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I decided to return to work on Quest of the Cranberry. I spent the last few hours trying to put a fish in the game. Craig (the cranberry) is now underwater, so a fish would be an appropriate enemy. But now I have no ideas left on what to do.


So it's a good time to pause and think of new stuff for Craig to encounter under the sea. Do you have any ideas? I'd love to hear them.

The last part of the work was trying to make sure the game ends (temporarily) and you can't go any further after the screen with the fish in it. (The game is like Frank the Fruit Fly, with screens Craig must pass to keep moving. There's even health and passcodes and stuff. The game right now is at 16k, which will take a while to fill up before I can move to 32k. I want a total of 8 different levels, which is more than Frank has. And since this is the Channel F so I only have blue, red, green and white to work with, it's already more colorful.


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