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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. Are we sure about this? You would also need a 5 screw front shell as well. Did they print a new label just for that? I mean I guess its possible, because the 3 screw DKJR Maths have 3 screw front shells too. Those were documented to be printed in 86 along with the rest of the DKJR Maths
  2. To add one thing in here, you can 'over erase' your chips, if they're left too long in the UV light. I had an issue with a chip like that. It'll burn and verify 100% but when you put it in, didn't work. Forgot how that works but i was pulling my hair out for like a week.
  3. Im so glad this is a Canadian free thread. Now I feel comfortable talking openly about their stupid accent, stupid maple syrup, stupid trees, stupid hockey, stupid health care, and their stupid love of plaid without repercussion . ECK!
  4. My first PPV was Survivor Series 91. Watching last nights segment was really nice. Although I wish it was a little bit better. Hoping taker left his stuff in the ring and left as 'Mark' with the piano music playing would have been nicer IMO. Still, really nice to see.
  5. Ive definitely said this in the past and IMO its a major problem. A lot of times its 'as long as the other team doesn't win'. It would be great to find a way to remove party affiliation for people running for president. But then the candidates would be so spread out, you'd have a lot of unhappy people when theres 10 people running for office and the person that wins got 15% of the total vote. If there was only a way to combine those two. To keep it between 2 people (to keep the majority happy on their elected official, instead of a third happy) but being able to strip party affiliation to avoid people voting for the other team to lose. If that makes any sense.
  6. Who gets to decide who gets to decide what is a universal human right and what isn't?
  7. Its gotta be a proto as the PCB is slotted for EPROM chips, and not retail mask roms. Not sure why its in that shell though, unless this proto was being developed for a region where the game was released after the NTSC version?
  8. Yeah it'll work with either a 32k or 8k. Once your cross that 64k threshold, then the socket size gets too big and wiring is necessary. So at the 28 pin chip level, anything'll work you just have to fill it and drop it in. Of course as long as its the JEDEC standard pinout, which is mostly the standard for a majority of the eproms. *EDIT* Its been a long time but I just wanted to add that I think even a 28 pinout chip will still work fine in a 32 pinout slot without wiring, as long as the chip is set correctly towards the back of the slot.
  9. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes. I really didn't like the obnoxious smarky tinge on how juvenile and barbaric blading is. The 2000 era of WWE RUINED wrestling for 'sports entertainment'. Which is fine, just don't call it wrestling. You can have your wrestlers who you want to play video games with and have pop culture spots/promos etc, but there are others that liked how it used to be where it was treated as more like a sport with some elements of drama pulled in. That to me, is wrestling. The sport and psychology of it, not the visual stimulation you'd get from ballet with the big spots, or needing every show to have multiple gimmick matches. My two cents obviously.
  10. I gotta watch this later fully, but is he advocating for wrestlers to not blade anymore because of the risks involved? When right now the wrestlers are more aggressively tested on their health than ever before? Yet they're getting injured more and more from careless/frequent dives/dangerous moves but thats ok?
  11. Just seeing it now on Amazon, I forgot I had a whole bunch of gift cards. It was really annoying converting 3 of my AMX gift cards into Amazon gift cards, but I just ordered it.
  12. Oh thats so unfortunate. Thank you for the heads up.
  13. @captmorgandrinker @TDIRunner https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-has-tested-series-x-and-s-backwards-compatibility-for-500000-hours
  14. They tweeted something like after 500k hours of testing, they were able to verify every Xbox game is backwards compatible. Lemme see if I can find the tweet.
  15. I def would like the X but I wanna wait to see if there are any issues, or if they can slim line it a bit, like the other generations. I find it amazing that the entire Xbox library (cept those junk kinect games) are backwards compatible.
  16. What is with all the vagueness? AFAIK we're a community who SHARE information because we're mostly friendly to each other and help in our own little quests. I'm no genius but i've given as much interesting info as I thought I found to the people here. If you're guarding information, then, I'd put you in the camp of someone that just wants to take advantage of that monetarily or elsewise.
  17. I've reached my end game. Have every game you want. I could have a couple of gameboy games here and there but not going out of my way for em.
  18. Oh thats interesting. I suppose they were just covering their TV butts for future airings. I was born in 83, but I can't recall what I saw first. I probably saw GB first along side the Real GB cuz I got the GB firehouse xmas of 87.
  19. So after the "TV" edits posted here I saw a few more. It got me thinking. Obviously those scenes were shot during the movie with the intention of showing the movie on TV, instead of just comically overdubbing over it like Die Hard 2. I wonder if when shown on TV, if thats where it became more of a kid movie? OR did the toys come out during the same time? Im under the impression after the movie came out, the TV version was a hit with kids. Got popular for a cartoon show and thats when the toys came out. Anyone know the history of this?
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