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What's the 'obscure-iest' game you played as a kid?


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Not really that obscure, but I guess Guardian Legend. I found it in a bargain bin and remember thinking I bought a zelda-like and was disappointed when I popped it in and saw a straight up vertical shooter. At the time I thought shooters were crap (what an idiot, right), so I promptly returned the game in favor of Solstice.

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I wore out Pac-Man on our Atari and even got to the point to where I just would stop playing a game, rather than dying. I’d get bored after an hour (or whatever) of gameplay on a single game.

My brother and I played Anticipation a bunch until we had every challenge memorized and then it was basically a game of speed and who could hit the button fast enough once the clear patterns were presented for any challenge.

Either way, those games aren’t obscure but considering how Pac-Man is universally considered a bad port and Anticipation is just mundane, it’s unusual that we became “experts” at those games. But, eh. We played what we had.

Edited by RH
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If Plok! counts as obscure than that would be my pick. Also, Breath of Fire 2. It may have been somewhat common in the US, but it was and still is quite rare in Europe and I never met anyone who had heard of this, let alone have a physical copy.

Then later, through the wonders of emulation, I got to play a bunch of SNES RPGs that were never released over here, such as Seiken Densetsu III, Chrono Trigger, EVO, 7th Saga and a few others.

There was also a time, when no one over here knew what Shin Megami Tensei or Persona was, not even the store clerks at game stores. I had to spell it out so that they could find it in their computers and tell me whether they still had it somewhere.

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1 hour ago, Craigly1234 said:

Not sure how obscure it really is but I never hear people talk about the odd world games on ps1 and I played those religiously growing up

I never played any of the Oddworld games, but I feel like I hear people talking about them constantly. They seem especially popular in circles of people who aren't normally big into game (ie. nerds).
They seem like they'd be right up my alley, too. Very high on my endless to-play-list.

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