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Everything posted by DoctorEncore

  1. My understanding is that it is mostly taken from years of browsing eBay listings combined with a few sealed openings. I could be wrong though, since I don't follow SNES closely.
  2. I played the first two levels the other night and thoroughly enjoyed them. I was actually a little worried it was gonna be way too easy, but it picked up nicely towards the end of the first level and during the second level. Feat are also a cool feature. I honestly didn't pay much attention to the soundtrack, but I'll listen closer on my next play.
  3. I have never seen a concerted effort to open SNES games and confirm inserts like what we've been doing for NES, but a ton of people rely on that list. It's probably as close to complete for SNES as we'll ever get since those prices have become astronomical as well.
  4. I'll consider at $20k if it ever drops that low. Compared to GME, Bitcoin seems conservative at this point.
  5. The stock market has always been propped up by the speculative action of hedge funds and other billionaires, but I never thought Reddit would completely blow it up. This is amazing. There is a 100% chance new regulations will be coming this year.
  6. Started another new game tonight... But this time it is on the backlog! Borderlands 3 co-op with one of my good buddies. So far it's a blast. Weapons have way more variety than the previous two mainline games and are really fun to use. Adding alternate fire modes to a lot of weapons really increases the variety. I think we'll stick with this one and finish it in the next month or two. Moving along!
  7. I understand this thought process, but if no one knows you're buying, they can't sell to you. Bringing it out in the open may drive up the price through competition, but that's still better than the current price of unobtainable.
  8. I had been seeing numbers in the 150% range for percentage of shares that had been shorted (obviously some have to be double shorted for that to happen). 60% interest is still horrid though. Obviously, the short game is over for GME. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Reading the wsb reddit is like being in some kind of alternate reality fever dream.
  9. Thanks! I was wondering what price would be good to short since we all know the value of the stock will eventually come down to $20 or less. But with 100% interest on shorts, the answer is obviously never. Sunken cost fallacy is a bitch for the current shorts though.
  10. The last place that I lived had zero retro game stores within two hours, so that wasn't an option while I was closing out the NES set. A lot of people say Facebook is a viable option nowadays, but I try to avoid it if at all possible. Honestly, the only success I've had outside of eBay is here on this site. I've routinely bought and sold stuff here and had a great experience with common and uncommon stuff. As for the truly rare stuff, I've been successful here with bounties. A couple items I needed had only been on eBay a few times a year, so I put out a bounty at double the going rate. I received a hit and was able to get the items. You have to be willing to spend big bucks to go that route though.
  11. So for the savvy investors here I have a few questions: Could this get to a point where the markets put an indefinite hold on trading the stock? Could anything that's happening here be construed as market manipulation? If all of Reddit sold their stocks in a coordinated manner, would that be illegal? Are there any more shares available to short at this point and if so what do you think the Buy price should be? This is truly a fun ride from the sidelines and a great learning experience.
  12. My bad. I didn't look closely at that screenshot. Regardless, that dude is crazy. Hahaha. People always say half jokingly that playing the stock market is like gambling, but most decisions are made on actual data. At this point he is literally just gambling. And winning.
  13. Just remember that nobody's made any money until they cash out. That guy is either a true mad lad or a secret billionaire. Any reasonable human being would have cashed out by now.
  14. I agree. After starting collecting for the console, I'm really enjoying how they present. Something about that blue stripe and the long boxes works surprisingly well. I don't know, but I sure hope he got some proper shelves by now. Only thing he is obviously missing is the red version of Wonder Dog.
  15. I'm just along for the ride. No money on the table for me (unless one of my mutual funds has a stake).
  16. Decided to totally sabotage myself and started a new game last night instead of taking on the backlog. The game is Cyber Shadow and it is awesome. Suck it @Reed Rothchild!
  17. The first two minutes of that video are a testament to the absolutely perfect design of SMB. He was able to muddle through the first two sections of World 1 in a way that naturally taught him numerous gameplay concepts (long push to jump higher, sprinting, consecutive jumps on enemies). Miyamoto is a design genius.
  18. I wasn't a big fan of Looper, but it definitely has a strong following. I'd recommend just watching Back to the Future for the 30th time instead.
  19. This Gamestop saga is a perfect illustration of why I don't day trade. Hahaha. Insanity!
  20. Damn dude, I really gotta get you my Wii U want list. You're a machine.
  21. Not gonna lie, I thoroughly enjoyed T3 when it came out and on subsequent rewatches.
  22. Looking very good. It's also launching on Game Pass for any Xbox people.
  23. Two big releases straight into Game Pass this week: Cyber Shadow https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2021/01/22/cyber-shadow-xbox-game-pass-january-26/ The Medium https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/the-medium I am actually quite excited to play both. I hope The Medium lives up to the hype. Xbox could really use a hit to keep things competitive.
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