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Everything posted by BortLicensePlate

  1. I'm still here mang just changed my name
  2. I really appreciate their transparency and communication. I feel like I can go get my pre order whenever I feel like it, once it goes live, not worrying about it selling out or any crap like that. Also the game development app looks pretty cool
  3. Awesome! Yeah I'm planning on putting an order in. Double the games is great, hopefully the update will show a lot of the games they're offering
  4. There's an update on this thing tomorrow. I may be the only person here excited for it haha
  5. Big fan of Atom Heart Mother. I need to spend some more time with obscured by clouds, for whatever reason I haven't given it much of a shake yet. Their library is pretty vast
  6. I think I'm pretty good at Graphic Design & UI design. Also mess around with Web Development and Copywriting, but not as well
  7. It was a toss up between Animals and Wish You Were Here. But I think I've listened to Animals the most, I could pop that in on repeat all day, such a great album
  8. I think for me the coolest thing about Pink Floyd is how their songs are very theatrical and dramatic. Like they how they are able to tell a story, with twists and turns, but a lot of the time with very few lyrics, more instrumentation. I also like how laid back a lot of the music is, its perfect for putting in the background and doing some work. I did listen to them a lot in high school with my friends, so there is some nostalgia and memories tied to it, but those experiences just add to it. It's still great music regardless.
  9. Favorite song: Watching the Wheels - John Lennon Favorite Album: Animals - Pink Floyd Though the album could probably any of the 70s Floyd albums, depending on the day you asked me
  10. The first step is admitting the problem
  11. Personally my interest for collecting has died down significantly, but that started before covid and HA. I'm thinking about getting rid of most stuff and just emulating but haven't made a decision yet
  12. Wow I had no idea it was this complicated haha. Looks like using Chrome dev tools to load up the mobile version is the best way
  13. Care to share any more info? What are you attempting to do? Is there an error popping up? Did you look up any step by step tutorials for posting on desktop? What size/file format is the image?
  14. A misterfpga for video games An iPad pro with an apple pencil for drawing Think I'd be pretty set with that as far as entertainment goes
  15. I'm glad everyone is enjoying the new homepage The logo not taking me to the main boards threw me off a bit as well. I think the button gloves added is a good addition
  16. If someone is that angry about something so trivial I would assume they were having a bad day otherwise. Maybe she's just a grumpy old lady, or maybe she lost a family member that day or something, you never know. So I would probably just let her have the table and move on with my day. Wouldn't bother me any
  17. I remember being super hyped at launch for this thing. I had an Xbox 360 so I didnt get one right away. But I just remember there being a lot of interesting ideas at launch. Anyone remember the sixaxis controller and being able to throw enemies in heavenly sword and controlling them with the motion? Or that card game eye of judgement that used the playstation eye? Or lair where you could control a dragon with six axis? I know motion controls were a fad at this point but there was some really dumb, awesome stuff that came out of it. Also Im pretty sure a lot of these gimmicks didn't work particularly well but they had a lot of charm to them.
  18. I liked it for a while but kinda got tired of it. I still think Kaboom is a great game though
  19. Interesting. Yeah I definitely don't fully understand it. But hey, some artists are making a killing on it so good for them
  20. @avatar! as I understand it, you have a license that says you are the owner. While it can still be shared and viewed by others, they don't own it. I'm not sure if that extends to usage rights or things like that? Kinda like how just because I buy a Mario 3 cart doesn't mean I am the rights holder of the source code. That's what I think anyway
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