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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

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So I made a screen with a fire flower coming out of a block with a giant question mark on it. In Super Mario Bros. this is a common occurrence, but I don't know ahout other games. When you fly in the screen, you are in a race with a moth to see who gets it first. If you get to the fire flower first, you can just press A to shoot a fireball to melt an ice block and continue on. There is only one shot you can make though. This is due to me programming for hours and not figuring out a way to see if


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Black and white burgers

So I got some help on my Game Boy version of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland. It now works again. I originally made it not work after attempting to add a boss screen where you shoot at the boss. I had to change the background from light gray to white. I had to turn off the display for a few frames, and I made it white to make it look less shocking and more smooth when the boss milkshake disappears. Sad, because I liked the way it was, but oh well. I'll do just about anything to make


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Bird legs.

I put a bird in Frank the Fruit Fly. At first I tried to show its legs, like so:  I wonder what happens to birds' legs when they're flying. I decided then to get rid of the legs and I like the legless result better. I assume birds tuck their legs under themselves while in flight and then stick them out when they're about to land. As you can see, the bird is flapping its wings, a nice little addition I made to attempt to make the bird more lifelike. I also discovered something


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Beginning to think nobody cares

Ever since I began making Game Boy games, I've found that hardly anyone cares about them. Is it because my games are bad? I don't know. I keep wishing for feedback, but I'm pretty much pessimistic at this point. I've made five levels of this game, but it apparently doesn't matter if nobody except me looks at them. I made a whole bunch of changes and bug fixes. I found that if you die on level 5, there's a small chance the game will crash. I've found that on my Frank the Fruit Fly game too. I won


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Bears are hard to draw.

And now it's time for the final bosses in the game. It's getting near the end of my programming this game. The bosses will span out for a couple of screens. I was going to make the bosses be bears. But bears are hard to draw. So I decided to not make them be bears. I have made them cats. These cats look different than the cat in level 1. After a rough screen of throwing rocks at Frank, the cat decided to take a snooze. Your job as Frank is to pass the cat without waking him up. I'll le


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Bank 3 is where it's at.

So right now bank 3 is 48% free. Which is, due to changing circumstances, where I have to put the rest of the game. I will cram as many levels as I possibly can in this bank and then put the ending and Easter egg in bank 2. So here's how GoSub GB is shaping up: bank 0 - main game "engine" bank 1 - data for levels 1-25 bank 2 - ending, Easter egg bank 3 - data for levels 26-end I have a small amount of room left in banks 0 and 1. I can't put it in bank 2 because th


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Background music composing

So I've been busy composing little tunes for the background music for different levels. Each level will have its own song. For level 3, the snow level, for example, it will play my attempt at transcribing Winter Wonderland. The second part is really hard ("in the meadow, we can build a snowman/and pretend that he is Parson Brown...") so it may be a little off, but it sounds good, so I'm keeping it in. I am figuring I should have enough room for two more songs in bank 1, but that'd be it. Ri


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Back to Game Boy programming.

I got angry and confused at my Basketball game for the Odyssey², so I quit working on it and went back to my Game Boy hamburgers game. I redesigned level 5 and put in a sixth level. I want to have as many levels as I can think of, but my main goal is at least 10. Level five is underwater, and level 6 is a big city (those tall black things with square holes are skyscrapers with windows.)  


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Back to Frank again

I decided to fiddle with Frank the Fruit Fly some more again. I added a couple of lines of code, and so far I can't make the game crash. So that's good. I tried and tried but I could not make it crash. So I added a new screen to it. And I finally got it the way I want it and I can beat it and the game still won't crash. So I've decided to keep working on the game until it crashes on me. Right now, Frank is in the chimney. In the next screen, he will come out of the chimney.


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

b button presses

So with ants crawling all over me still, I work on Frank the Fruit Fly. I kinda forgot about the B button can be used to talk to characters. But I don't know if I should keep doing this, or mention it in a booklet in case this gets released. There's nothing to talk to in level 3, and only this big squid in level 4. But he didn't say anything. So I made him say something. Just in case someone wants to talk to the squid. And also, in case you didn't notice, I made the health have a % sig


Gamegearguy in Game Boy


So I was playing Kirby's Dream Land 2. It's nice that the game automatically saves what level you're on AND which doors have been beaten. It kind of reminded me of Frank the Fruit Fly. But, it didn't autosave. The player had to press Select whenever he wanted to save. Seeing as how you can't go back in the game, I wanted to have an autosave feature as well. So I did some deleting of code that requires a "select" press mid-game to save, and instead told the game to save when a new level has been


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ants are stupid (part 2)

So I was cleaning my desk area earlier this evening. I found a tiny bit of what appeared to be a tiny chunk of M&M. Who knows how long that had been there. I sprayed some Raid in the carpet near the wall under my desk. All this ant talk though has a positive side: I thought up of a couple of comics for my webcomic. I'm not going to use this one, it's really hard to draw fire. Luckily I have another idea that I can draw. I also worked on Frank the Fruit Fly some more. I'm sorry


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

A new Game Boy game.

I finished Frank the Fruit Fly some time ago. Now I need to work on something else. I played some Super Game Boy games a few hours ago, which led me to wanting to make another Game Boy game. So I made a nice little song and a nice little title screen for my new game. I kind of wanted the pineapple to be bigger, but space was limited since I needed to also put in the font and a few punctuation marks. But I have a problem: I don't know what the game should be about. I'm leaning towards a


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

A frosty snowman.

I was looking through my code and thought "What can I make talk?" If you go up to certain characters and press B, they will give you a short comment or hint. I worked yesterday on the snowman, so I decided to make him talk. If you go up to the snowman's face and press B, he'll say something. Well, not "say" something as in making the game talk (although that would be cool. Having Frank say "ouch!" in a tiny little fruit fly voice whenever he gets hurt. But that's not going to happen.)


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

A frog.

I think it's okay to steal from yourself. I lifted the frog from the Pokemon Mini version and put him in the Game Boy version of "Frank the Fruit Fly." I got bored and so I decided if I had an idea I'd might as well just program it. And then I tried to go to sleep, and couldn't, so I got out of bed and made him face the other direction. I'm satisfied with the result. Don't touch the frog tongue! You'll lose health if you do. I don't remember who designed the frog, I just know it wasn't


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

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