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Everything posted by BortLicensePlate

  1. My original power supply for snes is pooched. I have a generic power supply that I've used with my TG16, and it says it outputs DC9V, 850mA and a quick Google search tells me that 10V DC, 850 mA is what the snes requires. Is this safe to use? I'm assuming that since it's less, it can't do anything to harm the system?
  2. Thays exactly the reason why I think its dumb and shouldn't affect anything haha
  3. Gave it a solid 8. I think the game is really fun and the concept is interesting. Would play again
  4. Personally I'd take that shit off. Especially if it impedes the presentation of the item. Whether having the wrap affects the value, I dunno. But it probably does
  5. I did end up purchasing the 2X-pro, still waiting for it to come in the mail I was aware that it cannot do 480p, but I was under the impression that I could switch the wii's output to 480i..? I think? I was planning on using it with a wii for emulation, so hopefully there isn't an issue with that. Anyway still would like to hear your thoughts once you get it! I'll be posting about my experience as well.
  6. Right. I'm pretty sure there's nothing it can be used for now. And yeah if you look up BS Zelda you should be able to find some info on the games. The roms are out there and can be played on sd2snes
  7. The Satellaview worked by having a satellite broadcast which allowed you to download a game onto the satellaview cart. The company ceased all broadcasting in June 2000, so you will not be able to download any games. The carts have been found to have stuff still on them and I think people have found lost games that way before, as many were exclusive to the service. I'm pretty sure the cart works normally without the satellaview unit, the unit was only used to accept the broadcast and download the game. Many of the games that were exclusive to the platform are available to load onto a flash cart or emulator if you're into that.
  8. I don't care much for physical games on new consoles. I happily just download them for convenience. I mean, a lot of "physical games" these days aren't even on the disk and need to be downloaded anyway, so what's the difference. I mostly collect NES games, and even then I don't get stuff very often.
  9. I got the Mario one and was pleasantly surprised with how well it plays. I do wish it included Mario 2 and 3 as well. I think doing a gen 1 or 2 Pokemon would be cool
  10. Last I heard there's never technically been a cib copy found. Maybe thats changed, its been a while. I know there was a guy on NA that had a sealed one
  11. The arcade shark must be happy to see you
  12. I chose the sequels. I think they have their problems but on they're own they're still decent movies and I enjoyed them. But I tried to look at them objectively and not compare them to the originals too much. The prequels were just really boring
  13. Oh shit. That's really unfortunate. RIP, he was a big part of why I got into tetris
  14. https://www.videogamesage.com/forum/36-buying/ Here's a link to our buying section. Just post a new topic with a very clear title. WTB is short for want to buy, so you could write something like "WTB Mega Man 6 Capcom USA-G6-USA Variant" and put in a price you're willing to pay. You're allowed to bump your thread once per day, so you can pop into the site everyday at the same time, and post a reply to your thread that says "bump" this will bring your thread up to the top of the list so more people can see it. You may need to do this for a while before a copy turns up for you but its worth a try
  15. Love this game. Play it every year for Halloween
  16. Hi there It would be more effective to put up a post in the buying section, with the specific variants you're after in the title. Without a specific title many people may skip over this, but seeing exactly what you need someone could skim over that and realize they might have what you're after. Good luck!
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