariAge helped me to make Bert's pupils black. So I guess the question now is: Would you buy this? I don't want to have unsold copies of this game sitting around. I also have been working on Game Boy programming. I have been working on tree collision on a game I just started called "The Legend of Helga." I improved what I had earlier this morning and now it's working just fine. I'm at a good place to stop now, so I'll pause work on this for a few day


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

It's Bert! (part 2)

After a flurry of programming this morning and afternoon, I finished the paperclip game. Although I did have to spend a few hours making the picture steady, which took a couple of extra hours. But I think I have everything in it: The pigeons, the paperclips, what else could a program about Bert need? Well, someone to publish a few dozen copies with overlay would be nice. I designed the overlay, all someone has to do is print them. And have the cartridges made. Since as to not profit o


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

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