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If you could live in any game world which one would it be?


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Skyrim is a very dangerous world, there are bandits and monsters everywhere as well as a wicked mages and necromancers and vampires, and dragons, can't forget those. It would be a horrible place to live. If anything like this world and my role here, I would not be the heroine of the story, just some random NPC trying to survive the normal day to day struggles which would be far worse than our own world. Though, I could be the heroine, maybe even the Dragonborn, though I would most likely shirk my duties, but then I would get an extra beating from Grelod...


Oh yeah, spank me harder! 🤫 Shhhh... it's a secret to everybody.

But if I did have some sort of skills or powers, I would excel in fighting, or magic, better yet archery, yep, I've always been good with the bow (okay in real life never used one, but hey, I teleported to game world and chose this role and what I'm good at, which actually would probably be everything) or something other than the Dragonborn, I would maybe be okay with living there, there are plenty of places I've called home even if the game doesn't recognize them as such. Patch up that wall there (after clearing out all falmer and the huge bug problem), clean up the bloodied bodies, fix that leaking ceiling, that lighthouse would make a great home (one of many), or kill all of the evil witches in Darklight Tower, clean the place up, get some better lighting in there, but keep the nasty decor outside to deter unwanted visitors. Nope, too big. I'd settle for the alchemist shack or better yet that shack near the waterfall close to Helgen, fix it up, add a door, closing windows, flooring, proper roof, plant myself a little garden, build a strong wall around the joint, always wanted a little house to call my own and hey fresh water from melting mountain snow for drinking and bathing, brrr that's friggin' freezing. But there would be none of the luxuries that I have now in this world, everything would have to be done the hard way, well unless there's a spell to accomplish it, or something. But being as I would excel in melee combat and or archery and hopefully know a few useful spells and have no issues about killing things (actually rather enjoy it, kind like real life version of video games), and with plenty of monsters and bad guys around, finding work wouldn't be an issue, since I could be a treasure hunter, bounty hunter, monster slayer... at least I wouldn't be bored.

But would I live in Skyrim or any other place in Tamriel or on that world, ugh, probably not. But then again, powers, real magic, I dunno, kinda very tempting. At least it isn't Fallout 3, who in their right mind would want to live in that kind of world?

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Definitely not anything medieval. I'm a huge fan of things like toilets, indoor plumbing, general hygiene, technology. Hyrule or Tamriel would be nightmares, especially for an everyday kind of person. Mario lives in a the Mushroom Kingdom. There are big stone castles and you can bet they have shit-holes and communal ass sponges, not flushable toilets. Not an ideal form of government either, especially when the head of state is constantly in peril. No thanks. Anything with animals like Animal Crossing would probably be somewhat horrifying in real life, at least until I'm used to it. Stardew Valley is a life of manual labor.

I'm going to go with The Matrix world and live like Cypher in a dreamworld where I can have whatever I want. I don't need reality, my mind will make the perfect reality in The Matrix!

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7 minutes ago, DefaultGen said:

Definitely not anything medieval. I'm a huge fan of things like toilets, indoor plumbing, general hygiene, technology.

go with The Matrix world and live like Cypher in a dreamworld where I can have whatever I want. I don't need reality, my mind will make the perfect reality in The Matrix!


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On 11/11/2019 at 6:05 PM, Nugfish said:

I am not an Animal Crossing fan, but it is very relaxing...Also the only reason I would play Echo the Dolphin...love both of those environments.

I came here just to say Animal Crossing.  New Leaf. Easy life: chilling with friends, fishing, bug catching. Great music at 7PM. There's video game consoles. I mean.

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47 minutes ago, WhyNotZoidberg said:

I came here just to say Animal Crossing.  New Leaf. Easy life: chilling with friends, fishing, bug catching. Great music at 7PM. There's video game consoles. I mean.

I forgot that the main way (or main way I knew of) to make money in Animal Crossing is catching giant terrifying beetles on a tropical island. I'm not sure I would last in AC.

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Ah, but are you certain you would be able to marry Flora/Nera? You may very well be transported to this game world merely as yourself and find that the hero has already done his quest and settled down and married either of them, or one died along the way or married another hero or NPC. But hey, look at that cutie... she doesn't have a name because she is an unnamed NPC but she's looking right at you. Oh wait, she's looking quite terrified in your direction as there is a monster right behind you. It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here.

And this is most likely how it would probably end for most of us, game over, shouldn't stayed on Earth in our own dimension and just visited the game worlds the safe way with game in console playing on tv set. But hey, I can see the whole world from where I'm at, having been launched into the sky by a giant that clobbered me.

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Events Team · Posted

Actraiser : But I don't want to be God, I want to be part of the populace worshiping him. Imagine living in a world where you ask God to help your village and you actually see him blasting the shit out of all the monsters around the place and save the day in platformer action. That must be a life worth living and meaningful.

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Yeah, but will this god save you in time, or will you be one of the victims of the many monster attacks? Gods do what they can, but can't always help everyone. But hey, maybe you'll come back as a Soulblazer! Not human anymore, not god, not quite an angel but powerful enough and working for this god to fight said monsters that probably had a thing in you being killed or anyone, thus you can be all awesome and heroic even if all you ever wanted to be was an ordinary member of society. Fighting side by side with the god of that world, but don't let it get to your head, you might come back reincarnated as a cockroach.

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  • 11 months later...

Chrono Trigger, my usual answer.  And what I'd hear more than anything else:

"Have you been riding that Dactyl again!?"


"Why do you spend so much time in that Black Omen!?  What exactly do you do in there!?"


If that didn't work out for some reason, I'd give bubble bath babes a shot...

Edited by PII
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