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Everything posted by DoctorEncore

  1. Very true. Suspension of disbelief is required for enjoyment of a huge percentage of movies and I think that's totally fine. Something about time travel just seems to bring out the scientist in viewers. I would love to craft a tightly plotted story where everything syncs up and fits together perfectly. Unfortunately, you have to ascribe to some form of paradox correction to make it work. Whether it be multiple timelines, all times existing simultaneously, or some third even less palatable option.
  2. Agreed! To hell with blurry crt images, I'm in love with the pixel perfect 1080p output from my Analogue consoles. I love the games, not the shitty old technology that we had to use to experience them.
  3. I often ponder time travel in fiction and reality and there is no winning. Even the best movies have to make some logical sacrifices (Looper, for example, falls apart on repeat viewing). Unfortunately, the only movie I've ever seen with internal consistency regarding time travel is Primer and even there it still takes some leaps of logic.
  4. I spent a while debating between a 7 and an 8 and finally settled on the latter. It's a really tough movie to rate because it straddles several genres and never quite settles down into one. The concept is awesome and the execution is great, but it's not a movie I particularly enjoy rewatching repeatedly like T2. It definitely suffers in comparison to the second, but I also feel like it is elevated by it. I suspect it would have been relegated to cult status if the insane sequel had never been greenlit. Bonus points for having my second favorite female protagonist ever in Sarah Connor, who is only slightly less badass than Ellen Ripley. Another question for debate: Which is the better original film in a franchise? Alien or Terminator? Also, this movie is definitely due for a rewatch. If that changes my mind I'll come back and update.
  5. If only we could have predicted things like Snatcher, Keio, SMB we'd all be rich. I'm just getting into Sega CD this year and it doesn't seem like there is a huge audience here. I'll keep my eyes open, but obviously those titles are going to be tough finds.
  6. A few more Sega CD games including a nice Afterburner III. Road Rash was a gamble on a lot with bad pics and it's not in great condition. I did change out the case for one of the aftermarket ones we previously discussed here and that helped a little. Fred Couples is sealed because why not? I also grabbed a bunch of SMS stuff and my first TG-16 lot, but they all need to be cleaned and organized.
  7. I finally finished Assassin's Creed Valhalla! This is more just finishing a game I had already been playing, but you gotta start somewhere. On to Paper Mario and Demon's Souls!
  8. And I certainly didn't mean to imply there is a right way to approach retro reviews. I guess that's why it's such an interesting question. The answer boils down to both author intent and audience desire. Are we writing to educate? Or for people who want their biases confirmed? Or for people who want to know what they should still play in 2021? Or for people who want some historical perspective? It's definitely a great topic for discussion.
  9. Yeah, I try to do this whenever possible. I already have all the shipping supplies and I just have the mail carrier pick it up from my porch, so it's only a ten minute investment.
  10. Nice pickup on the Tecmo Soccer with plastic intact!
  11. Check out this thread for shelving ideas and to share yours! Looking forward to seeing the game room!
  12. It all depends on your goal. If you just want to let people know which games you enjoy, then put on your rose-colored glasses and let nostalgia rule. If you're taking retro game reviewing more seriously, you need to hunker down and treat each review like a research project. You need to understand the evolution of the genre and play other examples on similar consoles. You need to judge the game against its contemporaries and consider its place in history. As mentioned above, fun factor is also worth considering and should probably be weighed even more heavily in classic games. Pong may be a 1 or 2 compared to GTA 5, but I'd rather play a couple games of Pong than slog through Red Dead's 60 hour story again. Doom 1993 was mind-blowing and revolutionary, but Doom 2016 is (arguably) better in every way. Yet most would agree that the original was WAY more influential and should score higher on a shared scale. So in a lot of ways, retro game reviewing is more difficult than modern reviewing. You really have to dig deep and think about context that may not be obvious on first glance. Good luck! P.S. @Reed Rothchild can probably provide valuable insight here.
  13. I appreciate the offer, but I'm not much a hardware collector. I'm sure you'll be able to give it a good home though.
  14. Welcome! Check out this thread for some tips on getting started on this site: Look forward to seeing you around!
  15. I dropped Star Wars like a sack of potatoes. I think I gave it at least 4-5 hours but it was just not fun. I'm not a flight sim guy and I just couldn't get into it. I've got Shadow of the Tomb Raider on my backlog list so hopefully I'll get to it this year.
  16. Good luck with this one. I think the manual is even harder to find than the box. I'll keep an eye out.
  17. I opted for Rogue Squadron 2 on launch day and don't regret it. That game is bad ass. I would like to play Luigi's Mansion and its sequels some day though.
  18. It seems reasonable that there were a few production runs in the test market phase. It's only a three week difference, so I'd still believe it came from a test market set.
  19. Throw it in the fire and see what the invisible ink reveals.
  20. Here's some more context: https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/22/22244900/game-stop-stock-halted-trading-volatility
  21. Sweet. Thanks. I'll definitely look into it a bit more. That way when @ThePhleo pings me, I can actually find what he's looking for.
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