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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. My guess is probably a dozen snipes went off 5 seconds before it ended and whiffed because they were too low, and we're just seeing the winner and underbidder. I know people have sealed NES and MTPO rabies right now so it's not exactly surprising, but $11k shrink wrap on a not special version of the game is crazy. It's like if PSA 9 first edition shadowless Charizards start selling for $10,000s so people start investing hard in plain old PSA 9 base set Charizards. No matter how rare it is in this condition, it's the "wrong" thing. And I mean, any NM sealed Tyson is still a super cool thing to collect, but compared to the opportunity cost of buying $11,000 of different collectible games, it is still crazy.
  2. +1. Focused and detailed is what really matters to me. Every once in a while someone would post a list of like 7 releases of one game on NA down to the screws, seals, product codes, box contents, and that kind of forum post is 100% more valuable than any entry in any game database out there, usually better than NA itself. Detailed collector info and pics of different versions are all I'd really care about. Anyone can dump the data from Mobygames into a tool and add filters to sort it. There's already too many mediocre collection tracking apps that do virtually the same thing. Combine all the detailed variant pictures I see from collectors on Instagram, all the box contents I look through the_wizard_666's list for, and the sortability of the original NA database and it will be something worthwhile. I know people know what type of dust sleeve is correct for each game or know that TLOZ came with a different cart baggie with a hole in it, but that kind of detailed info is stuff you'll never get on RFGeneration or an iPhone app, or even the old NA database. Like, is there a 100% list somewhere of all Wii U games that include a manual, or otherwise which specific non-manual insert they have? I had to constantly look at Youtube unboxings when I needed that kind of info. That's "important" information just kind of floating out in space right now.
  3. Thanks for destroying my investment in your raer limited edition game by just releasing it to whoever wants a copy. Congratulations on the release
  4. Shhhh. If GoCollect forgets SA exists (like the rest of the world) we can still visit for that sweet vintage layout nostalgia.
  5. I guess I’m gonna go ahead and change my answer seeing as there is no more NintendoAge.
  6. Wow, more than a decade there. I had no idea it was just going to be zapped and hastily rolled into GoCollect. I know the sale was the end of an era, but damn I didn’t realize how much of an end of an era it was. Thanks to all who quickly came together to bring up VGS so smoothly and bring everyone over here.
  7. Same. When stuff like Oblivion and Gears of War and Uncharted was new I was literally playing every single major and minor game release as they came out. I couldn’t get enough of that on rails storytelling. Now I can’t stand them. The biggest turn off to a game is to tell me it’s a “narrative experience” or open world full of busywork. I’m done with sequels and movies on rails and quest markers! I want to go back to playing video games!
  8. I like 2D platformers way better on NES than SNES as well. 16-bit platformers feel a little looser and sloppier to me, because you frequently have a big floppy cartoon character like Earthworm Jim or Donkey Kong and edges of platforms aren't as well defined because they're all artistically fancy. I'm not saying games like Mario World and Mega Man X aren't the bomb diggity, but on the whole I personally like the feel of the 8-bit Ninja Gaidens, Mega Mans, Marios, and Castlevanias better.
  9. I just don't have room to go serious on PC. I do have lots of big box PC games, but there are guys out there with beautiful, highly curated shelves of 1000+ games, publisher sets, tons of multiples for variants, but if you go hard on that it's literally all you can collect. There's no full "set" of PC games, so you just collect the stuff you're interested in because it's such a space-limited hobby, but on the flip side you enjoy every game in your collection which is probably rare with most of our console collections.
  10. Cars are pretty safe, and people are more likely to drive recklessly and speed in rainy conditions and drive slower and more cautiously in icy conditions, so your life might actually be less at risk in bad snowy conditions!
  11. Theoretically the whole idea behind paying Wata to certify this stuff is that they're experts so they'd know that your Contra is correct. If they marked a correct game as IMP that would be a blow to their credibility. Although if you're grading it might as well get a nice circle cart since it's cooler and it costs 3x as much as a cart just to get it graded anyway.
  12. Strong agree that IMPs shouldn't be able to boost your overall grade. I don't think IMPs even make sense to encapsulate forever, but Wata has to get that $$ I understand. And jeez, not only is that Mario box worn to hell, it's missing both flaps. IMO the box is 50% of the grade, but way more than 50% of the price. People shouldn't be buying crap like that Mario based on the overall grade. It's really the buyer's fault if they buy garbage at collectible prices based on the overall number.
  13. 40% price hike and 4x turnaround time ETA for the lowest tier. Kinda yikes. Original tiers for reference:
  14. Can it not both be a legit PCB issue and an attempt to get $75 for a beat to hell SoR?
  15. Those look nifty. I can't say enough good things about Really Useful Boxes, specifically the 64L and 17L sizes. They don't curve inwards at the bottom, they're sturdy, and they stack to the moon. AFIAK Office Depot is the only major place in the US that has them, and they're pricey as hell, but there's always a 20% off coupon and free shipping at least. Not sure if those modular ones are a newer line, but most plastic totes available at stores in the US are pretty much garbage in my experience.
  16. Lmao, man destroys the NES prototype market in one sentence.
  17. That's amazing. TZ is by far my favorite machine. I love WOZ too because it basically cribbed the main playfield geometry. The easiest way to not drain out the left side is to not let the ball get over there
  18. I'm 30, always been a little boy by average NA age standards. Yeet. Tik Tok. Peppa Pig. See, I'm a fellow kid.
  19. Services like Xbox Game Pass and Apple Arcade absolutely seems like the future to me. I get a big list of games I sort-of care about, a couple big releases that make it feel like a good deal, it's cheap, they get my money every month, and I don't actually own anything. I think we're each going to 1-2 game subscriptions then occasionally buy our favorites like we all have Netflix and sometimes buy a blu-ray or Amazon movie now. I think big standalone games like an Elder Scrolls are going to figure out how to constantly monetize without upsetting the entire fanbase or simply re-releasing the same game 100 times. Fallout 76 was a big failed experiment in that aspect, but a $5 used copy of Skyrim with 200 hours of gameplay is "too good of a deal" for gaming in the modern age. I think single player games will likely have more MMO-like structures where you subscribe to content updates or something. I think we're a long ways off from people accepting streaming games due to bandwidth requirements, input lag, and the limitations of compressed streaming video in a world where it looks increasingly like high refresh rate, ultra high def gaming is on the horizon for consoles.
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