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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. I played 2 rounds. Came in 4th and 3rd. First time I ran out of time since I wasn't sure what was going on. Cool idea.
  2. Yeah I have to agree. Im much worse at SNES games because theyre a bit more complex. I have a lot of difficulty handling the cape because its not exactly like the racoon suit in SMB 3 which IMO was much more intuitive. I ended up getting to the Special Road and just have bowser left. It certainly is easier because of all the things you can do, like exiting levels or the top secret level to stock up on lives. I don't like that you can't save at any point, but only after certain parts.
  3. Some of you may know i'm not big into SNES cuz I didn't grow up with it. Not hating on it cuz there are tons of great games for it. I just started to play some more. Worked thru Link to the Past and thought it was great. So trying Super Mario World. Lovely game but I HATE the physics. Is it just me but compared to the NES Mario games, SMW Mario feels much lighter and slipperier? I often find myself dying in ways I never would in SMB 1 2 or 3 by under shooting or over shooting something and landing in a pit or in the face of an enemy etc. It makes the game way more frustrating in a game thats actually much easier conceptually than the other 3. FWIW I just got to Chocolate Island 1 and found every secret level to that point.
  4. Don't think so. I think bootgod was the exception for NES stuff. My instinct is to tell me by that point, aside from a battery save, almost all the GBA and GBC boards are identical, save for a few revisions. Ultimately it would have to take the community to open and organize all of them. BTW unless you have experience, I STRONGLY suggest not removing any TSOP chips as they're hard to remove and even harder to solder on. The way those PCBs are put together is with solder paste which is like toothpaste. Its spread on the copper contacts and the components and chips stick to them. Then the whole thing is put in the oven and melted. Its great for compact design but fixing them is really hard. Which is why its easier for most companies to replace the entire PCB than fix one part. Just a tip.
  5. The band that was supposed to be Nirvana before Nirvana. (In fact, in 88, Kurt used their vinyl record as a pickguard on his Mustang). Black Hole Sun is one of my favs. I'm not familiar with their entire catalog but I heard a lot more I liked than I didn't. 8. Oh BTW, the guy on the left in the first pic, is Jason Everman. Who played with Nirvana from Feb 89 to July 89. He also had a guitar with a vinyl record as a pickguard but I forget the band. Kurt with the Soundgarden vinyl pickguard and Jason Everman. 2-25-89. EDIT. I was wrong, The pickguard is "Where are the Dead?" by Thomas Road Baptist Church. I guess it was just the sticker.
  6. I had to look up footage. I can't believe I never noticed they gave him a little alien shmeat. Incredible.
  7. Oh I know its a true story, it makes total sense. I just never knew if there was real artwork for the cabinet or they didn't even get that far. Its possible someone just made a mock up of what it could have looked like using the original DK artwork
  8. I never saw that Popeye art. Is that legit??
  9. I should mention too sometimes the plastic casing doesn't have the font correct on the back for "Nintendo". Instead of the O being thicker on the left and right side, the thickness is uniform, just like this o.
  10. I was thinking more of a 'master' thread for all things cart based. But then again I don't think i've seen one of those threads asking if their game was a boot in a year this place has been around.
  11. I suggested it because I figured this section gets more attention. I remember the constant new threads on NA asking if their game was real or not, so figured a sticky at the top might do the trick.
  12. Ive been saying that there should be a sticky thread for this, including NES/SNES for anyone thats unsure what to look for. The number in the label also applies for Game Boy and probably Game Boy Color too.
  13. I just wanted to add in my two cents about the NES classic lag. I have an SNES classic but never really noticed anything. I have an AVS and before that I had my toploader into my Samsung flat screen and didn't notice any major input lag. One day I went to a bday party at a barcade and I wanted to play Mega Man 1 on the Playchoice 10. I messed up and ended up at the main menu which had Mike Tysons Punch Out. Since I didn't wanna play it I said he'll I'll just go to Tyson, lose, then go back to starting Mega Man again. I only fought him once and i'm not great at the game, but I actually got past that first 90 seconds! I realized it was because it was analog and the input was instantaneous. It seemed much easier than I remembered it was. My point is that input lag might be in there, even if it isn't that noticeable. But when it isn't there, its much smoother. I actually haven't tried to fight Tyson on my AVS. Perhaps I should give it a try.
  14. If you pre-ordered it, it was. I have it for Xbox one since I preordered Doom Eternal (the only game in my entire life I pre-ordered). I got it for the switch for that price. Doom Eternal is still in development for the switch and id LOVE to see how they pull off the controls, (unless you gotta you the pro-controller)... anyway.
  15. I saw this, and although the idea was really cool, I was happy just spending $5 to download it. Actually I take that back, it was on sale and it was $3.
  16. Oh stop being dramatic. It is not my responsibility to keep up with every single person on here and perhaps if someone said why, then i'd know!
  17. Yeah and this/NA was never a place for it. I think its stupid. Which is why I mentioned it HERE and not on that other website, that was just BOOMING with investors!
  18. OR you can just tell me? Why would anyone care to do research about it and how the fuck am I gonna even try if I wanted to?
  19. I don't go to those price websites that much anymore but I just stopped by GVN and saw this. Im late to the part but I wanted to express that this makes me sick. Everything wrong thats going on IMO. Looks like the NYSE. Pathetic https://gamevaluenow.com/top?scope=game&age=7&list_by=volume I also hate when you click on a game, its gives you its graded price by default. Which is catering to the tenth of a percent of people who collect this. Instead of having the way more common, LOOSE price, as a default.
  20. I like achievements because it allows me to discover things in the game I might not have noticed. On the other hand, achievements that are incredibly stupid and taxing are really lame. Yeah, its an achievement, but its like going to school and the teacher gives you a ton of homework because they forget you have other classes. On Friday the 13th, theres an achievement to play as a counselor 1000 times. Which is extreme, but not so bad because most of the time you play as them. When I got to max level, Im at 82% BUT, the dummies thought it would be a good idea to have an achievement to play as Jason 1000 times. Mind you each game lasts 10-20 minutes and the game chooses who's Jason randomly. We're talking MAYBE you'll play as Jason one in ever 10 matches, maybe.
  21. Not sure how I'm missing the point when I said it shouldn't have even been done in the first place.
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