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G07 Monitor - no picture

Here was a quick repair I did last night. It was on a G07 arcade monitor that came out of a centipede cabinet. When tested on the bench, I got no picture whatsoever. Looking closely, I heard no high voltage and saw no neck glow. What's nice about the G07, is that it is one of the easiest monitors to work on, it is as simple as unplugging thing the yoke, degauss coil, and anode cup, then remove two screws. Afterwords the chassis will slide right out! This monitor was in pretty good shape, it seem

#45 - Christmas TV Specials

The guys sit down to talk about their favorite Christmas TV specials. Matt talks about hooking up the internet for a rich lady and talks about all of the celebrities that died right after he watched their movies.



#45 - Christmas TV Specials

The guys sit down to talk about their favorite Christmas TV specials. Matt talks about hooking up the internet for a rich lady and talks about all of the celebrities that died right after he watched their movies.



Nosehairs for December 17.

I worked some more on the game. Here's a video of me playing it with the Stella emulator. I made it so the nosehair demon chases you around the screen instead of him moving randomly. Since he now does this, I could delete a fair amount of code associated with the process of randomly moving around, and as a result I now have about 70 bytes left, which is up from about 30. I also made it so you can play the game in black and white instead of in color. Though I doubt many people will, I j


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Nosehairs for December 15.

Yesterday I did some more work on Uncle Hairy's Nosehair. That's the name of the game, although since the game doesn't display the name in it, I could call it anything I want. I got rid of the cutting nosehair for points. I made it so touching the nosehair demon subtracts from your score. I made the box worth ten points instead of one. I have over 100 bytes left. And the game is 2k. I don't know what else to put in the game. I don't know how much I can put in the game and still have the display


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Back to nosehairs

Last night I didn't want to go to sleep. So I was laying in bed thinking about various things like I do. I got up and worked on the nosehair game I had made for the Atari 2600 and then gave up on because it wasn't going well. I thought about what I was doing and tried different ways to do what I wanted the game to do. A couple hours later, I had it: A steady picture while playing, and while not playing. It was good. Then I finally fell sleep at about 10:30 pm. Woke up at about 9 am and work


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Episode 9: 8-Bit Xmas 2020

A Homebrew Draws Near! A blog series by @Scrobins Episode 9: 8-Bit Xmas 2020 (Dr. Covio) Introduction: Video games are a lot like movies, an excellent effort can give rise to a sequel, potentially even a series, one which perfects a formula and offers something new and fun while retaining everything that made past installments worthwhile. It is a difficult tightrope to walk: providing more of what works without merely delivering a carbon copy, while also experimenting wi


Scrobins in A Homebrew Draws Near!

Seeing a lot of red

On the VB Discord channel, everyone was kind of in agreement with the sentiment that there was too much red in it. So I changed it back to what it was before, the night scene. Looking at it now, I have to agree that the entire screen was just red and overwhelming. But in making that all-red screen, I discovered a way to make the text black, so I guess it wasn't all for naught. Since I have yet to find a way to change the text's palette, I just changed the palette it used. Since the same pal


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Hamburgers level 8.

I designed a level 8 for the game. It's a beach scene. I still have to do music for it. Then levels 9, 10 and ending, and it will be all done. I am wondering though whether or not I should make a custom font for the game. I know how to, but I don't know if I should. I want some originality, but at the same time I want it to be legible like it is now. I also worked some more on Pipe Down, that Odyssey 2 game I've been working on, changing things to make it better. Not running code


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

No more room

So after a well-deserved sleep (I slept for about 16 hours), at 2:30a.m. I was up and at 'em again. Made a new little enemy to replace the turtle. I think it looks kind of like a goomba, but I was careful not to make it look too much like one. I had a little bit of room left, so I figured with it, I could animate the fireball. After using too much room, I simplified a little bit of code near it to make it fit. Very snugly, though, since even though I'm using 2,037/2,048 bytes, it won't


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

I tried again.

So I was having horrible trouble getting the fireball to come when a specific amount of points was got. I programmed for a couple hours until I got something working on an Odyssey 2 emulator, but it didn't work on a real Odyssey 2. So I pulled an all-nighter trying to make the thing work on a real Odyssey 2. Finally, at 7:21 in the morning, I made it work. This bit of code worried me:     mov r0,#score_l        mov a,@r0         add a,#245     jnc rrrrr The four-digit score


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Contra (Replay)

Genre: Action Publisher: Konami Total time played: 2 Hours Short review: A game synonymous with the NES. The first truly great run and gun style action game. Interesting links related to Contra My Original Review From 2013 Original Soundtrack Heavy Metal Contra Soundtrack Speedrun (11 minutes 34 seconds) Contra Live Action Short Film Contra memories (James Rolfe aka Angry Video Game Nerd) Confession Time Never have I ever, until today, beaten Contra without the Konami cod



Episode 8: The Assembly Line

A Homebrew Draws Near! A blog series by @Scrobins Episode 8: The Assembly Line Introduction: It was around September 2017 that I first learned about homebrew games. Months earlier I shipped my collection of old video games and consoles from my parents’ home and hoped to expand my library. Searching for the “essential” gems no self-respecting vintage gamer should be without, I stumbled upon a pair of articles from The Verge and Wired about new games for old consoles. Curi


Scrobins in A Homebrew Draws Near!

