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Everything posted by DoctorEncore

  1. Care to elaborate? I'm not familiar with this company. Also, I was planning to buy the GME dip this morning, but it turned into a crash. Glad I didn't have a limit buy at $150. UPDATE: I also got out of SLV in the premarket since it was falling hard. Sometimes you just gotta take the money and run.
  2. The biggest new games have to sell like 5-10 million just to break even now. It has gotten insane. Thankfully, passionate game developers are still forming small teams to create cool stuff like Cyber Shadow.
  3. Welcome to the 21st century! Now I feel like I have to bump up my playthrough of Last of Us. I suppose I could delay Demon's Souls further...
  4. It's a bummer that the trade restrictions ruined this grand experiment. The limitations on trading definitely affected the price the last few days. I may throw some money at it pre-market in hopes for one final upswing. Etrade has no restrictions on buying and I have a decent amount of cash in hand there. Will update tomorrow.
  5. Damn, dude, I didn't even know about that! Always more to learn. Here's a legit back side from a recent sale.
  6. I have been following this auction as well and the pics are definitely suspicious. The colors pop way too much, especially the reds and whites. Unfortunately, a lot of people have been punching up the color on their items with auto-HDR on their smartphones to try to make boxes look better than they are. So this isn't a smoking gun, but it is suspicious. The plastic wrap is a reseal. The way it's partially torn is a good way to hide that, but it's clearly not an H-seam if you look closely. The side where the cardboard comes together on the back right looks suspiciously straight and seems more prominent than usual. This is just kind of a feel thing from looking at thousands of boxes. The cardboard material is gray-ish, but looks off. Could be from the auto-HDR, but I can't tell. I think this is one of the newer, better repro boxes. The seller may not know, but he also has an LoZ: LttP that looks suspicious. I would not bid on this one. Or if you want to chance it, ask for more photos with auto-HDR turned off. If you do purchase and it turns out to be a repro, eBay will side with you if you initiate a dispute.
  7. If GME is your target, consider waiting until trading platforms drop restrictions. It will probably get a bump when they do. A final death knell, if you will.
  8. Prepare for death by a thousand paper cuts! So anyways... Anyone gonna buy the dip? It never made it to the $150 I was looking for, so the slow slide to oblivion may have already begun. Volume was incredibly low today thanks to trading restrictions. I think it's possible the Redditors rally the troops for one last go, but it's getting riskier and riskier.
  9. Good luck doing anything fun with diamond hands. At least paper hands are flexible.
  10. Those Dragon Force discs are badass. Apparently there are several different variations of the instruction book and back art for Lunar as well. I have the least fancy, non-foil version, but I will probably try to get at least one of the foil ones and limit my variant hunting.
  11. Yeah, they could easily be manipulating the number, but you have to assume some of them decided to finally get out. GME has been hovering around 260 for a while. Maybe we've reached equilibrium? It's good that it didn't straight up crash, but it may be time for people to get out.
  12. Buying is still limited on multiple platforms, most of the shorts have exited (short percentage is now 60-80% instead of 120+), the stock is too expensive for most wsb'ers, and a lot of hype has been transferred to AMC and silver. The market giveth and the market taketh.
  13. I'm not sure how the discs are named among hardcore collectors, but here is a pic: I'm a huge fan of NES box variants, but I'm actively avoiding learning about other system variants to save myself some heartache. I do know that there are 7 variants for this one and there is a BIN that includes all seven for a measly $2000. Must. Resist. Temptation.
  14. The reddit run on silver is real and started with this post, but there are numerous others now: The difference here is that the community has not united around it and have, in fact, been actively suspicious of this new push. But the effect is undeniable. Look at SLV since this post: No matter who you attribute this to, it is making money for people who got in early. I'm just wondering if someone just wanted to test out the wsb strategy on something tied to actual physical product. There are some very real reasons that SLV won't run very far, but this could work on other companies involved in silver mining and processing (see: AG which had a huge run in pre-market trading and is still up 20% as of now). Here's a good article about why SLV can't go very far: https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/02/01/why-squeezing-ishares-silver-trust-doomed-to-fail/ Anyways, Reddit gave me a nice little short term profit on SLV, but I'm also considering holding some of it for the long haul due to market craziness.
  15. Absolutely. SLV will not be anything like GME, but a 10% gain when you're talking about day trading is fantastic. Especially for something that's so safe. I'll be keeping an eye on AMC, but I probably won't buy in unless it falls below 10.
