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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

X vs. O

I wanted to make a fly swatting game for the Atari 2600. I wanted to make a game about letters for the Atari 2600. I wanted to make a new Atari 2600 game. So I decided to combine all three into a new game I'm working on called "X Vs. O." You are the letter X, and your job is go up to letter Os and press fire. But there are some bees. If you touch a bee, you'll die. I'm deciding to make this a one-life game like the Odyssey 2 games used to be. The game is in a very early stage. I just began


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

You, too, can be a banana guarder

I changed the lemon back to a banana. And during the past week or so I finished the game. And now it is ready for release. And it will be released. I don't know exactly when, within a few months or so. I think I did a pretty good job putting this in 2k. I have one byte left, so I really had to cram stuff in there, AND also make it work at the same time. I also came back to my Odyssey 1 project I started a year ago. I designed the overlay to part 1, not to mention think it up

when life hands you lemons...

I don't know why, but I keep changing my 2k Atari 2600 game Fruit Fly Fun. I guess it's an attempt to try making it better and better. I never did like the banana in the bottom. So I changed it to a lemon. And I changed the clouds so they look far away. Since they do, I then decided to get rid of the enemies going behind the clouds part since there was no longer a need for it. Most of the work was attempting to avoid jagged edges on the playfield (clouds, lemon). I don't know why

2k games for the Atari 2600

When one thinks about 2k games for the Atari 2600, they think of titles like Kaboom, Breakout, and Golf. The first ever Atari 2600 homebrew, Okie Dokie, is 2k. Well, a year ago, I thought I'd take a stab at a better 2k game for the Atari 2600. My first one about a stalk of celery burning vegetarians in an incinerator was just too far out there. It was also my first assembly game. If I was going to make a 2k game, I would need to do it in assembly instead of Batari Basic. I had to stop progr

It's Bert! (part 3) / Legend of Helga

OK, so someone at AtariAge helped me to make Bert's pupils black. So I guess the question now is: Would you buy this? I don't want to have unsold copies of this game sitting around. I also have been working on Game Boy programming. I have been working on tree collision on a game I just started called "The Legend of Helga." I improved what I had earlier this morning and now it's working just fine. I'm at a good place to stop now, so I'll pause work on this for a few day


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Potato chips at the beach

Well, I went back to working on my Atari 2600 game after a few months. What was left? I added a sixth level, and what happens after you beat the sixth level. When you beat the sixth level, it will loop back to the first level. Not very much changes from level to level, I did that just for a change of scenery. After the third level, though, the onion rings are equipped with homing missiles, which is an attempt by me to make the game harder. Once you beat level 6, the missiles should stay homing m


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Hamburgers for the 2600

I'm jumping around from project to project again. Someone made me remind myself that I tried to make a port of Hamburgers for the Atari 2600. So I decided to resume work on it. I have two levels working now. Level 1 is the Big Rock Candy Mountains and level 2 is the Chocolate Cave.   Right now I can alternate between the two by changing the value in a variable in the code called "Level" to 1 or 2. What's next in work on my game is to make the game start on level 1 and then switch to lev


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Sound thinking

Yesterday, I got real bored, so I decided to make some music for the menu. I also changed the font so it looks better. I don't like the "computery" font sometimes, so I changed it so that each number is a different font. I also colored the score different colors for each game so you know which game you got the high score on. I've been working on this since Sunday and I think I've done a good job so far. I don't know what else to do though.


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

My nose is still running.

Now that I think about it, I could call it "The Runs" and have it be a piece of poop running. But I won't. I redesigned Mr. Noseson (Noseson is a palindrome) and worked on the boxes to jump over. Mr. Noseson now looks like this: I decided to make his legs orange instead of black. This morning I put in collision detection for the boxes. Next up is working on making some music for the menu. But not today. I'm done with programming for today.


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

My nose is running.

So I didn't really want just one guy running for my running game. I thought, "What else runs?" Noses. So I titled the game "Runny Nose." Here is Mr. Noseson. His little legs are animated. I attempted a realistic jumping code, with gravity and stuff. I thought I was done with Atari 2600 noses when I finished "Uncle Hairy's Nosehair." Well, anyway, this is being done in batari Basic. I originally was going to have the ground in this be of varying heights, so I began in bB because I didn'


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600


Yesterday it was 116 degrees here. I could have sworn the Weather Channel had 117 on the screen for about an hour or so, but I guess it was a mirage? Anyway It was hot Sunday too. About 112 or so. Both those are above the all-time record of 110. And yet I coded. I am making a new Atari 2600 game. I was influenced from a post on AtariAge. (Influenced is not the word I wanted, but it will work.) It was about one button games. Games that only use one button and no joystick. I thought "I could


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Flying Hamburger - May 17, 2021

I got some help with the score. I added a lives counter to the left of it. I also made the onion rings move at different speeds. I also made a few other minor changes. Now that there's lives, I added a death to the burger if it touches the onion ring. I've been working on this a lot for a few days, so I'm on a this-game-programming break now.


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

4 l

Changed the look of the arena. The o will come out of one of those four buildings and move around randomly. There will be a lowercase l instead of a bee. I think it has to be yellow. I had a heck of a time trying to make the display steady, but I eventually did.


