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The Spreading (And Potentially Deadly) Coronavirus Epidemic....


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How's everyone holding up? (Long time, no see!)

I'm in between homes at the moment, without getting too personal, I'm living in the ghetto with my sisters. lol 

I'm without a pc or gaming console right now, didn't want to bring them to give a place for roaches to stay in, so I'm just with my essentials, a drawing pad, and a phone. That means no more art covers and graphics for a while.

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5 minutes ago, BouncekDeLemos said:

How's everyone holding up? (Long time, no see!)

I'm in between homes at the moment, without getting too personal, I'm living in the ghetto with my sisters. lol 

I'm without a pc or gaming console right now, didn't want to bring them to give a place for roaches to stay in, so I'm just with my essentials, a drawing pad, and a phone. That means no more art covers and graphics for a while.

Stay safe.  This seems like an especially rough time to be in that situation.


And glad to see you around.

Edited by arch_8ngel
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58 minutes ago, the tall guy said:

My day to day hasn't really changed much.  My wife's business is essential and she's still going to work everyday.  I work in construction and I go to work every day as well.  I don't understand how dentists aren't essential and liquor stores are, but no one asked me (nor should they).

I work at a liquor store, and from my understanding it's that liquor stores are considered "grocery" as the also sell items like water, ice, juice and of course 151 vodka to make sanitizer out of. 

Dentists are open were I'm at, but I guess that depends on where we're from? I guess they're more susceptible to the virus, but isn't any essential worker? I dunno man, makes no sense to me.

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2 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

Stay safe.  This seems like an especially rough time to be in that situation.


And glad to see you around.

Thanks! Glad to see you around too, man!

Financially I should be okay, but I gotta watch what I spend. I got money from taxes and stimulus in my bank account (As well as my savings), so I should be fine. Watching the housing market right now too. 

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2 hours ago, spacepup said:

I think most people here are smart enough that they aren't literally blaming ALL of this on ANY one person or entity.  However, for all the discussion about who is "at fault" or "to blame," that doesn't matter so much to me right now.   What matters right now, every day, is how we are dealing with the problem and what we are going to do to SAVE.  LIVES.  I sincerely hope that our leaders are better each day than the last (and that includes our president).  Most days, I'm left disappointed and yearning for calm and decisive leadership that gives me confidence.  Fortunately, the governor of my state (Kentucky) is handling this entire situation extremely well in my opinion, and I'm very proud of his leadership right now.

People can argue all they want later about who should be penalized the most, or this or that, but honestly, right now, I don't really care about that.  Everyone was hit with this, and regardless of how much it could have been prevented, it came here, and we have to deal with it.  I do think that holding our leadership accountable on an ongoing basis IS important, hence we as a society should be asking questions and challenging things when the need occurs.  

Above all, I think that every day, we have an opportunity to be better than yesterday in how we deal with this, and that goes for governments at all levels, as well as all individuals and citizens, both in the actions we take or the sacrifices we make, and in how we treat each other during very stressful times. 



It's a natural reaction to be angered and to put blame on others. But like you, I feel this thread would be most useful if we all gather our experiences and thoughts for the collective good. Picking faults for every Government move or president acts only help to fuel the anger. Rather, we would be best served if we all strive to gain a better understanding so we all can better protect ourselves and the loved ones.

Also, when it comes to health issues, it needs to be understood that medicine isn't an exact science. For instance, when we're dealing with even the common colds and flus, no family doctor can precisely predict the course of an individual's illness. And if we extrapolate this further to a full blown pandemic, with a virus that is yet to be fully understood, I can imagine it's hard for even the medical experts to know the exact best course of action. 

Disclaimer: I'm from Australia and I don't care too much about Trump.


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12 minutes ago, BouncekDeLemos said:

I work at a liquor store, and from my understanding it's that liquor stores are considered "grocery" as the also sell items like water, ice, juice and of course 151 vodka to make sanitizer out of.

There is probably also the dual fact that (1) people would revolt and (2) serious alcoholics can die from quitting cold turkey...

