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Track & Field - Running forever

Here was a fun one, several months ago I worked on a track & field pcb that was having some werid issues. The first issue was that the game refused to boot. What this ended up being was a bad interconnect ribbon cable. Easy enough fix. The second issue was that the game would actually run forever on the 100m. Typically it is supposed to end at some point, however in this case the runners just kept on going, going to a black screen until it timed out. This was a quick fix, the problem wa


SNESNESCUBE64 in Arcade Repair

Jack and the beanstalk

So last Friday I started a new Odyssey 2 project: Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack needs to climb the beanstalk. Most of my time was spent trying to decide what rules I wanted to have in place. I went from Jack being able to fall off the beanstalk to forcing him to always stay on the beanstalk. I went from a little bird to a big bird and then back to a little bird. Beanstalk climbing isn't the only part of the game. If it was, it wouldn't be a very engaging game. There will also be a


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Save the puppies!

I decided the game about poop was too gross. So I took some time, redrew the sprites, and made it a game about saving puppies. Under my right thumb nail itches really bad. Anyway, I needed to tell someone because it's really annoying, especially when trying to type. I made a new website for the game. If you go to the Nincompoop website, click the link to be redirected to it.  


Gamegearguy in Game Boy


I've been working on a new Game Boy game called "Nincompoop." It's about a piece of poop that goes around the screen collecting poop that pops up in random places. You can download the latest version on the official Nincompoop website. I've added a title screen with music. I need some feedback about the music though. It never hurts to have another set of ears listening to it. I've been listening, and tweaking, and listening again for so long, it's become normal. Anyway, press Start on the title


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Episode 16: Eyra-The Crow Maiden

A Homebrew Draws Near! A blog series by @Scrobins Episode 16: Eyra-The Crow Maiden Introduction: Developing and releasing a single homebrew game is an immense undertaking. It’s no wonder some brewers either work on one project at a time or chip away at multiple projects over a long span of time. Or if you’re Second Dimension, you assemble three separate dream teams to develop a game for three different consoles and release them almost simultaneous to another game they de

#51 Pools, Parks and Vacations

The guys sit down to talk about the pools, parks and vacations that shaped them. Matt and Luke introduce Jason to the childhood classic game M.A.S.H. Matt tells the story of Luke getting body slammed by a WCW wrestler and flashing his entire baseball team. Matt and Luke talk about their friend Taylor’s pool where they spent a lot of their summer days hanging out.



Odyssey 2

I'm back working on a new (actually old) Odyssey 2 game. I have a new intro for my games. The screen that says "Cedar Games" and displays the tree. Well now it still does, but with different noises. I worked for a long time trying to integrate it into ZipZap (all night in fact), but I gave up. So that ended with me going to bed at about 10 a.m. When I got up at 7 p.m., I went back to work trying to make it actually work. It was hard, but I eventually did it. Not only that, I put it int


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

#008: Advent Shadow

Advent Shadow Full Fat Majesco PSP 2004-2006 As an industry that pulls in billions of dollars annually, video games is a significant force in the word of entertainment and in many cases outperforms classic forms of media such as movies, television and literature. Yet, despite how profitable the industry has become, you still do not see much in the way of collaboration with significant figures from other forms of entertainment. Sure, every year we receive a new game plastered with To


Inzoreno in Cancelled Game

A new NES project (part 2.)

I haven't been working on my NES project very much lately. Apart from making the mouth open and close which I did a few days ago, all I did was change the title screen. It was one of those cases where you had to change it but tried to make it look as good as possible. So that's what I did. So that's what I did.


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Episode 15: The Curse of Illmoore Bay

A Homebrew Draws Near! A blog series by @Scrobins Episode 15: The Curse of Illmoore Bay Introduction: The growth of the homebrew community and availability of homebrew game carts is largely thanks to the savvy of a handful of people who have made the herculean effort of establishing supply chains to manufacture and publish cartridges for other brewers in addition to their own games. Among these titans of industry are RetroUSB, InfiniteNESLives, Broke Studio, the 6502 Col

A new NES project.

