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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Everything posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. Sorry for the double post, but also wanted to amend my previous opinion/statement with the simple fact that even big body builder bois aren't at all guaranteed to make it big... look at Strowman. Lashley. Masters. The list goes on.
  2. This. Vince tends to looks unfavourably towards wrestlers who are "injury prone" then he does those who are "too short" or "overweight". Also doesn't mean they don't see the value in him otherwise he would just get outright ignored. To an extent. Again, plenty of exceptions and frankly I see overall size/height getting further then whether they're a bit chubby... and Keith is pretty tall lol
  3. He's the total (WWE) package. charismatic AF, A real big boi and ultra athletic to boot. Also these;
  4. The final run has completed, and it's a wrap! They broke their donation record yet again for a total over $3.13 Million through the live stream. Ridiculous and amazing.
  5. Oh hai fellow marks. I've been a big wrestling fan on and off for many years, tho I've been keeping up for last couple years pretty well. I really dig AEW vs NXT. Wednesday is far and away the best pro wrestling anywhere imo, even with the 5+ star rated matches NJPW regularly puts out. Also really been enjoying NWA Powerrr, though it's legs really got kicked out from underneath it by Old Man Cornette. Thankfully it's seemingly bounced back and arguably improved with the addition of Wade Barrett Stu Bennett. Y'all's picks on who is going to finally dethrone Chris Jericho as Le Champion of AEW?
  6. ... what even is this and where has it been all my life lol
  7. Nope Also Fresh Meat Looking forward to possibly showing you the ropes
  8. Didn't see a thread about this awesome marathon event elsewhere (minus a couple passing comments in other threads), so decided to make one because its great and needs to be talked about! Just like to point out I'm not and never have been involved with GDQ, just a big fan of it... though maybe someday I'll learn a game well enough and get on! Those not in the know, Games Done Quick is a recurring Live Stream Marathon on Twitch over the course of a week that showcases a plethora of speedruns, raising money for Charity! The last "main" event (Summer Games Done Quick 2019) in July raised over 3 Million Dollars for Doctors Without Borders... which is pretty dang amazing. They primarily run Semi-annually (AGDQ in January and SGDQ in July) though last couple years smaller events have taken place throughout the rest of the year. Wikipedia page if you want to learn more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_Done_Quick Twitch channel if you want to watch! I haven't gotten to watch much of it yet this year but looking forward to the "Trash Block" (which, as name implies, is where the shitty games are speed ran... AVGN would be proud lol) BTW Those not in the know about the poll... it's a reference to Super Metroid lol
  9. (I love the Tick, my all time favourite superhero ) Ah this takes me back lol Indeed. When everyone was a [insert slur here], nothing was taken seriously and all opinions sucked... oh wait that's still the how it is lol. Quite possibly the greatest band of all time
  10. Hello Friends! I'm The SpoonMan Abrams X, a avid nerd of video games and table top games, especially D&D and long time forumer from the days of ScrewAttack. Here for Mafia/Werewolf hosted by my good friend Fox, though this is a neat looking place and may be around from time to time. Nice to meet you all
  11. /in Wrestler’s Name: Lock Bresnar Wrestling Style: Big Angry Hoss Gimmick/Persona: "The Proximate Large Deal" Finishing Move: The G6 Theme Music: "When Worlds Collide" by Powerman5000
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