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16 minutes ago, BouncekDeLemos said:

I work at a liquor store, and from my understanding it's that liquor stores are considered "grocery" as the also sell items like water, ice, juice and of course 151 vodka to make sanitizer out of. 

Dentists are open were I'm at, but I guess that depends on where we're from? I guess they're more susceptible to the virus, but isn't any essential worker? I dunno man, makes no sense to me.

Hope all is well with your described living conditions.

Regarding the dental shutdown, I'm from Australia and it's also not deemed "essential" here too, but it depends on what the dental issue is. Emergency cases are currently being allowed. I think the dentist's risk is higher because they're up close and personal with people's mouths for the majority of the day and would be at more risk than other health professionals, I would imagine.


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6 hours ago, phart010 said:

Be sure to stock up on your coronavirus essentials:



@phart010 : Do you know where that signs from? Really really curious, there seems to now be a huge demand for Switch in Taiwan, along with a shortage. I felt quite surprised when I heard it earlier this week, when a local was asking to try to buy one for her son's birthday. I told her to stop by one of the local game stores, she said they were all suddenly sold out.

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Hey, I want you guys' opinion on something. 

I've made this argument/unpopular opinion on another forum, with one person saying that he wished people would buy groceries with their alcohol, and not just the alcohol itself, as it wasn't really an essential thing to get, and they'd risk getting the virus. Pretty understandable, people need to stay at home as most as they can.

My argument was that it was that I didn't care what people did with their money, and that people can go out and buy what they wanted to, even if it was a stick of gum. And the two main reasons why I said this is because our economy needs all the help it can get, and I have no say being that I am an essential worker staying at the store for more than 8 to 10 hours a day well they're quickly in and out of the store buying just that one non-essential item.

I feel that I'm a greater threat than anyone who's even there just to buy a magazine or something stupid. There's no way I can judge these people.

So what's y'all's take? Bottom line, as long as we're doing things sensibly, we should be okay, but I can't bring myself to shame some people (not the party-gorsers) out there who are trying to cope.

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1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

@phart010 : Do you know where that signs from? Really really curious, there seems to now be a huge demand for Switch in Taiwan, along with a shortage. I felt quite surprised when I heard it earlier this week, when a local was asking to try to buy one for her son's birthday. I told her to stop by one of the local game stores, she said they were all suddenly sold out.

It’s at my local Target in Cary, North Carolina. They put it up in the entrance to keep people from unnecessarily entering the store

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2 hours ago, BouncekDeLemos said:

I work at a liquor store, and from my understanding it's that liquor stores are considered "grocery" as the also sell items like water, ice, juice and of course 151 vodka to make sanitizer out of. 

Dentists are open were I'm at, but I guess that depends on where we're from? I guess they're more susceptible to the virus, but isn't any essential worker? I dunno man, makes no sense to me.

Can’t be taking up hospital beds with alcoholics going through withdraw. I also work at a lq and I know a lot of my regulars would be fucked if we weren’t open. 

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2 hours ago, BouncekDeLemos said:

Hey, I want you guys' opinion on something. 

I've made this argument/unpopular opinion on another forum, with one person saying that he wished people would buy groceries with their alcohol, and not just the alcohol itself, as it wasn't really an essential thing to get, and they'd risk getting the virus. Pretty understandable, people need to stay at home as most as they can.

My argument was that it was that I didn't care what people did with their money, and that people can go out and buy what they wanted to, even if it was a stick of gum. And the two main reasons why I said this is because our economy needs all the help it can get, and I have no say being that I am an essential worker staying at the store for more than 8 to 10 hours a day well they're quickly in and out of the store buying just that one non-essential item.

I feel that I'm a greater threat than anyone who's even there just to buy a magazine or something stupid. There's no way I can judge these people.

So what's y'all's take? Bottom line, as long as we're doing things sensibly, we should be okay, but I can't bring myself to shame some people (not the party-gorsers) out there who are trying to cope.

