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Everything posted by BortLicensePlate

  1. N64 on a handheld is a bit of a big ask. There’s tons of good prebuilt handhelds that will work great up to PS1 on the cheaper side. If N64 is essential, you will be paying a bit more. Your best bet would be a raspberry Pi 4 build, You can find game boy like shells that are pretty well plug and play with a raspberry Pi 4. check out ETA prime on YouTube, he covers quite a few emulation handhelds
  2. Lol yeah kinda dropped the ball on this. I’ve been really focused on trying to get a new job and haven’t played many video games this year. Hopefully I can get to a couple of these before the year ends
  3. I totally agree that 3D is more immersive, but is it weird that being “immersed” doesn’t really interest me? It’s kinda the same with VR, like it’s cool when things feel realistic, but I actually like that 2D games don’t feel real. I want games and real life to be as separated and abstracted as possible. I think that’s the big distinction here, whether you like to be immersed in the game or keep it separated from real life
  4. 2D for sure. I think there’s plenty of great 3D games out there but I just prefer the simplicity of 2D
  5. It’s not getting hosed. Backers know what they’re getting themselves into, if things don’t work out that’s unfortunate but there was never a guarantee that there would be a final product. If that’s not a risk you’re willing to take, that’s understandable but I don’t agree with backers playing the victim when things don’t work out. I agree that patreon feels better as a solution but it really isn’t all that different apart from how it’s framed
  6. Depends on what you're into. I have a few spotify playlists and youtube channels that curate the style of music I like, just check in on them for new uploads mostly. Also when I find a new artist I like, check out the similar artists on spotify, or check out the labels that are pushing their music. Odds are the label will have other similar cool artists
  7. I don't think its that. If it turns out this is a foreign threat they don't want them to know what they know. I think that explanation makes reasonable sense
  8. Awe man a crispy chicken nintender sandwich sounds good right about now
  9. Yeah I heard this morning. Big loss for the community, hope they can rest in peace now
  10. Haha yup. I know for sure that's what happened for harmful park at least, because I was watching it for a while before that. Really wish I bought it then
  11. My wife and I are looking to buy our first house soon might have the money saved up in about 15 years or so
  12. Harmful Park. I remember when it was in the low 100s and thinking ehh, one day ill pay that. Then JonTron had it in a video and it shot up
  13. Ah that makes more sense haha. Yeah that looks really cool I'll have to dig more into it when I have some time
  14. Never heard of it. Its a self contained VR headset or something?
  15. Oh yeah the dev software looks really cool. And I like that they include it for free. Who knows maybe a little community builds out of this and we see new material come out all the time
  16. Thanks! Yeah just been trying really hard lately to get a new job. Also was spending a lot of free time finishing the home page for VGS. I try to pop in once in a while though. I'll be more active once I do find a job
  17. From what I understand there's like 1 or 2 known boxes to exist. So probably not, no. They would probably be at atari age
  18. We all have equal access to these kinds of things. If you are unable or unwilling to go to the same lengths to aquire the item, you miss out. That's life. I think its lame that people do it, but there's no law saying they can't, as far as I know.
  19. Supply and demand. If I want a video game that bad I gotta pay up. Ethics and legality only come into play when its essential items. So if this were hand sanitizer or face masks its a different story.
  20. I have a 4K gaming monitor from Acer I think. Works quite well. I've always been a die hard CRT guy, but I've made peace with the fact that they're more trouble than they're worth. Currently using a retro tink to hook up consoles but will be splurging on a MisterFPGA soon
  21. I'm very sorry for your loss Estil. Just try to hold on to the best memories. I'm sure you've made a great impact on her life, as she has for you.
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