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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog


Most of us wear it, so why not make a video game about it? Your job is to collect underwear from various mazes.   Avoid those deadly umbrellas. I've been working on this for a few days now. I'll return to the Colecovision game I was working on when I get my cartridge. I ordered it over a week ago and still nothing, not even an e-mail saying it's been shipped. You know, if you have an online shop that you don't run any more, it'd be nice to put on that page it doesn't run any more

Paku Paku for the Odyssey²

I think I'm responsible for half the Odyssey² homebrew library, if not more. Yet I'm starting work on a new Odyssey² game. This time it's a port of the game Paku Paku. I wondered if the Odyssey² could handle it, so I'm trying to do it. I just started on this yesterday. So there's tons more left to do. It was like that with the Intellivision, some one else did Pac-Line for the Intellivision. And I was sad. But shocked nobody tried to do Pac-Line for the Odyssey² yet. So I'm doing

1 On 1 Soccer

So I finished my Game Gear game about the burgers. Big surprise no one cares enough to want to publish it. So now I'm on to my next game. I've decided to make a better Soccer Odyssey 2 game. I did 1 on 1 Basketball before. So I worked and worked and worked some more. And I'll probably work more on this unless the game craps out on me and decides to break (which it has done a few times on just this ROM. I had to erase what I had and restart from the past save point a lot.) I have way too muc


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Avoid an O

2024 begins with more Odyssey 2 work. I decided to try to put in a fourth game. To see if it's worth it. Is it fun? In this game, the x will rescue other x's while avoiding those pesky o's. I made a game before called Oranges for the Odyssey 2, but it was never made into a game for sale. So I think it's okay to steal ideas from myself. Oranges was sort of like this except there was no one to save and there were 5 oranges. The o's and x's travel from right to left. The green x whi

Whack that O!

So I think I finally got the Whack-an-O game done now. I had to get rid of the high score thing because there's more than one game now and I can't display the high score for both of them. Also appearing in the Whack-an-O game are Xs. If you whack an X the game is over. You only are supposed to whack Os. So I centered the score on the screen since there's only one score and not the high score as well. Not to worry, the tic-tac-toe game still has a win counter for both x and o. I h


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Fighting with computers (part 3)

In the last blog entry I said I found a bug. I finally figured out what that bug was. And I think I fixed it. I did a few things to the game since the last time. I added the standard Cedar Games logo back in. I tried to fit it into a bank I already had that had room in it (bank 2), but it wasn't going to work. So I had to make this an 8k game and put in a new bank to use. I added the beginnings of the Whack-an-O game. I made the score red this time to differentia


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Fighting with computers (part 2)

So I woke up this morning to discover another bug. So I moved a little bit of code around and then played the game for like 30 minutes and didn't run into it any more. Seems really odd though. I should mention that I wanted the score to reset when it does. Because I told it to do so. It seems like the only thing I could do. I couldn't use the same score for both. Since one game is a one-player game and the other is a two-player game. I don't think there's enough room for a player vs. comput


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Fighting with computers

I took a few more hours and actually made it so the game updates the score automatically when you win, not when you press o to start a new game. I tested it on a real Odyssey 2 and it works! The thing is, when you press reset the game resets all the scores. Also, if you've been using the game and go to the tic-tac-toe game, the scores gets wiped out as well. In this screenshot, X just won his second game. Man oh man, this was HARD to do. The computer would not give up without a fight.


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Win counter

So I went back to work on X Vs. O for the Odyssey 2. Last night I worked really hard trying to put in a win counter for the tic-tac-toe game. One thing I couldn't do was update the win counter upon winning. You need to press o to start a new game to update the scores. This is because I tried to do it but it broke the game entirely. So I decided to do it this way because it worked. I worked and worked up until 2 a.m. last night but I couldn't do it so I went to sleep. I woke up at arou


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

More X vs. O fun for you

So I had to go back and fix a bug in the zap game. I think I finally got it fixed. While I was at it, I put in some code to go to banks 0 and 1, which I hope will have something in both of them. I got an idea for one of the two banks. It is going to be Whac-a-mole. I know, there is already a whac-a-mole game, but you need to go to a website to play it. I want this one to work on a real Odyssey 2. It will feature two grids and will use the controllers (instead of the keyboard) to play. I made a m


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2


More work. I'm at a good stopping point for now. Everything works good. I'd be happy with just this as a game, but I'd like to add more stuff in the main game. And I have the room to do it too. Not so much in the tic-tac-toe bank. Apparently "clearchar" does not clear the quads (score), so the score of the main game was showing during the tic-tac-toe game. I had a real hard time trying to put in score clearing code. I was just going to omit the word "tie" when a tie happened, but then I noticed


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Left left

Or rather, the way to move it left. So I worked all yesterday and part of today on the game. I had it working fine, but the display crapped out on a real Odyssey 2, plus I couldn't move left. So today was spent restoring left movement, which is tough when you don't know why. I also got rid of the tree. Someone pointed out that the tree should be getting larger as it nears. Since I couldn't, I just decided to get rid of it. I have some more room for more stuff now. Once left movement was res


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Scrolling where there is none (part 3)

I've been working on what I have for X vs. O. I added a flying O that goes by. This is what you're shooting at. But the most troublesome part was making this okay on a real Odyssey 2 because the screen part where the score is kept crapping out on me and I had to make it stable. Now after about three hours of programming, my right hand hurts because i've been typing and working the mouse too much. I've been going to sleep later and later. Yesterday I fell asleep at about 2:30 a.m. But i


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Scrolling where there is none (part 2)

I just spent three hours on this: Fortunately, I had the scrolling all done from a previous project I gave up on, I just needed to add a tree and the X. I need to change the colors of the ground (x's can't walk on water and trees don't grow from the top of the water neither). Since I'm sleepy I'll go to sleep now and come back and read any feedback in the morning.


