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Everything posted by SNESNESCUBE64

  1. Without getting into whether or not he should have been impeached, I'm not going to discuss. HOWEVER, one thing I would like to point out is that it seems that our representatives are not interested in the interests of the people, but rather the party they associate with. If you look at the count, not a single republican voted yes on whether or not Trump should have been impeached yet nearly every democrat voted yes. So this vote seems to me to be more of a party thing rather than if Trump actually did anything wrong. That's the real tragedy of it all...
  2. I mean, it's just luck of the draw. I've had to change batteries on most cartridges for nes, snes, gameboy. I've never had to on genesis as I never had any that saved...
  3. I found this at a store in flint, I'm sure you folk can guess what's wrong
  4. All of them are a good time. I didn't particularly enjoy dream team as much, but the first one is my favorite. The second and third ones are also very solid. The remakes are also pretty true to the original, but I liked the spritework of the originals better than the 3D-ish look the remakes gave us.
  5. Thats what I just paid to ship a box to Vectrex28, shipping to Europe is just expensive. I wish I had a solution for you. Maybe look into DHL, I know they do a lot of international shipping...
  6. So I've learned something today about the site, turns out mods are like state troopers, they have a ban quota, just like the post quota. I always figured they had a ban button on their desk to make it easier to do the ban, is that true? It also seems that I was too late to bring up unban, LEAVE 'EM ALONE! HE JUST HATES THE BAN!!!
  7. I'm happy that this thing is out of my life, it was a hassle in a half, but good experience with the console. For future reference here is a few precautionary tips. One, if you have one and haven't recapped it, what are you waiting for! The early 90's were rampant with bad electrolytic capacitors, not a single capacitor hadn't bursted. Whats even worse is that electrolytic fluid leaked under the expansion connector, meaning that I had to desolder it to clean it. I recommend the console5 cap kit for it, their kits are top notch and their customer service folk are great! Secondly, there is a lot of plastic on this console, so you have to be very careful when using a hot air station to desolder the packages, otherwise you could melt the connectors. Every time I did work, I covered the whole thing in kapton tape to shield it (first picture). Its cheap enough and is very effective. Just as a note, the main card connector as far as I am aware is specific to the LT. I checked both a GT and a core graphics unit, and the connectors were different enough to where it wouldnt work. One thing to note is that you will have to desolder it when replacing the capacitors under it, don't even try to do it without removing it. One final thing to bear in mind, is that they used epoxy to keep the components on the bottom part of the board in place during the manufacturing process. This makes it a hassle and a half to remove chips on the bottom as just heating the ic and solder may not be enough. I had to desolder the 6264 ram chip on the bottom because it was bad and causing issues, and there were a couple dabs of epoxy. So anyway, here is the work log of what I did: symptoms: It's dead Jim No power on the board, no screen, no sound, no boot. Reaked of bursted caps. Solution: replace the caps, I used a kit from console5. Beer is optional while doing such, I chose Killians Irish Red. symptoms: I got power, but no boot. Tv function is fine, av in also works I approached this by looking to see what was happening on the cartridge bus, the address lines were static and there was garbage on the datalines. Nothing obvious. Replaced the 6264 ram chip, nothing significant changed. Although, it did test bad when I put it on a soic adapter and tested it, so it needed to be replaced anyway. Next step, I replaced the CPU, no change. Afterwords, I changed the GPU and the interface chip. PC Engine finally booted. symptoms: colors were wonky. Green seemed to be stuck at a certain level. (Second picture) Solution: GPU is bad (ugh I have to replace that dumb thing again). To be fair, it came from a known broken pc engine, so whatever. Replaced it, PC engine was now fully functional. For reference, it shouldn't have taken as long as it did, I just have no free time...
  8. I got mine, i saw it on twitter the other day and thought "eh, it could be neat".
  9. I have my doubts, I would assume it to be too expensive and way too niche. On top it that, CRTs aren't necessarily the most efficient devices. They are bulky, heavy, and consume large amounts of power. With the rapid advancement of scaling and adapter technology, I honestly believe there won't be a need for CRTs. However, I do not think it is out of the realm of possibility. For example, there was a resurgence of Nixie tubes, new ones are even being manufactured but are insanely expensive. The other thing is you can still find crts. You gotta bear in mind, color crts were mass produced by the millions for well over 40 years. Every so often, I see them on the side of the road, if you guys are that concerned about them disappearing, pick them up, rgb mod them, and find them a home. That said. I believe that they are essential to certain experiences, particularly in arcade cabinets. I also would never get rid of my RGB capible NEC autocolor. I love that 150lb box of wood and glass.
  10. I'd argue there is no point to having an app. The mobile version is very good as it is, so putting the extra effort in developing an app would be a hassle and a half.
  11. I started playing it the other day, and I have been really enjoying it. I particularly enjoy the dynamax battles, just something about the pokemon you beat exploding that makes it so satisfying! Some of the complaints about the game are valid, but I feel like a good chunk of them are over-exaggerated.
  12. I haven't forgotten about it, life has been very very busy for me between work and finishing up school, so I haven't had much time to make copies of the game. Some more will be made, I just don't know when. If someone else wants to do it and work with vectrex28, that's up to them, but right now I am incapable of dedicating time to this project.
  13. This movie is going to be really fun. The changes to sonics character design are welcomed.
  14. Finally sent the message with my list. Its always a hard thing to think about...
  15. I present an alternative as I don't have a shelving option like everyone else...
  16. ^ Captain Lou Albano was the best
  17. Yeah Nintendo sold ziplock baggied to hold exactly 4 batteries for your gameboy. What if you go fishin and you get water on your extra set of batteries!
  18. I think it is a very long list. Let's make it longer, get an nes toploader, so you could buy one of those famicom adapters. Once you have the famicom adapter, buy a famicom disk system with the ram cartridge so you can play all 300 disk systems. Alternatively, I would consider the ultimate setup a sharp twin famicom with an everdrive...
  19. I learned something about the interaction between the gamepad, the reset button, and the console. So how the reset function works is that when you plug one of the gamepad power cables into the console, it actually powers on the console. By pressing the reset button, you are basically pressing the power button, as it will turn off, wait a couple of seconds, and then turn back on. Sometime soon, I am gonna dive into finding out why so many of these kiosks monitors have audio problems. I am gonna attempt to repair it by assembling a cap kit and going from there, I just have no idea when I will have the time to do so. Also, if someone wants to make a cable for their gamepad, I have both sides of it, only problem is that the cable itself is cut. If someone wants it, just shoot me a message and I will send it to ya for cost of shipping.
  20. It's weird that they erased and used a punch out arcade video board eprom for the prg. That sticker makes me wanna say it is legitimate.
  21. So I started playing this over the weekend, it has been very good so far. The environments on each floor is really good. Overall, it seems to be a happy medium in terms of content between dark moon and the first one, which is fantastic. I particularly like how there is more of a focus on puzzle solving than that of the first game. Overall, I've been very happy with this game, if you haven't gotten it, consider picking it up .
  22. Mine is simply a very chill Yoshi. Beforehand it was was an orange Yoshi from the back of tetris attack manual. No meanings or nothing, just Yoshi...
  23. Haha no. It was just a fun image I made where I replaced the person outline with a yoshi. For other people, here's the screenshot. Although, I'm not on Glove's goodlist this time around, I feel like I could get that ban any day now...
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