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Everything posted by SNESNESCUBE64

  1. More proof that Rodan is the biggest bitch in the Godzilla Universe, even Homer beat em!
  2. Both locations of Gibaltar Trade Center can be removed, Taylor location closed in 2014 and Mout Clemens location closed a couple years ago.
  3. Must have been a slow day for the writters of that article. Of course students don't wanna sign up for selective services, myself included. However, like previously said, it is required by law for males ages 18 and up to sign up. So that said, whatever, you just gotta get over it and do it. Am I the only tired of seeing articles that follow the formula of "generation * is bad because *"? It's rediculous because they are just cheap shots at something (like this) that is a pointless when there is better stuff to worry about.
  4. I'm not an expert by any means, but KLOV (klov.com will redirect you to it) is probably the best resource that I've found. The website has images of on the main site and if you are a member of the forum you can see plenty of images of it there.
  5. Congrats! It's great to see how quickly this forum grew. Well, now that you are at a thousand, you better start banning!
  6. I mean, we went from big bulky machines used for work only to having what would be considered super computers in the 90's in the palm of your hand. In terms of the ways we communicate, things have changed greatly. I'd say that they stand out in their own right, it will just needs to be reflected upon in order to see the differences.
  7. Metal Jesus Rocks US N64DD should be added to the list. It really would be the ultimate american set...
  8. You need to add the expansion pak door, I had a console that was missing it once...
  9. That's not the question. The question at hand is "are you or are you not the red wahoo?"
  10. I'm glad that "AA" batteries are part of the list. I'M ON MY WAY!
  11. I actually have no plans this year for collecting. A couple years ago I really slowed down and haven't bought much. So right now I'm in a state of limbo. Right now I'm more focused on finishing my home electronics lab so that way I can persue my hobby of circuit design and repair. I have a couple big projects I would like to hammer out this year. I've already made strides towards them, so we will see. This doesn't mean I won't buy games. I'm still excited for a couple new games like animal crossing. But right now, I'm pretty content with what I have.
  12. ROB was in Mario Kart DS as an unlockable character.
  13. Man, I think you are right, Mario has all of the insider information because he works at nintendo!
  14. This list is incomplete, Andy and my boy fat yoshi isn't even there. How did ya get the list? Does your uncle work at nintendo as well?
  15. Boy, Paprika sure was a movie. It's a good time.
  16. The batteries work because I changed them! I figured they were on their way out so I made sure that new ones were put in there. Glad you liked them!
  17. My secret santa this year was @Deadeye. He hooked me up with some sweet pokemon stuff including my boy fat Pikachu, which is still hilarious to me even after all these years. He also hooked me up with Pokemon stadium, which I have never actually played, so I look forward to that. Thanks again, this was a very good first VGS secret santa, and thank you @captmorgandrinker for running the show this year. Hopefully you didn't have to break anyone's knees in order to get anyone to ship this year.
  18. Merry Christmas everyone. It's been a wild year, but we all made it through. I'm having a hard time reflecting this year as a lot had happen, mostly good. But I'm particularly looking forward to the beginning of 2020 as I would be entering the final semester of schooling before I get my bachelors in Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
  19. My plans for the 2020's are to get out of student loan debt and save up enough money to get a house. Other than that, I haven't really thought too much about it. It really is a wait and see kind of deal.
  20. I read about that the other day. Guy helped changed the world, so many devices utilized his work. May he rest in peace.
  21. On top of what everyone else said, that sounds sketchy. It sounds almost like the person asking can't get it because they are either underage or for other reasons. Personally if I were in that situation, my reply would be "Yeah, no."
  22. And that speaks to how polarized our political climate is right now. It's a case of "you are either with us or against us". It's ultimately dangerous for the well being of the nation. What needs to happen is people need to sit down and find a happy medium...
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