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MiamiSlice last won the day on April 26

MiamiSlice had the most liked content!


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Conjurer (8/20)

  • COLLECT - Prototype
  • COLLECT - Signs: Retail Display
  • COLLECT - Hardware: Arcade Cabinet
  • COLLECT - Hardware: Kiosk
  • COLLECT - Paper: Nintendo Power 2 Rare

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  1. Odds and ends. I said I was going to post more consistently this year and then my job got crazy.
  2. That's an identical sign. No idea if it's the same one. That's not my friend but it may be the guy my friend got it from!
  3. Buddy of mine wants to sell this and I want to make a fair offer. I know there’s a larger sign up on eBay sitting at $2k https://imgur.com/a/GiK7LSC
  4. I’ve never seen this before and now I’m super jealous
  5. 5 days left: https://www.ebay.com/itm/266741041140?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4KWKmPDCQ2-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_w4Ja4vNRs-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Sonic Adventure games got a lot of critical reviews too. Whereas Super Monkey Ball was just a great game.
  7. What a gorgeous item. And it went for a pretty penny, but can't even argue with that!
  8. Ray'z was announced July 2022 with the planned release date "sometime in 2023" I don't know if they gave estimates for the rest. The rest went up for sale early to mid 2023. These are small runs too. Just no urgency to print them.
  9. Strictly Limited is out of their minds
  10. Imagine not putting in 10 minutes of effort for a 4 figure payout!
  11. $37.19 on eBay. I think that’s a good price? Pretty sure the guide goes for that much alone…
  12. Someone listed a bunch of Switch games for sale in a Facebook Group and most of the prices were below eBay. I paid $50 for NGPS vol2 and Aces of the Luftwaffe. Was very happy with that price.
  13. New pickups! Bratz is in a bag with dryer sheets because it smells of cigarettes. Warioware magnets are a nice reward Got nice prices on Switch games, feeling #blessed!
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