With Hamburgers finished, I wondered if I could stomach making, from scratch, a new NES game. It wasn't as bad as I feared. Except for the errors, that eventually got cleared away. So here is my new game's title screen. The object is the same as the Atari 2600 version. But the NES has two buttons. This is where the change comes in: You will press the A button to open the mouth and B to close it. I think I'll add the alphabet and add some text to this screen. That would be fun. I don't


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Sound thinking

Yesterday, I got real bored, so I decided to make some music for the menu. I also changed the font so it looks better. I don't like the "computery" font sometimes, so I changed it so that each number is a different font. I also colored the score different colors for each game so you know which game you got the high score on. I've been working on this since Sunday and I think I've done a good job so far. I don't know what else to do though.


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

My nose is still running.

Now that I think about it, I could call it "The Runs" and have it be a piece of poop running. But I won't. I redesigned Mr. Noseson (Noseson is a palindrome) and worked on the boxes to jump over. Mr. Noseson now looks like this: I decided to make his legs orange instead of black. This morning I put in collision detection for the boxes. Next up is working on making some music for the menu. But not today. I'm done with programming for today.


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

My nose is running.

So I didn't really want just one guy running for my running game. I thought, "What else runs?" Noses. So I titled the game "Runny Nose." Here is Mr. Noseson. His little legs are animated. I attempted a realistic jumping code, with gravity and stuff. I thought I was done with Atari 2600 noses when I finished "Uncle Hairy's Nosehair." Well, anyway, this is being done in batari Basic. I originally was going to have the ground in this be of varying heights, so I began in bB because I didn'


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

007 Lizard

Another long play episode with developer commentary and interview.  This episode is on Lizard, a NES homebrew, and joining me is @rainwarrior  


Deadeye in homebrew


Yesterday it was 116 degrees here. I could have sworn the Weather Channel had 117 on the screen for about an hour or so, but I guess it was a mirage? Anyway It was hot Sunday too. About 112 or so. Both those are above the all-time record of 110. And yet I coded. I am making a new Atari 2600 game. I was influenced from a post on AtariAge. (Influenced is not the word I wanted, but it will work.) It was about one button games. Games that only use one button and no joystick. I thought "I could


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Hantarex MTC-9000 - No picture/heater

So I recently picked up a Hantrarex MTC-9000 9" (manual says it's 10", but it's definitely a 9" tube) CRT. Initially, the tube had a lot of gunk, a chip on the face of it (not really visible in the pictures), and did not work initially. This thing was used most likely in a poker machine based on the burn on the screen. I love little CRTs like this, they make excellent test monitors and I think I am going to use it for a future project. Just as a general disclaimer, CRTs are very dangerous t

#007: Kaio: King of Pirates

Kaio: King of Pirates Comcept and Intercept Marvelous Nintendo 3DS 2011-2015 Keiji Inafune is a legend in the video game industry, known for his work on the ever-popular Mega Man series. Although the public failure of has most recent project, Mighty No. 9, has tarnished his reputation a bit, he still has a long legacy of games he has worked on spanning over twenty years. With such a pedigree behind him, you wouldn't think it would be hard for a developer of his caliber to get a proj


Inzoreno in Cancelled Game

Hamburgers VB now available

You can now buy your own copy of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland for the Virtual Boy at http://uncletusk.com It is 10 levels of milkshake shooting action. It comes with a box and instruction manual. I'll add a picture once my copy comes. I also changed my avatar. It is Uncle Sam eating corn flakes. I thought it was fitting for this time of year since the Fourth of July is soon. I will change it back once it ends.


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Hamburgers NES update

I had finished the game when I was playing through I discovered that it froze every certain place in level 3. I reached out for help in the NES Discord. I found some lovely people who were willing to help. Eventually, I figured out what they were trying to tell me and after a few days of me trying to figure stuff out, I eventually got it back working again just now. I played through the whole game without it freezing, which is no small feat because I think it takes about 20-25 minutes to do.


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

Hamburger Castle

Work begins on level 10, the final level of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland. I tried to make it reminiscent of (and not ripping off) the castle levels of Super Mario Bros. This is what I made. The picture on the wall is one of a milkshake. I should have made it look better but I couldn't. So anyway, now that I know how, I think I should go back and redesign the earlier levels. But I don't know what I could put besides clouds in the sky though. I need to compose some music for this l


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES


Level 9. Almost done. I spent almost all day on this, trying to make things just right. Here is a screenshot of level 9 in action. I need to make a song for this level. I'll do that tomorrow. And then after that, work on the final level and the ending. Then it will be testing time, as well as code fixing time. It was very hot today. So the a/c is trying to run a lot. It got to 94 degrees today.


Gamegearguy in Nintendo NES

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