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Sky blue

My sky was dark blue once. I changed it to a more appropriate shade of blue. I also had a white fry. So I changed it to a yellow, shorter fry. I began work on level 1 of the burger game I started yesterday. This is all I have so far. That's because when I reset the game using the emulator, the clouds showed up on the title screen. Hours were spent trying to fix it, until at one point I got something correct: If I tell the clouds to disappear when the game starts, before all the stuff s


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Your adventure awaits!

So yesterday I started on a new adventure: NES programming. It's really hard. But I feel I am learning a lot at a time. So I want to make a version of my Virtual Boy game on NES. Yesterday and today I worked on the title screen. I drew the sprites, I composed the music. So anyway, this is why I want NES music coders who are experts in FamiTracker to help out with this project. Right now, the title screen has the title, along with the hamburger flock leader Zybort, which you can actually con


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

4 l

Changed the look of the arena. The o will come out of one of those four buildings and move around randomly. There will be a lowercase l instead of a bee. I think it has to be yellow. I had a heck of a time trying to make the display steady, but I eventually did.


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

X vs. O

I wanted to make a fly swatting game for the Atari 2600. I wanted to make a game about letters for the Atari 2600. I wanted to make a new Atari 2600 game. So I decided to combine all three into a new game I'm working on called "X Vs. O." You are the letter X, and your job is go up to letter Os and press fire. But there are some bees. If you touch a bee, you'll die. I'm deciding to make this a one-life game like the Odyssey 2 games used to be. The game is in a very early stage. I just began


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Episode 12: Yeah Yeah Beebiss II

A Homebrew Draws Near! A blog series by @Scrobins Episode 12: Yeah Yeah Beebiss II aka “Riggs Project”   Introduction: Homebrew has always been a fairly niche community, with word of mouth serving a critical role in spreading news and building hype for the latest games. But part of what makes homebrew games such a fascinating phenomenon is the juxtaposition of cartridges developed to play on hardware from the 80s with a world in which people can talk about these gam

The new return of Uncle Hairy

I jump from project to project. When I get bored with one, I pick up another and work on it for a while. I plan to repeat this plan until I die (or can't use a computer any more.) So, as you may have guessed, the project du jour is Uncle Hairy's Nosehair. About a month ago, I called it done, but now I've decided to go back and work on it some more. So I did. This is what it looks like now. I find it funny and odd that this picture of the game is larger than the game itself. You can get


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600


I decided to return to work on Quest of the Cranberry. I spent the last few hours trying to put a fish in the game. Craig (the cranberry) is now underwater, so a fish would be an appropriate enemy. But now I have no ideas left on what to do. So it's a good time to pause and think of new stuff for Craig to encounter under the sea. Do you have any ideas? I'd love to hear them. The last part of the work was trying to make sure the game ends (temporarily) and you can't go any further


Gamegearguy in Channel F

Testing begins

I finished up Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2 for Game Gear. Let me know if you'd like to test it. I need other pairs of eyes out looking for bugs in this thing. I'll send you the game and a list of expected behavior (so you can tell if something is wrong). What would be especially nice is if you have a Game Gear Everdrive and can test it on a real Game Gear. I have a Game Gear Everdrive and a working Game Gear so I'll be doing that as well. Or you can just use whatever emulator you play Ga


Gamegearguy in Game Gear

Game Gear work

For the first time since September, I worked on a Game Gear game. I worked on the sequel to HERTS, HERTS2. Level 7 is the forest. Amazingly, I spent more time trying to draw a forest than coding the part of the game that handles the forest. I think I got it working though. Now I just need to add some level-specific code, music and boss. I tried to put in a picture of a forest I found on the internet, but it had too many colors and too many tiles, so I had to draw one. The result, while I wanted


Gamegearguy in Game Gear

ZipZap (f.k.a. Xybort)

So I changed the name of the Xybort game to ZipZap. And I worked on levels 3 and 4. I can't really think of anything else to do, so it may be finished. So I'm not releasing the final ROM because of piracy concerns (although I would be very flattered if someone were to pirate my games). Level 3 has a yellow ball bouncing around a purple background (along with the usual UFOs) and level 4 has a desert theme with robots following your ship trying to get it. It is really hard to not crash into t


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

#48 Movies of 1987

The guys sit down to discuss one of their all time favorite years in movies, 1987. Jason finally picks some movies that weren't panned by the critics and Luke picks a B movie that makes Jason proud. For the first time Luke doesn't bleep all of the cuss words (mostly Jason's) so for the first time, this is a PG-13 episode.



