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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

Ugly uppity update

So I decided to cancel my Odyssey 2 doodle and instead work on the Game Boy game that inspired it. I decided instead of it saving your progress, to make it have passwords instead. Now it will be easier to publish when/if it gets finished because it doesn't need a battery. As a kid I wondered why every game didn't just save your progress because it was possible on some. Now I know why: To keep costs down. I tried to make the password minimal. It's 8 button presses on a special password scree


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Sleepy Saturday

So I went to sleep at around 6 a.m. yesterday. And then I woke up at around midnight. So basically I spent most of Saturday asleep. I don't know why. But I figure if I didn't need to then I wouldn't have. So since midnight I have been working most of the time. All my work today was on Mean Santa. I could have worked less had I remembered I could make the background palette and the sprite palette different. I think that was the most troublesome part of my work. I am trying to make an endless runn


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Rude awakening.

I woke up at 2 p.m. Not because I wanted to, but because of the leafblower people going around with their stupid leafblowers on. I thought perhaps they'll stop, but no, they kept going, 20 minutes later. So I decided to get out of bed. I worked a lot on Mean Santa again today. I got really angry because I was having horrible trouble with making the game easier to program. A few hours passed, and I finally got everything straightened out. I was trying to make it easier to add new levels in t


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

My history teacher in living color (part 2)

So I was trying to make two palettes for the sprites in Super Game Boy. I discovered that isn't possible and I needed to scale back the number of colors of the sprite down to 3. This is what it looks like in Super Game Boy or Game Boy Color now: And this is for a regular Game Boy: Because I wanted to keep the Game Boy colors like that, I had to make the lemon on the title screen black. although it is yellow on Super Game Boy and Game Boy Color. I only h


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

My history teacher in living color

So I worked on that Game Boy game I was working on earlier but quit working on to focus on my Virtual Boy game. I decided to play around a little bit to see if I could use more than just four colors. After a visit to the documentation, I was able to get this: In case you're wondering, I figured the best bet would be to have the guy wear a Sesame-Street-Ernie type shirt. Why? Because of the shoe color for the black and white original Game Boy. It only supports four colors instead of th


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Here is my history teacher.

So I took some time to work on this some more. I had a tough time because it wasn't wokring right. I was doing everything correctly, but it decided to not obey me. But I finally got it to do something I wanted it to. Get to the screen with my history teacher on it. There he is. He has a little 2-frame animation walk when you move him, much like the umpire in Ugly Uppity Umpire. I should mention that he is in color if you put the game in a GBC. Just three colors, though (red, yellow, a


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Dabbling with Game Boy Color

I finally got around to dabbling in Game Boy Color coding. My goal was to see if I could make a lemon yellow when it was on a GBC, and light gray on a normal GB. Mission accomplished:   I also put in a red color. There's also a third, which is brown. The goal of the game I want to make is make it like Fast Food only have the food go from left to right AND right to left, AND up and down as well. The history teacher is only wanting to eat lemons while avoiding the hamburgers. I want the


Gamegearguy in Game Boy


Ugly Uppity Umpire is complete (unless I find any more bugs.) Worked on the ending today and spent most of my waking hours discovering and fixing bugs I had come across. And now since it's after midnight, and I had played all the levels (except for 13. I hate the snails, and this level is full of them!) I think I may be done. So what's next? Testing it on a real Game Boy. I tested this on my Super Game Boy. I'll do that when I get up. It's after midnight and I need to go to sleep soon. Here is a


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Super Game Boy border

So I designed a Super Game Boy border before I went to bed last night. Today I woke up at about 12p.m. and thought I was too sleepy to get up, so I went back to sleep. While I was sleeping, I had an odd dream that a frog had got into the house, so I adopted him as a pet. I loved that frog. It was sad that I had to get up and realize it was nothing but a dream. When I got up finally, I went to work making the garbage when the Super Game Boy border comes on disappear. Now all I have to do is


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ugly Uppity Umpire - July 29, 2023

This was made before I changed the graphics to match the way he's walking, but anyway... I'm wondering why you need to give your phone number to put in a custom YouTube thumbnail. Has anyone reading this ever done that? What happened? Three more days until my doctor's appointment. The horrible thing about it is I need to fast for my blood test. When I wake up, I am really hungry. So I'm trying to make it so I wake up around 10 a.m. so when August 1 comes around I can just wak


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Level 38 of Ugly Uppity Umpire

Gee, does all this talk about my butt hurting really warrant 15 comments? I just thought it would be interesting to share my trials and tribulations of my life. After all, that's what a blog does. And I have no one else to tell except those who read it. I still put neosporin on it even though it doesn't really help. 4 more days until my doctors visit. Anyway, to the purpose of today's blog. I added a teleportation device to Ugly Uppity Umpire. I wanted the guy to disappear off screen and th


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

password code fixed!

