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Everything posted by BortLicensePlate

  1. While Die is technically the correct singular term, fuck that its a dice. Also its not often you only have one, usually there's at least two
  2. Super Mario World would be number 1. Pokemon Gen 2, Paper Mario and Mario 64 are probably runner ups
  3. Wait are they actually not coming back in stock? Thats insane. I thought they only discontinued the NT mini
  4. I picked up a CIB Startropics last January. Pretty sure that's the only game I bought last year
  5. Thats a nice assortment of NES games. Jealous of the Darkwing Duck
  6. Cool, I heard Genesis has some issues, but that's good to know you've had good experiences so far. I dont own a 32x, so thats not a big loss. I'm definitely hoping to get the best picture I can without mods so I'll be taking advantage of the s-video and component where I can. But its nice to know I can use the composite in the mean time while I upgrade my cables. Thanks!
  7. Anybody here using one? Liking it? Currently I use the RetroUSB AVS for NES games, and it works well, and an snes mini for snes games. But I don't have a way to play any other old games on my monitor. Pretty sure this is the easiest solution
  8. Seems like a great way to give your email away to scammers
  9. Is there another way to package milk?
  10. Well, I haven't put nearly enough time into this series. But I played a bit of DKC returns on 3DS and the game was really difficult, but also fantastic. I like hard as balls platformers but preferably not on a handheld, so I didn't stick with it
  11. I'm not really into sheer volume myself, I get a lot of people like that and thats great for them. For me, I'd rather have a small selection of my favorite titles displayed in a unique way. So between lighting, custom shelving and how the items are organized. You can definitely do some cool stuff with a little lighting
  12. People take the decorations down? Then you have to put it all up again, screw that
  13. I'll have to check that out later, love seeing that kinda stuff
  14. I think 2 is also good, its basically the same thing but with more slap stick. I just think of them both interchangeably
  15. My favorite movie to watch around Christmas time. I think a big part of why I haven't gotten tired of it is because its a once a year kinda thing, but yeah I'm always excited to watch this when we hit December
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