It might seem silly on the surface but I agree liquor stores are an “essential” service. The main thing is that we do not want to cause alcoholic withdrawals and/or seizures and then they will cause a bigger strain to our hospitals and health infrastructure. 

The other thing that I can see is that alcoholics are often linked with mental illnesses and/or physical illnesses. You need to balance things with policies on alcohol buying, because if suddenly not allowing alcohol consumption, it can potentially set off a chain reaction on one’s physical/mental state. Which can mess up with our health infrastructure further.

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I don't really drink anymore, but I used to. I don't have anything against it, but I just don't really think about it much anymore.

That being said, I think liquor stores are an essential service. Some people need a way to wind down, there is a lot of stressful stuff happening right now, if two people out of a hundred find comfort in drinking right now, than that is enough for me to think that it is essential. Stress is a killer and I am sure being locked up in the house removes many options people use for relieving tension.

(Also, many liquor stores double as snack shops)

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3 hours ago, fcgamer said:

@phart010 : Do you know where that signs from? Really really curious, there seems to now be a huge demand for Switch in Taiwan, along with a shortage. I felt quite surprised when I heard it earlier this week, when a local was asking to try to buy one for her son's birthday. I told her to stop by one of the local game stores, she said they were all suddenly sold out.

Target near my job in USA is sold out, as are Target, Bestbuy, and Gamestop online. They are available on Ebay, Newegg, and Amazon, from independent sellers only and at very high markup. I’ve been looking for weeks. Scalpers are to blame if you ask me: https://www.techspot.com/news/84887-nintendo-ongoing-switch-shortage-worsened-auto-purchase-bots.html



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3 hours ago, BouncekDeLemos said:

Hey, I want you guys' opinion on something. 

I've made this argument/unpopular opinion on another forum, with one person saying that he wished people would buy groceries with their alcohol, and not just the alcohol itself, as it wasn't really an essential thing to get, and they'd risk getting the virus. Pretty understandable, people need to stay at home as most as they can.

My argument was that it was that I didn't care what people did with their money, and that people can go out and buy what they wanted to, even if it was a stick of gum. And the two main reasons why I said this is because our economy needs all the help it can get, and I have no say being that I am an essential worker staying at the store for more than 8 to 10 hours a day well they're quickly in and out of the store buying just that one non-essential item.

I feel that I'm a greater threat than anyone who's even there just to buy a magazine or something stupid. There's no way I can judge these people.

So what's y'all's take? Bottom line, as long as we're doing things sensibly, we should be okay, but I can't bring myself to shame some people (not the party-gorsers) out there who are trying to cope.

I’m not sure exactly what your question is, so pardon me if I don’t address it but I am trying.

Yes, you/r store present a risk as a vector for spread, since you are exposed to a large number of people frequently, and who knows how careful they are being in their daily interactions.

Yes, you are likely to be okay by taking precautions. Shielding (which some liquor stores have as a matter of course long before this crisis), enforcing distancing by restricting occupancy and entry line spacing, avoid touching hands, avoid cash handling if possible, ideally requiring masks (and proper use thereof!) for entry... some things can be done.

Speaking as a highly functional alcoholic, who lives in a neighborhood with a lot of not-necessarily-functional alcoholics and other addicts, who are definitely not being careful in my direct observation... and at work I interact with people undergoing trauma and crisis... I am up in the air on liquor stores. When certain stores in my area get shut down temporarily, my quality of life does improve. A lot. I wish they would be closed permanently. But if I couldn’t drink for some reason, I don’t know what I would do. And I have way more coping ability and resources than some people. 

Another thing to consider is that specialty stores and small stores might really be better. Like, a large store presents a space where many people are interacting and passing close to each other all the time. My nearest supermarket, as I observe when I pass it on my way to work, the parking lot these days is as full as ever. Meanwhile, the corner store, also as usual, only has a few people inside at any given time. So, a store that only sells liquor might provide a singular service, and its patrons need to go to multiple places. But they also possibly have a space with lower traffic and crowding. This question, like most regarding social operations, cannot have a monolithic answer and should be examined case-by-case.