I finally got it so you can erase one letter at a time when entering passwords. I knew that code would work, but it wasn't working. I discovered that I had to put the variables I was using in bank 4 also in bank 0. This morning I added level 30. It may seem very difficult at first, but not when you're the one making the game and discovered the way to beat it. Going into designing level 30, I wanted to make a simple level design but have it be really hard to complete. I think I mad


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ugly uppity update - June 27, 2023

Here is the password screen now. The password screen has its own song. Since I figured if I couldn't subtract one letter (which I spent one day on and failed miserably at), I thought the next best thing would be an option to restart inputting the password. And, also, I put in an option so that if you selected PASSWORD on the title screen by accident, you could still start the game on level 1. Each level has its own password, a string of 8 a or b presses. Each level's password is d


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Game Boy homebrew (part 2)

So I went ahead and bought Retroid and Infinitron for Game Boy. I don't know if Infinitron can be playable on a regular Game Boy or not because the website's screenshots were in color, which I guess is okay since I have a Game Boy Color, but I am looking for stuff to play on just a regular Game Boy. As I understood and gathered, Retroid is similar to Arkanoid and Infinitron is similar to Robotron 2084. Hopefully Retroid will be better than my Game Boy games Super Breakout and Alleyway. But there


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Superhero Man

I decided I didn't want to work on Ugly Uppity Umpire any more, so I've temporarily shelved that project. And so with that, I decided to work once again on Ran-Over Possum Man. But I didn't like that really long name he had. So I changed his name. He's now Superhero Man. I wonder if that's too close to Superman. If need be, I can just change the name again to Hero Man. I left off at the beginning of level 3. There is still Stupidman on the NES, but I decided to work on the Game Boy game bec


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ugly code

While I was working on the game and watching it grow, it became apparent that the way I had it set up was not going to be the most efficient way I could do things. So I got some help from the Discord Game Boy programming and with their help, I think I have things ready to go good. The only thing I'd need to do is change the SWITCH_ROM() code, adding some more instances to make it point to the newly added code correctly as I put in some more levels. I went through all 22 levels in the game s


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ugly uppity umpire again

With "Swat Those Flies" finished, I went back to the Ugly Uppity Umpire. I made a new level. But I still didn't like the title screen. So I decided to change it. It now looks like this: Now I'm happy with the title screen.


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ran-Over Possum Man

I decided to make Stupidman for the Game Boy instead of the NES. I decided that the name Stupidman was stupid, so I changed it. Basically, the game will be mostly the same, instead it will be on the Game Boy. This is a screenshot of level 1. Ran-over Possum Man must pass twenty cars to get to the next level. If he crashes into a car, the counter that counts down resets to 20. There's no score here this time, it's just a see if you can get to the end type of game. This is because there


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Exploring my game

While working on Golden Pineapples, I've discovered that the puzzles I make usually have more than one solution, especially since you don't need to clear a pineapple to jump. Well, I made that because I thought Lazlos' Leap is too hard. I spent at least half an hour trying to solve one of their puzzles. So I go back and found a bug for some reason it showed an extra pineapple in puzzle #3 after completing level #4. I was working backwards through the puzzles. I think I fixed that problem, b


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Nine pineapples!

Even though I haven't a level yet that does it, I made it so if I felt like it, I could put nine pineapples on the screen all at once. I tried to reduce compiling time, I got it down to two minutes, that's down from the 3-4 minutes I was putting up with unwillingly. I also made a Super Game Boy border for the game. I moved a bunch of stuff around, I put the Super Game Boy border in bank 2. I put the main "engine" and most of the title screen stuff in bank 0. Puzzle data is now stored i


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Bears are hard to draw.

And now it's time for the final bosses in the game. It's getting near the end of my programming this game. The bosses will span out for a couple of screens. I was going to make the bosses be bears. But bears are hard to draw. So I decided to not make them be bears. I have made them cats. These cats look different than the cat in level 1. After a rough screen of throwing rocks at Frank, the cat decided to take a snooze. Your job as Frank is to pass the cat without waking him up. I'll le


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly - 11/25/2022

Last night I worked feverishly to put in a sound when Frank lost some health. This must be the last major change I can make to the game, since I have to do stuff like that bank by bank and bank 2 only has 200 bytes left in it! I think putting any more code there would make bank 2 overflow into bank 3 and cause tons of problems, like crashing the game. The one thing I had trouble with (the fading out of level 2, it broke for some reason) got fixed finally earlier today (I woke up at about 6 p.m.)


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Back to Frank again

I decided to fiddle with Frank the Fruit Fly some more again. I added a couple of lines of code, and so far I can't make the game crash. So that's good. I tried and tried but I could not make it crash. So I added a new screen to it. And I finally got it the way I want it and I can beat it and the game still won't crash. So I've decided to keep working on the game until it crashes on me. Right now, Frank is in the chimney. In the next screen, he will come out of the chimney.


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly - 8/2/2022

I changed the font. I didn't like the one I had in there. I replaced the not working spider web screen with a couple of new ones. One has Frank dodging a bee. If the bee stings Frank, he'll lose health and another bee will come out of the  beehive and go after him. The other has two flowers. Frank must go on the ground between the two flowers and press A to unlock the way out of level 1. I don't know how hard it will be to figure out that's what you must do, though. I also fixed a


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Frank the Fruit Fly: Igloo.

I had to get rid of the spider web screen. I worked on the game all last night. I got bank 1's compiling time from around 2-3 minutes down to 35 seconds or so. And I fixed some other things as well. And I began level 2 work. Here's Frank in level 2 in front of an igloo. In order to pass this screen, Frank will go into the igloo and push a button located inside. But I haven't gotten that far yet. I just started work on level 2. The next thing I want to work on is composing music for lev


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

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