Back to the Odyssey 2

So I finally got back into Odyssey2 programming again. This game is like Mario Bros. It's called "Pipe Down". It only has two enemies, and the fireball is always on. But I did try to add some interesting things. Like if you don't kick the enemy within a certain limit, it gets back up and starts walking again (which is in Mario Bros.) Unfortunately I don't have room for much else (like coins or other enemies). The last version I tested works great on a real Odyssey 2, though, so that's


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Donkey Kong - No Boot

So I had gotten some semi-repaired boardsets off KLOV last week. I've been wanting to get another Donkey Kong boardset for a while since I plan on getting a cabinet soon. Both boardsets did not work, both having different errors. When hooked up, it booted to nothing. First thing I noticed was that a bunch of chips had been socketed. None of the sockets were in good shape (one was an old nasty machine pin socket, another was a damaged dual wipe, and there were two terrible single wipe sockets), s


SNESNESCUBE64 in Arcade Repair


Genre: Puzzle Publisher: Nintendo Total time played: 4 Hours Short review: A knock off of Tetris featuring Nintendo characters and iconology. It’s a lot of fun but it seems to be more luck based than skill based. Interesting links related to Yoshi Video Review (CGRundertow) Soundtrack Not Much To Say You know, this doesn’t happen often but I don’t have a lot to say about Yoshi. It isn’t a game I really every played growing up so I don’t have any memories. It also is a pr



New title screen

I thought that the picture of the hamburger I had on the title screen was really crappy. It didn't look anything like a burger. So I decided to change it. I drew a logo on a piece of paper, then scanned it, then colored it in and this is what I got: There. This way I can change the copyright words (if I need to, like suppose I don't get it done next year. It would be a lot easier, I'd just change the 1 to a 2 in the text. Or suppose a homebrew making company wants to be there instead o


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy


So I figured out that the Channel F will not be able to do what I'd like it to do, so I had to give up on the fly swatting game. And I went back to work on Hamburgers for the Virtual Boy. Nothing much, just added a level selection feature. You can select which level to start on. If I finish the game, I plan to move this from available upon start to accessing it via a special code (button pressing sequences on the title screen.) I woke up this morning at 9 a.m. due to my stomach hurting. An


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Fluke 9010a - display problems

So for a long time I have been saving up for a Fluke 9010a, an in-circuit debugger for systems that utilize microprocessors such as the 6502, z80, and many others. It is a popular peice of test equipment for folk who do repairs on vintage arcade boards as it is super useful for debugging hardware problems. So I had finally won one in an auction, only problem is that it was having display problems. problem was that segments were stuck on, which tells me the display tube was good.


SNESNESCUBE64 in Equipment Repair


So I'm back to programming for the Fairchild Channel F again. I wish there was a Flashcart for this. But that will probably never happen, due to lack of interest. Anyway, this time I'm making a game called... It's a fly swatting game, akin to the one in Mario Paint for the Super NES. So there are these flies. Your job is to swat them. To activate the fly swatter, push down on the joystick. If you hit one, that fly will disappear and another one will come take its place in a random posi


Gamegearguy in Channel F

#44 - Video Games of 1998

In this episode the guys talk about the era of N64 and Playstation and the video games they played in 1998. Jason declared he was too busy going on dates to play video games so we brought in Matt's college roommate Jeremy to fill in. Jason is still here adding color commentary. There is also a surprising amount of talk about flipping cars and Matt drinks a salad.



#44 - Video Games of 1998

In this episode the guys talk about the era of N64 and Playstation and the video games they played in 1998. Jason declared he was too busy going on dates to play video games so we brought in Matt's college roommate Jeremy to fill in. Jason is still here adding color commentary. There is also a surprising amount of talk about flipping cars and Matt drinks a salad.



Level 5 - snow.

Level 4 is the underwater level. Level 5 is snow. I didn't create the snowman and igloo seen here, but I did arrange the version of "Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow" in the background. I stole the snowflake shape from Wingdings. I also made a black outline for the hamburger because apparently people requested it. So I obliged, although I don't personally like it, but OK. So now I need to design 5 more levels and some ending screens. One for a non-perfect score (<1000) and one fo


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

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