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5 hours ago, Link said:


Another thing to consider is that specialty stores and small stores might really be better. Like, a large store presents a space where many people are interacting and passing close to each other all the time. My nearest supermarket, as I observe when I pass it on my way to work, the parking lot these days is as full as ever. Meanwhile, the corner store, also as usual, only has a few people inside at any given time. So, a store that only sells liquor might provide a singular service, and its patrons need to go to multiple places. But they also possibly have a space with lower traffic and crowding. This question, like most regarding social operations, cannot have a monolithic answer and should be examined case-by-case.

This is why I haven't been to Wal-mart in over a month now. Too crowded and the checkout line is way too slow.(not to mention 90 percent of goods come from China... Screw China right now!) I buy groceries at Hannaford, and I go to Target when i need a more all encompassing shopping experience including toys, clothes, art/office/homeschool supplies, etc. Target still isnt perfect, as they hammer the Chinese goods home also, but I can be in and out in 30 minutes, something impossible to do at Wal-Mart. I would like to see locally owned boutiques and specialty shops reopen. Im over Amazon also and I would rather support a local than give more money to China. As long as we follow the social distancing rules, there is no reason why I can't buy some crayola products NEEDED for homeschool from a local art studio or the new Dog Man book for my kid at the local comic book store. It sucks having to only go to Target for these things. 

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Well I've a quick question, maybe some one here can offer some advice.

Many of the stores here have lines placed on the floor, to help people social distance themselves when lining up.

Despite the lines being in place, some people refuse to follow them and stand where they're supposed to stand, either hoping to cut in line or out of ignorance, I really have no idea. These are the same wankers that aren't wearing masks, either, and I had a guy let out a big sigh next to me one day, felt his breath on my arm!

I'd love to know a good way to handle these types, as it really makes my blood boil.

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1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

Well I've a quick question, maybe some one here can offer some advice.

Many of the stores here have lines placed on the floor, to help people social distance themselves when lining up.

Despite the lines being in place, some people refuse to follow them and stand where they're supposed to stand, either hoping to cut in line or out of ignorance, I really have no idea. These are the same wankers that aren't wearing masks, either, and I had a guy let out a big sigh next to me one day, felt his breath on my arm!

I'd love to know a good way to handle these types, as it really makes my blood boil.

I feel them out if it is worth the trouble telling them to keep their distance. There are those who just refuse to buy in that this shit is real

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1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

Well I've a quick question, maybe some one here can offer some advice.

Many of the stores here have lines placed on the floor, to help people social distance themselves when lining up.

Despite the lines being in place, some people refuse to follow them and stand where they're supposed to stand, either hoping to cut in line or out of ignorance, I really have no idea. These are the same wankers that aren't wearing masks, either, and I had a guy let out a big sigh next to me one day, felt his breath on my arm!

I'd love to know a good way to handle these types, as it really makes my blood boil.

Since this whole thing has started, I’ve had more negative confrontations than normal. I have a pretty bad temper and my approach, while working for me is not a good way to handle the situation. My blood boils and I let. I loudly tell people they are too close. 

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13 hours ago, BouncekDeLemos said:


I'm without a pc or gaming console right now, didn't want to bring them to give a place for roaches to stay in....

Then you can play this IRL

On a relevant side note there are some species of roaches that cheerfully eat plastic - it is kinda hard on electronics.

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3 hours ago, Richardhead said:

Since this whole thing has started, I’ve had more negative confrontations than normal. I have a pretty bad temper and my approach, while working for me is not a good way to handle the situation. My blood boils and I let. I loudly tell people they are too close. 

I've tried the whole "scoot on down as far as I could while giving them a dirty look and making a banshee scream" method a few times, while checking out, but you just can't help stupid.

I'd personally love to just spin around and throw one of these guys into a shelf of goods, but I don't fancy getting arrested or deported, so I'm looking for a more friendly approach.

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