#48 - Movies of 1987

The guys sit down to discuss one of their all time favorite years in movies, 1987. Jason finally picks some movies that weren't panned by the critics and Luke picks a B movie that makes Jason proud. For the first time Luke doesn't bleep all of the cuss words (mostly Jason's) so for the first time, this is a PG-13 episode.



Xybort - level 2

Watch out for the airplanes flying from right to left. So I didn't have a very hard time with this, except for the making my code I wanted it to be easier working a couple days ago. I wanted to make the levels differing code at the end so it wasn't interfering with the code structure. But this proved to be a difficult task since it wasn't working on a real Odyssey 2. It wouldn't get past the title screen. But eventually I made it work. I added a boss which moves around horizontally. The nex


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Xybort returns

After a two month hiatus, I recently began continuing work on this game. I added a few things, but I want to add a whole lot more. So I think this might end up being an 8k cartridge. Tonight I worked on adding a second enemy in that shoots at you. Oddly, I got finished at about 3 a.m., but the previous night was spent trying to make what I have work on a real Odyssey 2. I FINALLY got done at about 7 a.m. yesterday morning, even though I started work both times at about midnight. I love my Odysse


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

New score

So I got an Atari 2600 game I didn't have before. I bought Chase the Chuckwagon. But a huge shout out to AtariAge user SpiceWare, who changed the way the score looks in my nosehair game. It now looks like this: I redesigned the number font and I think it looks good enough. I also worked a little more on it and got the scissors back to facing the "correct" way (the way I wanted them to and were before.) With all the changes though, I have about 2 bytes left. Which I guess is okay since


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Nosehair update - 2-24-2021

I worked on my Nosehair game last night. I did three things: I made the nosehair's top speed faster (because people said it was too slow), I got rid of the horrid title screen music and replaced it with a better-sounding tune, and I changed the shape of the nostril. This is what it looks like now:


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

#47 Music of 1995

The guys discuss their favorite songs and albums of 1995. Matt discovers he likes rap songs that give driving directions. Luke discusses the first album by his all time favorite band and the guys all agree the year was a huge year for female artists.



#47 Music of 1995

The guys discuss their favorite songs and albums of 1995. Matt discovers he likes rap songs that give driving directions. Luke discusses the first album by his all time favorite band and the guys all agree the year was a huge year for female artists.



Count's Castle

So I was making the beginning of Count's Castle for the Atari 2600 (The "lost" Kid's Controller game) when the power went out. I was expecting it to be out for a couple days since we had an ice storm here that toppled trees. It lasted SIX DAYS. For almost a week, all I had to keep myself warm was a gas fireplace. And all I had to entertain myself with was the radio and a Game Boy. Many hours were spent trying to figure out the puzzles in Daedalian Opus and trying to complete the screen in Word Z


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Galaga - No Boot and Sound Issues

This Galaga board was a two part issue. Hooking up the board, the game booted to a white screen and zeroes.  First step whenever you get some garbage like this is to check the signals on the CPU, make sure there are no stuck signals line reset, NMI, or other critical signals. Everything checked out fine, so the next step in this case is to check the ROMs. Verifying the ROMs on my programmer, I found that all were good except 3N, which wouldn't read anything back, completly dead. After


SNESNESCUBE64 in Arcade Repair

Nintendo Radarscope -Graphics and Sound issues

This was a repair I was super excited to do. For some background, right now I am in the process of restoring an original Nintendo Radarscope arcade cabinet. The cabinet is in super nice shape but was missing several things. Anyway, when I got it last night, I excitedly had to wait an hour for the boardset to warm up as it had been sitting outside in the fridged cold. When I first hooked it up, the game did not boot properly, only showing upside down 2s.  The first thing I did to


SNESNESCUBE64 in Arcade Repair

Another Return of Uncle Hairy

I was having trouble with this game getting the cutting just right every single time. An idea came to me as I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep. Make the Cutting variable the same as the PlayerY variable. This meant when PlayerY moved, so did the Cutting variable. And THIS meant setting a permanent variable for all of PlayerY's positions. Thankfully it wasn't as complicated as it sounds. It just meant to put in this code before exiting the Joystick code: [code]         sec     


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

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