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

The nosehair demon. (Atari 2600)

I put in the nosehair demon in the game and someone was kind enough to help me figure out a problem with the sound so now I can use both channels. Previously, I was only able to use channel 1 but now I can use channel 0 as well. Other than that, not much has been worked on for the game. I hope to work on it later today. I just woke up and had breakfast (it's almost 10 a.m. here.) I also made some artwork for the game. This happened when I got bored programming it. I like to draw pictur


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

The new return of Uncle Hairy

I jump from project to project. When I get bored with one, I pick up another and work on it for a while. I plan to repeat this plan until I die (or can't use a computer any more.) So, as you may have guessed, the project du jour is Uncle Hairy's Nosehair. About a month ago, I called it done, but now I've decided to go back and work on it some more. So I did. This is what it looks like now. I find it funny and odd that this picture of the game is larger than the game itself. You can get


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

New score

So I got an Atari 2600 game I didn't have before. I bought Chase the Chuckwagon. But a huge shout out to AtariAge user SpiceWare, who changed the way the score looks in my nosehair game. It now looks like this: I redesigned the number font and I think it looks good enough. I also worked a little more on it and got the scissors back to facing the "correct" way (the way I wanted them to and were before.) With all the changes though, I have about 2 bytes left. Which I guess is okay since


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Nosehair update - 2-24-2021

I worked on my Nosehair game last night. I did three things: I made the nosehair's top speed faster (because people said it was too slow), I got rid of the horrid title screen music and replaced it with a better-sounding tune, and I changed the shape of the nostril. This is what it looks like now:


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Count's Castle

So I was making the beginning of Count's Castle for the Atari 2600 (The "lost" Kid's Controller game) when the power went out. I was expecting it to be out for a couple days since we had an ice storm here that toppled trees. It lasted SIX DAYS. For almost a week, all I had to keep myself warm was a gas fireplace. And all I had to entertain myself with was the radio and a Game Boy. Many hours were spent trying to figure out the puzzles in Daedalian Opus and trying to complete the screen in Word Z


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Another Return of Uncle Hairy

I was having trouble with this game getting the cutting just right every single time. An idea came to me as I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep. Make the Cutting variable the same as the PlayerY variable. This meant when PlayerY moved, so did the Cutting variable. And THIS meant setting a permanent variable for all of PlayerY's positions. Thankfully it wasn't as complicated as it sounds. It just meant to put in this code before exiting the Joystick code: [code]         sec     


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Music and flashing colors.

So I worked some more on Uncle Hairy's Nosehair tonight. I went to sleep at about 11 a.m. and woke up at 10 p.m. because my leg hurt. I saw someone found a bug, so I was off to fix that. And then the stupid scanline wasn't being steady. Most of my work on this game has been attempting to make the scan line count be a steady 262. I did find a way however to add back the color changes and have music at the same time. But now I have 0 bytes left. That is, if I want to make it a 2k game (which I do.


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Music returns.

Music has returned to Uncle Hairy's Nosehair. The colors don't change any more though (unless you flip the switch to b&w). I also made some more changes. For instance, if the demon gets the box, you lose 10 points. And I also made the nosehair's beginning growing speed slower. And then I had to get the scanline count a steady 262 so it doesn't jitter on real hardware. That is the hardest part of the projects I do in Atari 2600 assembly. The machine is what? 45 years old? It shouldn't be stup


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Uncle Hairy returns.

I want to finish Uncle Hairy's Nosehair. I returned to work on it. I made it so when the box pops up, the demon stops chasing you and goes after it. Nothing special if he gets it, although you lose all the points lost while the scissors weren't going after the nosehair, and you do have to wait a little bit for another box to pop up. There's no more music, but there is color cycling when the game isn't running (think "Combat"). So now I have 10 bytes left. And I spent hours and hours working on t


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Nosehairs for December 17.

I worked some more on the game. Here's a video of me playing it with the Stella emulator. I made it so the nosehair demon chases you around the screen instead of him moving randomly. Since he now does this, I could delete a fair amount of code associated with the process of randomly moving around, and as a result I now have about 70 bytes left, which is up from about 30. I also made it so you can play the game in black and white instead of in color. Though I doubt many people will, I j


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Nosehairs for December 15.

Yesterday I did some more work on Uncle Hairy's Nosehair. That's the name of the game, although since the game doesn't display the name in it, I could call it anything I want. I got rid of the cutting nosehair for points. I made it so touching the nosehair demon subtracts from your score. I made the box worth ten points instead of one. I have over 100 bytes left. And the game is 2k. I don't know what else to put in the game. I don't know how much I can put in the game and still have the display


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

A change of looks

I had a box planned for the game, but in order to fit it in, I needed to change the play field drawing code I had because it was too large and wouldn't support me having another sprite in there, even if it was just a missile. So yesterday was tons of work. Today was adding back the animation. I finally got this: It looks a little different. Gone is the green strip at the bottom. The two sprites are 2x bigger. The nosehair is now thinner, due to it being the ball instead of the play fie


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

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