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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. People sometimes just want to feel like they own the game and play it on their system, without spending a ton of money on it. They're not getting scammed, nor are the people selling it. They know what they want, know its not real. The problem is when it gets out, someone not knowing its fake and most repros are fairly obvious they're not genuine. This crosses the line because both the repros and real carts use eproms BUT the PCB was exclusive ONLY to the real cart. NOW thats been copied, its will be much tougher and you'd need to know so much more in order to get a genuine one. My only guess is by the time these get out of the hands of people who know its fake and into the hands of someone that doesn't know it (thru someone else selling it, an estate sale etc), the game might have tanked in value since people have moved on to collecting other things and wouldn't get burned spending 20k on a fake.
  2. Also you are VERY VERY much in the minority with that stuff. YOU might have to deal with it, but 99.9% of people who collect dont care enough about that stuff and wont affect them. With the majority of what people collect, licenced titles, repros have not affected prices to my knowledge in the slightest and to my knowledge, repros of expensive games exist ONLY because they're being priced out to begin with. Those people were never gonna buy a Samson in the first place. But someone who does, knows its value and will pay for it.
  3. As far as I can see, repros have never decreased values of ANY games because those people were gonna be priced out anyway. The only time it would be a real scam, is if it was sold with the intention of keeping or INCREASING the value, just with a non-genuine item. Repros have been more prevalent than ever and prices are also higher than ever? At least temporarily. Im more concerned that its hyper accurate that it takes a GREAT detail of knowledge to catch one, instead of being able to tell from a non-genuine label or eprom/wired chips. Wonder if it'll get to an ethical question. If I use a genuine shell, a genuine pcb, all I would need to do is print a genuine SE label (which can be done), chips (unsure if mask roms with the correct date codes can be printed from a factory) and proper machine soldering. If I could do that, how would you even tell my cart wouldn't be genuine? If its literally impossible to tell, would it matter?
  4. At least its not that bad like the NEO GEO community. Glad I was never in the market for these things. Even though I didn't mind repros as long as they were easily shown to be fake, then to big deal. It'll still be tough to create an SE copy because you'd need a company to print mask roms with an older date code. But when you start adding in EPROMs, thats when things really get tricky. I always felt the PCB was good enough. I was wrong. Also I'd like to know how they created their own PCB. If they had a factory print them because small prints like this would cost a LOT more than printing like 10. Its like when you print CDs.
  5. FUCK. I REALLY didn't think someone would ever go thru the trouble of creating an entirely new PCB board as an exact replica of the NES-EVENT PCB. Then having to get all the right era date codes for the chips. THE ONLY saving grace is MAYBE they couldn't find EPROMs printed around 89/90 and that could be the give away. This is ridiculous.
  6. I never liked these people. It always felt like a scam to get every NES game as cheap as possible under the guise of some sort of vlog and bragging about it
  7. I just wanted to say how much I despise 'meme culture'. I think its pathetic.
  8. Is this the only thread people are posting in the forums now?
  9. Oh interesting. At this point I was all into wrestling so I wasn't following any video game stuff till about 96/97 when I went to a new friends house and he had an n64 and my mind was blown he didn't have to blow into the cartridge.
  10. This was on a Wed. How do I know? A) Its my dads bday. B) It was the WWF Survivor Series where the Undertaker beat Hulk Hogan for the WWF championship. C) It was also the day I got so scared about the match I threw up. I was 8. 11:19 look at those wrestling buddies! I think the Big Boss Man was actually rare cuz no one bought him. 13:23 there they are! Nes games! I see Jackie Chan Action Kung Fu, Whomp Em, Castelian, Bards tale, North vs. South, Power Blade, Totally Rad, The Punisher, Time Lord, Formula One Built To win, Terra Cresta. Weird cuz at this time the SNES should have been out.
  11. Great game. I think I got about half way but couldn't finish it. Maybe one day i'll man up to do it.
  12. 9, one of my Arnie favs. Although it looks oddly dated at times and has some weird ARD.
  13. Hmm I can't really think of anything specific, but I will go with games people hated that I loved. Sometimes because they WERE bad but I have an affinity for bad NES games. Swamp Thing, Die Hard, Zombie Nation, Waynes World, The Terminator, Ubisofts Indiana Jones, Cliffhanger all come to mind. And yea Silver Surfer too.
