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Everything posted by DoctorEncore

  1. Nice. I need to hop on this weekend and give this a shot.
  2. Unfortunately, some games had numerous manufacturers for the chips. Your best bet is to make sure the PCB is legit with the Nintendo logo (or appropriate third-party publisher logo in certain circumstances) and check the actual codes.
  3. Even better, he has several threads on this very website chronicling his son's game creations! This game will also be included in an upcoming Evercade release!
  4. Looks great! I need to get some of those alphabetical organizers! Those would be mighty helpful and they give the collection a nice library/game store feel.
  5. I thought we had a thread for these on the site, but I can't find it. @Mega Tank may have a personal list.
  6. This is out of control. Kudos to the people who saw this coming because they should be rich at this point.
  7. I was a Genesis kid and there is just too much to love here. A solid 9 and a great companion/competitor to the SNES. I love the unique visuals and music to go with the more arcadey focus.
  8. The local rental store usually lent the game out in a generic plastic case and included the actual manual or a photocopy. There were definitely a few times where the manual had been lost and we got nothing, but I think it was included most of the time. When I was really young and the NES was new, I didn't bother with manuals. It wasn't until the SNES/Genesis generation that I really started caring about what was in the manual. After that, I would excitedly read through the instructions on the car ride home.
  9. Unfortunately I don't know anything about Brazilian releases for NES. Perhaps @Galdiuscan help?
  10. None of mine are circle seal and I've never seen a circle seal in the hundreds of these I've seen. I'm fairly confident they all only have oval seals. Every item on this list has (R) on box and cart in my collection.
  11. Well you can always take it off later if you leave it for now. If you take it off now, it will be a huge pain in the ass to get it back on later.
  12. Ahhhhh, the eternal question. When I first got into collecting, I always removed the plastic wrap. However, I've come to appreciate it as its own little box protector. I don't plan to resell anything I own, but having the plastic on does provide a huge bump in value since it protects the box and signifies the game was probably well taken care of. But as others have said, just do whatever makes you happy.
  13. Why did I even click on that? I'm out of the NES business and I won't be tempted by mint boxes with sharp corners! Or will I?
  14. I think I'm also planning towards action platformers. I'll find back to this post and update after thinking about it for a while.
  15. Thanks, man. I completely agree. I had actually planned to have angled shelves in the corners, but couldn't make it work with the space I have in this room. I actually have a setup in my movie room that uses the corner shelf and it looks pretty good. Thanks for sharing your pics.
  16. I was gonna say this exact thing. The dimensions on the Oskars are pretty much perfect for video game display and they hold a ton of games. I actually ordered a few Oskars but canceled because of all the bad reviews regarding quality of the components. I then looked more closely at Billy Bookcases and realized there is no better value or quality for mass market shelving. The big Oskar is $110 while a large white Billy is $49! Alternatively, you can experiment with more unusual shelving setups like I did earlier in this thread with things like the Furrino organizers. There are a lot of fun things you can do with shelves that weren't meant for games if you're willing to a little customization. In the end, custom is clearly the best in terms of usability, but it's a lot of work, can still be costly, and may actually hurt the value of your home. If you do go that route, there are thousands of YouTube videos to get you started though. My suggestion? Order one of the smallest type of shelf you're considering and see how you like it. Then either switch to another brand or buy more of the biggest size available. Good luck!
  17. I adore my Analogue consoles. They work amazingly well and look sexy. Have fun!
  18. People buying above BIN is one of the funniest eBay quirks. It only makes sense if you're winning multiple auctions with combined shipping, and even then it's a bit suspect. Whenever I'm tracking an item I really want, I always have the most reasonably priced BIN in my cart ahead of time. If the auction price gets close, I just BIN the other one and move on with my life.
  19. Sounds like you frequented NA well before my time, but I share your passion for minty boxes. Welcome!
  20. Sega CD is definitely a cool console to collect for. I'm really enjoying exploring the library since I've had zero interaction with it prior to this project. And they really do look great lined up on a shelf. Thanks for the link as well. I grabbed a pack of ten and I'm sure I'll be getting even more in the future.
  21. I remember hearing about those replacement cases and I think there was even a thread here discussing them. If they're still obtainable, I will probably buy some to replace the badly damaged ones. Quite a few of these actually have cracks and broken hinges, but they photograph well. Just like you said, it makes bargain hunting a bit more fun.
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