  16. Pre-market is so hard to judge, especially before 7:00AM. Almost no one has access before that time and all the new people coming in won't even know what pre-market is. I wouldn't take it as a sign of much. I was watching SLV last week when it came up on wsb and decided to give it a go. It saw about a 10% bump after the first big mention, but then it got buried by GME memes. I looked back on it historically and did a bit of silver research and I agree it's a solid buy, even for medium to long term. I was able to get a substantial stake at 24.89 on Friday in hopes the story would pick up over the weekend. SLV actually gained about 1% in aftermarket trading on Friday, giving me a nice little profit for the day. I saw a few articles saying that wsb can't pump or squeeze silver because it's such a huge commodity, but that's only partly true. My justification for a run on SLV: wsb/Redditors don't have to actually pump the entire silver market, just the SLV fund. Simple economics of supply and demand for this fund will lead to modest growth. Hedges have realized what can happen with a coordinated short squeeze and are definitely monitoring wsb now. The major shorts probably won't stick around to fight this battle after seeing the huge losses on GME and others that have accumulated in just one month. This should give SLV at least a small squeeze. Market conditions are volatile, so precious metals will all probably go up this week. So far, things are playing out as I predicted. I did actually have a stop order in at $23.50 since wsb creates such volatility, but thankfully it didn't execute. SLV is up about 10% pre-market due to short exits or new people/funds coming in. I'm interested to see how it plays out for the week. The real question now for me is "When do I take my meme money and run?" As for GME and AMC, they are impossible to predict. I was hoping for a bigger GME selloff premarket after people had time to rethink their life choices over the weekend. I was hoping to jump in at $150 and then sell on the first major bump, but it looks like that isn't gonna happend. AMC is impossible to predict and is up 20% premarket right now. Insanity. @jonebone, what trading company do you use? Are you able to trade at 4am? I'm on E-Trade, but they don't allow premarket until 7am. Good luck friends! EDIT: Looks like a lot of Redditors went with AG over SLV since it's cheaper. It's up almost 40% premarket. This is a wild ride.
  17. Thanks! I've only played Lunar: SSC on PS, but it's one of my favorite RPGs there. Still haven't played Eternal Blue, but I will someday (probably when I'm retired and my kids are grown/no longer talk to me haha.) Thanks! Agreed. I've only played SSC, but the translation there is fantastic. I haven't played any of WD's other games, but that would be a fun (and expensive) catalog to play through. I want to go after Saturn someday, but I'm terrified thinking about how prices are just going to keep increasing. Need to work on some real life purchases for the house before I even look at them. Yeah, I wasn't very familiar with either game before this year, but I saw an opportunity for Fatal Fury and jumped. It looks like it doesn't come up much at all and the price is inflating quickly.
  18. The Sega train keeps on rolling. Really happy with the prices on a lot of this stuff. People (non-VGSers, that is) definitely don't know their Sega like they know their Nintendo.
  19. When the price crashes, it is going to crash FAST. And all the newbies who don't have stop orders in are going to lose everything. If you peruse wsb, you won't see much about how to minimize losses. Just and over and over again. Speaking of which... Predictions for the week? I'm thinking GME goes down in premarket Monday as cooler heads prevail and smarter investors flee. That will (maybe) be followed by an early morning bump from all the people just now learning about this craziness from their weekly news podcast. As the week goes on I think it will be a steady decline. Anyone buying in? I've sat it out this whole time but I might set up a limit buy in the 150 range for premarket. I've also got my bigger actual investment in SLV which should be fun to watch this week. EDIT: Also, pretty much all of the new traders are using Robinhood which puts them at the back of the line for executing trades, so it will be especially bad for them.
  20. Well, yeah. That too. But what I wrote is my general strategy if you add in "sales and BINs of comparable quality."
  21. I use pricing sites to give me a general range, but recent completed sales combined with available BINs is a much more accurate reflection of the current price. Videogame pricing is akin to the stock market where the price continually fluctuates over time, even within a single day.
  22. That game is great. It also has a nice amount of hidden stuff to make it worth repeat playthroughs.
  23. Of course it's all semantics and opinions will vary, but I definitely wouldn't consider PS3 retro. I'm willing to concede that PS1/N64/Dreamcast are retro, but I'm not ready to give the title to the PS2 generation, even if it did begin 20 years ago.
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