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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Everything posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. I'll take any reason to talk about StarTropics
  2. "Robbing yourself" I look at it like reading a book. More people enjoy taking their time and reading the book over several days, a chapter or a few pages at a time. Some people like to marathon books and go as far to finish reading in one sitting. Which way is the "proper" way to read a book. People that take the time to "master" a game and know it inside and out, kudos to them. But just because someone else played through the same game with cheats and/or save states doesn't somehow invalidate the experience, which your argument really seems to imply. Imo if someone feels the need for gatekeeping and trying otherwise trying to argue that another's fun is wrong, then just maybe they themselves should find some other way to spend their time. They would probably be a lot happier
  3. As point out "PSX" abbreviation was also used in earlier marketing. I also personally seem to recall it was the abbreviation used for a while in references in magazines. Speaking of, there was also the PSX Magazine https://www.retromags.com/publications/united-states/psx/
  4. Gen 4 actually had one of the most significant changes in the series, classifying attacks as either physical or special damage, which up until then had been determined sole based on a move's typing.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Gear_Solid:_The_Twin_Snakes Ask and ye shall receive
  6. 5/10 I tried to play it back when but it never resonated much. Didn't hate it but also wasn't at all enamored. I love me some Stardew Valley and Minecraft, but those games have some Semblance of goals. Animal Crossing really doesn't. I'm a pretty casual gamer nowadays so maybe I'd dig it more, but even still it seems much too so for me.
  7. 8/10 Some of the best local multiplayer games in existence are on the 64. It was the console's bread and butter I also love me some Perfect Dark lol
  8. I missed out on this entirely. A lot of things going on at that time so I just never bothered with it. Lot of interesting things on it but nearly all of the good/important stuff has been ported to Switch and/or 3DS at this point I still want to get a Wii U just for the HD Zeldas though lol
  9. 9/10 As Fox said, there were some really great games to come out on as Exclusives. Even though 360 was more popular, it had Halo and not much else. Even ports were generally better on PS3
  10. I looked at the list of games that would be "gone" once the storefronts close down. Literally nothing of value will be lost lol Anything worth it's bytes has been ported or remade already. The most I would consider is DLC to any games you may prefer to play on PS3 or Vita, but thats about it.
  11. Such a silly and hard game, but man did I love it (my brothers and I were all about TMNT and all that as kids lol) Definitely a 6/10 for me. I still sometimes pick it back up sometimes on my Wii to screw around. Only ever beat it once, but man was it awesome.
  12. I know people really love Vice City but San Andreas is/was the pinnacle of GTA, no if ands or buts. So much stuff to do in that game. Also I own a copy of the pre patch PS2 version with "Hot Coffee" still accessible on it lol
  13. A new nomination; Castle Crashers Also I know it would probably be a pain in the ass but @Reed Rothchild maybe add links to the threads in the OP?
  14. 10/10 Holy Shit I love this game and everything about it I seriously can go back and play this any time. Hell I'm kinda motivated to right now lol
  15. My brother @MashFan81 and I used to rock out some Mario Kart Double Dash. A bit sad they never went back to that as some sort of mode on newer Mario Kart games. Glad to see the tracks return later though!
  16. 7/10 Much better then Original Star Fox on SNES, actually went out of my way to 100% complete the game, but after that I had my fill lol
  17. Was about to be like "Don't let manchild Mike Matei hear the 'filthy casuals' talking about save states and such!" but here we are lol Archived thread for anyone fancying a bit of Twitter Drama lol https://archive.md/y7Kzz Save States vs Speed Runs vs 100% "Developer Intended" Non Exploit Playthroughs; it's all legit. It's all relative to each other for how much the individual cares & wants out of it. I'm mostly of the "Who cares" mindset but too take a bit of umbrage for anyone attempting to dictate what is and isn't "proper", as "developer intended" is essentially to waste as much of your time as possible, even now a days not just the "Nintendo Hard" retro games. I implore everyone to heed the wise words of the sage-like Brian Zane;
  18. I was all about Crash 3 Warped, though 2 was also pretty solid Crash 1 is a lot like Sonic 1, in that was a good game for what it was, but the sequels improved drastically over it, that it's kinda hard to go back
  19. A solid 8/10 A solid game that rejuvenated my interest in Mega Man after I stopped caring post MM4 I like MMX2 and 3 more however
  20. 7/10 fun times to be had playing it with friends. but not anything that when it's brought up I go "man, I really want to play that" Great accessibility, but as far as "party games" would rather get down on some Mario Party or Perfect Dark or Mario Kart with Friends
  21. Second Gen Best Gen Almost went with HG/SS as theyre probably the best remakes hands down, but original GSC was there at the perfect time in my youth, after wearing out RBY and needing something more to play. Also nothing, nothing compares to that feeling when making your way towards your first Elite 4 challenge, crossing the water east of New Bark Town and suddenly realizing, not just there being double the game, but that it was mother h*cking Kanto Holy crap
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