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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. This IS an NES forum and they were talking about the NES ported point and click ports haha (Uninvited, Deja Vu, Shadowgate). Nightshade was ok but the fighting mechanics were really weird.
  2. I do completely agree but we were talking about the NES haha. There are a few ways that are unwinnable. The two I know of off the top of my head is wasting the paint remover (depending on who you use but even then its not impossible) and wasting the dimes, also not impossible if you do but will just take you a LONG time guessing the combination to the safe. Also of course killing one or two of your kids will do that too. Also using the car, depending on who you use.
  3. There are snakeheads that after they're killed will kill you if you touch them but I bounced off of one in my playthru and didn't die or lose my health. Also the smokestacks will bring your life down to 1 but with prolonged touching it will kill you. Not sure on the lasers cuz they're smaller
  4. Are you playing on hard? Im gonna have to check it out tomorrow. But I know when I died its cuz I touched the flame, and not the projectiles.
  5. Its because it gives you a lot of points is why you get the refill. It does kill you, as I have died stupidly on it a couple of times but I guess it isn't one hit.
  6. Fuck yeah it rocks! I dunno why this game get such a bad rep?!?! Its so bad ass, colorful and bonkers. Pretty sure the statue of libertys flame does kill you in one hit, at least on hard. BTW the 2nd level boss's axes will also kill you in one hit and they're very annoying because they're so random. IMO that ones the toughest boss battle.
  7. Shadowgate is NOT a good entry into the point and click genre haha. Maniac Mansion is :). Almost everything in the game can be used, just some things not by everyone. Uninvited is probably the easiest I think? Maniac Mansion isn't hard but there are a few areas you can get stuck with and how they expected you to figure out the end was pretty insane,
  8. I just tweaked my run just slightly, as there a few enemies I was ignoring. On this playthru I kept them in mind. Also this just ONE good run out of LOTS of failed ones. Turns out theres a lot more randomness than I thought, including how many people you can save per level. So I was noticing some times I had less survivors at the end of the level than others, making my firepower not as strong, making the ability to progress harder. So NOW with this, to have an 'official' score i'm done. I LOOOOVE this game and I enjoyed playing the hell out of it again. I thought I could beat it again in one shot but I couldn't so i don't wanna spend all that time just to get a good run haha. Next im curious to see people pull apart the games I have on my NES shelf haha.
  9. I think the whole point of the NES was to create a perfect (looking) port of Donkey Kong to a home system. That was great until the Arcades were able to add way more than what the NES could handle, which is why we got our version of Contra etc. I wonder what the last Arcade game that was ported to the NES was? Im gonna say something like Terra Cresta.
  10. I didn't follow the rules. I didn't know you had put your name on a piece of paper next to the TV and other stuff.
  11. I love it. I can only play on UV and only recently dabbled in Nightmare. They added a new difficulty UV+ which is basically nightmare with less ammo and non respawning enemies. Its just about the perfect balance. Haha maybe. I dunno if I can get a good run like that! If my score can't be accepted or I can't show a way to prove it, thats ok. I did it for me anyway. I'm not gonna put up a fight.
  12. D'oh! I didn't even realize. I guess thats what I get for not really doing these contests haha. Oh well.
  13. Kind of reminds me of Dooms Nightmare setting. When the game was first released it was released as "Ultra Violence" being the hardest. Since people complained about it being too easy still, they made Nightmare. It has respawning enemies, enemies do more damage and are super aggressive, including being able to shoot immediately on seeing you instead of buffering like when you open a door, and also made some projectiles faster and pinky demons move superhuman fast. The problem is the levels were never tested for it. So in Doom 2, theres a level you have to kill ALL the enemies in order for a platform to raise. If they're all not dead at the same time it wont raise. Also if you kill 2 at the same time, the platform rises too far and you can't access it anymore. I asked John Romero personally and he said that they never even tested for Nightmare. Episode 4 is just about impossible to beat on Nightmare without using glitches . So its possible they made the game on 'easy' and just added some other things that they thought would make the game more challenging, without testing it thoroughly themselves.
  14. My 1CC score I posted? Hell yes thats for the contest! I just wanted to be able to 1CC it on hard mode at least once. If it gets beaten later, i'm not gonna try to get do better. Im content with just that. The next game I love that I always struggle with on hard is "Die Hard". I love the idea of it being random but the enemies are just too strong.
  15. To me if the game gives you an easy option, why not use it, if it doesn't affect the ending. I would also imagine since the default is EASY, thats how the programmers intended you to play the game until you found it too easy and wanted a challenge. I don't follow this schedule but did the schedule say it was going to be on hard? Or has that just been the theme of any game that has that difficulty, to play on the hardest setting.
  16. Thank you! I guess I was so used to playing on Easy that certain tough areas I took for granted or tanked through. Im sure this score is beatable but with the random nature of the game/enemies its hard to know if you're going to or not while playing. It seems like the average score for a 1CC is like 450-470ish. If someone beats this, im not looking to beat their score so this'll be my last entry. Im very happy just to 1CC it on hard.
  17. 476600 WOW! 1CC! I just had one of those runs where everything came together. I had to change my strats and be more aggressive to the enemies which helped with getting more health. Im finally happy to put a respectable score up for one of my favs.
  18. Yeah and get a real high score for beating the boss!
  19. @BeaIank @Richardhead Oops! My mistake. If you 1cc the game, afterwards you have to wait out the music during the "Press start" screen. THEN it shows you the high scores. I didn't even know till I just left the game on while posting on here. Sorry about that!! This is not my score but what the screen looks like.
  20. I am! 322800. Im getting there. I got to the 2nd half of the 3rd level. Im still struggling a bit with just certain areas but I think if I get lucky and get past that part I think i'll be good.
  21. Ok, now I don't feel so bad haha. Ill probably play a game for a bit every day, hoping I get some progress. If I can get to the final boss with 1cc thatll be enough of a win for me. I thought I would have had this in the bag if it was on easy!
  22. I figured if no one beat my score on easy and someone just easily beat mine, it must be really good haha. I got like 450k on easy. For some reason I have trouble during the waterfall part. Then I had bad luck on the buff guy boss and thats where I died. Usually when I play I start on level 3, but I need max power in order to get thru some of those levels.
  23. 254900. Just a quick run to get the ball rolling. Ive played this on hard and theres just one section I just cant seem to get past. The only thing I think thats different on hard is the way your character moves, and the enemies are a bit more aggressive. The part I'm talking about really prohibits your movement and you just tank damage. So I think once I figure out that part, the rest shouldn't be that different.
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