  14. I kinda do something similar, I actually start with the normal start stage, then work my way thru the hardest levels first. The ghost one and the lava one. Once thats out of the way its pretty much smooth sailing. Id say the ghost one is the hardest because of the trajectory of all the enemies. If you dont know their patterns you will probably fly right into them. If you have a rough idea and fully powered, its not that hard. This games requires as much memorization as Ninja Gaiden, which compared to others, isn't a lot.
  15. I will disagree because they are VERY different games in terms of combat. Doom 2016 is just "Use the SSG and run" where as Doom Eternal is really using the right weapon for the right monster. Its a combat puzzle. The difficulty doesn't really ramp up but its very RPG like as when you start building your Slayer with upgrades and get all the weapons (by the 4th level) you're just about ready to roll. So your underpoweredness is what makes it challenging. But it would be silly to say DEs first level is the hardest because you're playing it on NM without any experience. I started on UE and then went to NM so I could learn the game better. I WILL say the first few levels are the hardest on NM only because you don't have many upgrades and weapons. A couple of great things about the game, you can lower or raise the difficulty within the game at any time and even if you're stuck on a boss, you can choose to use 'sentinel armor' which gives you much more protection to try to finish. Also even if you get cheats, you can use them and finish the game without penalty. I really love they included so many different ways for you to play their game. Wanna use cheats? Sure! Wanna play the game on Nightmare with no upgrades? Sure! Yeah that is the level. I remember just dying there, I think in the middle and even using turbo (I dont use turbo all the time, I can beat it without), I could NOT get past some of the ghosts. I lost all my lives and continues just in that one area.
  16. I remember beating Bayou a while ago. To me its one of those games that feels like it was designed to be beaten within a few playthrus but the difficulty ramp up in the US release makes it feel like every part of it has to be memorized (like who drops the health, what enemies will have weapons) or parts exploited. IIRC the toughest part WAS the beginning and the driving/shooting stages weren't that bad. Shooters def require memorization, along with fast twitch, but when you're fully powered up in SS, you basically just have to remember certain parts to just not die cuz you kill everything so quickly before it even has a chance. Im telling you, the game would not be that bad if you didn't start so weak. In fact, I think the game is practically unbeatable on one of the last stages because if you die, there arent enough power ups for you to finish as the enemies take more hits than you can fire off. I think it was the one with all the ghosts and top hats. Again when you know where all these things are, you can just breeze right thru it. Play thru it first with a turbo controller.
  17. Well the thing is with Silver Surfer, you can pick your levels and they do tell you what level to start with. SS biggest problem is really how weak your normal shot is. Once you're upgraded within the first 2 levels, you can basically 1CC it, if you know a few of the tricky areas. I cant say the same for other space shooters I own. Didn't you beat Recca? With Bayou, you're FORCED to play that one stage. You can't even try the rest until that one is beat. Too bad cuz Bayou really is a great game, I have no idea why they needed to make it so much harder than Mad City.
  18. Also a note, i wish people would stop hating on Silver Surfer. All the levels have about the same level of difficulty but I would go as far as to say its one of the easiest shooters on the NES. Play with a turbo controller! Its recommended in the manual I believe. Or was that Festers Quest?
  19. Easy answer. Conan for NES. Dirty Harry was a good answer too. How about Bayou Billy? Toxic Crusaders?
  20. Maybe I'll beat Die Hard. Its usually my Xmas Eve tradition. You guys know I love this game.
  21. i have to say though, I really wasn't in love with AG because it felt like it was made for PC players, not console players. I beat DE on Nightmare and halfway thru AG I had to lower it to UV. It seems like for what was thrown at you, you just can NOT switch weapons fast enough, and between multiple weapons too. Yeah on PC you can go Rocket-Ballista-Quick Scope on like most enemies but on console you're really stuck with alternating between 2. The weapon wheel is a crummy compromise, even though it slows down time, I always feel like I can't switch fast enough with it and lose the combat flow.
  22. Doom 3 is the only one I haven't played and theres a good chance I'm not going to. I have to say re-playing Doom 64 I liked it more than I thought. I want to LOVE Doom 2, but after playing it so many times, some of the maps are just so BLEH! I love pretty much the first and last 3rd of Doom 2. So I think I would probably say for me. Also Final Doom doesn't really count because its more like an officially released fan wad. Doom - Doom Eternal - Doom 64 - Doom 2 - Doom 2016 - Doom 3. And thats not even that I dont like Doom 2016! I would rate them as 10 - 9.5 - 9 - 8.5 - 8 - 0 haha
  23. I would have given this a 7.5. I can't say it was one of the better movies released that year, but I like it more than a 7.
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