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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Everything posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. Pulling these here from the Immortals Fenyx Rising as it's much more specifically BOTW then that game A lot of this can all be said about Open World in general. For better or worse it is what works and what is popular. At the least imo what makes BOTW stand out is that Zelda flavor and Nintendo flair put into it. It just works and is smooth, streamlined. Polished. That cannot be said about many Ubisoft titles, especially the likes of Assassins Creed which, frankly, is almost always the same game. There are also a dozen of them, and only one (so far) BOTW Not to say it is all bad, but repetition does make things stand out more, good or bad.
  2. Specific BOTW discussion aside, how does this game stack up? It seems like there may or may not be some micro transaction/cosmetic bullshit in it? I know there's at least some but wondering how prevalent it really is. I keep seeing this game and I curious to check it out.
  3. I know it's like predicting water will be wet, but I've been saying for years that when SE finally went to milk the FFVII cash cow, by god were they going to bleed every cent they absolutely could. And surely enough... Semantics. They may call it "episodic" but they're still doling it out bit by bit. Also as my buddy likes to say, the "R" stands for Retcon, not remake lol.
  4. I gave it an 8/10, a product of it's time and arguably one of the best video game movies in a time when those were barely a thing (not that it is a high bar to clear lol) Really entertaining for what it is, and a dope theme to boot lol
  5. It was actually a pretty good match, though I don't know if I'd call it "overbooked" as the excess of people at ringside etc. didn't really factor into it at all. In fact in one case it did the opposite. Main event aside the PPV was actually pretty good. Impact has been putting up some good stuff recently. They also stream on Twitch!
  6. I'm totally on board with this. Who want's to co-op? lol I got Leo
  7. Stardew Valley? Farming Sim with some decent action adventure elements and other bits I feel like most open world games by nature fall under this, namely Grand Theft Auto (3 and onward) Paper Mario series in general is this. Each game, especially more recent releases, vary more but they tend to combine more staright forward platforming elements with RPG and then some (Origami King having some solid puzzle type stuff going on, especially for boss battles) I don't think any of those games is a contender for having the most, (un)fortunately lol
  8. Not this game. Game in question was on the CD-i. Also definitely not nearly as good lol
  9. IDK if anyone follows Impact at all, but actually has been decent (from what I've seen) and their Rebellion PPV is going on tonight This match is on currently Title vs Title match, with two referees (One from AEW, one from Impact), and no less then 5 additional people at ring side. Surely this match only ends with a no contest lol WELP
  10. To this point There was a game I played (as a demo I think?) as a kid when this was out. It was a game that reminds me a lot of Resident Evil in control and in-game camera perspective, sort of isometric view anyway (though it did predate RE by a few years, this was 1995 at the latest iirc) The duration of the game I played was a girl running around a courtyard or garden of some sort. One area in particular had a giant fountain in it. There may have been a hedgemaze. I remember not having a GD clue what was going on and eventually getting mauled to death by wolves(pretty sure wolves anyway lol) in the game. I think there were also Human enemies. Also reasonably sure it was on a demo disc, as I recall there being other games, however I didn't get a lot of time to spend with it, I just remember it being there. Was not impressed lol
  11. I am intrigued by this game. Also any excuse to play my Switch more
  12. Double post, but any excuse to watch GDQ runs is a win in my book also
  13. Wrestlemania night 1 was one of the best nights of wrestling ever Night 2 decidedly less so, though the Uni title main event was pretty solid Too bad Raw & SmackDown have been pretty hot garbage since. Also them releases, just holy cow https://www.wwe.com/article/billie-kay-mickie-james-samoa-joe-superstars-released
  14. I used to rock the pokemon cards when I was in school and even a bit after some of me and my brother @MashFan81 closest friends were all into it. We played a lot lol Havent done anything with them in years but we still got all the cards (Mash can supply the pics, as he has them at his house lol)
  15. 7/10. Was riding that 6.5 but I gave it a nudge for what is actually some pretty solid combat and introduction of some of the better things to the series. Also this Never ceases to crack me up lol
  16. I would give it a 1/10 because holy shit... but it does have at least one redeeming quality; Zelda CD-i memes https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/zelda-cd-i
  17. Still counts as far as I'm concerned lol I feel like Nintendo could revive it and use it as a "testing grounds" for later Zelda games or something, idk. Seems like I heard they did that for Mario games, using another franchise to test mechanics? Or maybe I'm just crazy lol
  18. I would probably recommend playing FireRed/LeafGreen remakes over the original RBY unless you're playing through for completion sake or otherwise. Also just a good entry point for newbies imho
  19. We got the Pokemon Go thread somewhere, though I haven't been playing that at all for months now. I used to be into Clash of Clans for a minute (mostly because the place I was working at had their own clan that everyone was a part of) and dabbled in some of the clones. When I got to the point of pay or grind for ages, I gave up as it was already super monotonous. Some mobile versions of indie games are pretty solid. I will make to you the argument that the game "Organ Trail" is superior on mobile to PC.
  20. This post 100%. Even more simply; a "true" platformer is where the actual platforming part is the core gameplay element. In the other examples the platforming is secondary to puzzle and/or combat elements.
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