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Scrolling where there is none

I'm having a bit of a problem here. I want the lines to get the visual effect that the game is moving forwards. Right now I have this: I need some more eyes to look at this. What do you think? I have three grids rapidly changing to create this effect. I was thinking along the lines of an ever-moving Battlezone type game where the Xs shoot at Os on the ground. If this is good enough I'll add some trees to move along with this.  


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

X vs. O October

I decided to spruce up the game I had so far. Instead of turning the grid a color for wins, I decided to put in a message saying who won whenever they did. The X in "X WON" is sprite 0. Since I didn't have much room to work with, I decided to just make a sprite mimic a character. It certainly made things a lot easier. I was having trouble trying to make the game decipher two separate key presses. I had to give up, and instead to start the main game (the tic-tac-toe thing is a minigame


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

X vs. O - the classic rivalry (part 4)

So I found some bugs with that last version. I took an attempt to try to fix them. It took about 20 minutes of playing to find one, and another one popped up after only a few minutes. I noticed both the bugs had something in common (I think), it was placing an X when I should have been placing an O. Or at least I think so. My brain turns to mush and I stop thinking rationally when I work on stuff for too long. I took yet another look at the code and discovered that when the X was placed, it


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

X vs. O - the classic rivalry (part 3)

Well, it took a LOT longer than I anticipated but I finally got win detection in. I had to sacrifice the words "CEDAR GAMES" during the intro, though, so now it just looks like this: X is green and O is blue. If X wins, the grid turns green, and if O wins the grid turns blue. The grid turns red if there's a tie. I had to spend all my waking hours Sunday on this stupid thing without getting it done. So I had to go to sleep at some point. So I did. I woke up today and began w


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

X vs. O - the classic rivalry (part 2)

So I finally got it working after 6 hours. You can now input letters in the tic-tac-toe minigame. I have about 300 bytes left to check for wins. I had to move an awful lot of codes all over the place. I think I must have spent 4 hours moving around code in desparation trying to make the thing work. The left controller enters the X's and the right one does O's. Since the controlers have 8 directions to move the joystick and a button, that makes 9 possible inputs, which works perfectly


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

X vs. O - the classic rivalry

From tic-tac-toe to the gridiron, x's and o's have always hated each other. Now you can step inside an X's shoes and experience what it's like to be an o hating x. Well, not NOW, I just started with the game. Yep, it's a new game I started work on for the Odyssey 2. I don't know what the game will be like, I just created this since I was really bored. What I want is an 8k game. In bank 3 (the first bank), I plan to put in an Easter egg - a tic-tac-toe game. In banks 2-0 will be the game its


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Two flies.

So I was going to put three flies in the game. But that was impossible since I couldn't make the third fly swattable even though the code I wrote should have made it do. So I decided to attempt two flies in the game. That worked. So I have an idea for the game. It seems pretty simple, but I don't know if it will work. I spent all morning and part of the afternoon on it. I got it working, but I don't know if it will be fun enough. I sent my idea ROM to the publisher of the game and we'l


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2


Yesterday I decided to make a new Odyssey 2 game. I attempted to put three sprites on the screen moving randomly. In the end, I could only put one. So I decided to make it like my Atari 2600 game Fruit Fly Fun. This is what it looks like so far. I decided on white as the background color so the black fly would be easily visible. That and I can't think of another Odyssey 2 game with a white background. I've always wanted to make a game with a white background.


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

My latest Odyssey 2 project.

Here is a link to a YouTube video of my latest Odyssey 2 "doodle". My, that is quite large. Too bad there's no way to shrink that. Anyway, today's work was adding a level intro. The umpire needs to collect the umbrellas while avoiding the jet planes (which are not present in the video.) The next time I work on this, I will attempt to make a second enemy for level 2. I will try to make a maximum of 5 jet planes zooming around the screen randomly. An interesting thing happ


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Q version 25

I got tired of working on Pineapples, so I decided to work on my Q game. I don't know why, seeing as how it's not a very interesting game, at least it isn't to me. But I need to find things to do while I wait to die, so I decided to do this. I wish I could die now, but I can't. I thought to myself "What can I do to make the game longer?" So I decided to slow the game down. When I thought about it, the q was moving fast, like running. But you can't run a long distance without your legs hurti


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2


I spent most of last night finishing up my Robot Ron game. It's come to the point where I think it's finished. Now comes the testing/feedback part. I have a few testers to test the game for me and tell me how I did. The changes I made: each enemy is introduced in each wave until all four enemies are in. Then the game becomes a fight for survival as (with most Odyssey 2 games) you only have one life. added a game over screen. changed the numbered box enemies to more alien-look


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

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