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Everything posted by spacepup

  1. Selling Guidelines and Rule Updates The full general Commerce rules are detailed on our site rules page, here: https://www.videogamesage.com/site-rules/. See below for some reminders and guidelines: PayPal Payments When selling on VGS and accepting PayPal, you must adhere to the PayPal Terms of Service You cannot require buyers to pay via 'gift' / 'friends and family' You cannot charge a premium for a buyer to cover Paypal Fees. This includes offering a discount for 'gift' payments. You cannot charge different prices for normal payments vs. gift / friends and family payments If you have any other questions about what is allowed or not, regarding PayPal fees or payments, please review the main site rules and the PayPal Terms of Service. If you still have questions, please contact a moderator Crypto Be aware that requesting and offering crypto is "fine", but is entirely at your own risk Similar to PayPal F&F, there are zero protections for the buyer with regard to crypto Updated: 07/13/2022
  2. Heyo! Optout did me major solid by obtaining and selling to me a rare taiwan-exclusive xbox game. He went through the hassle of obtaining, shipping, dealing with it all without any special requests. He really went out of his way to help me out and it is super appreciated! Very trustworthy guy and I’d definitely trade with again. Thanks!!
  3. @Mae247 If I'm putting stuff together, and everything isn't super heavy and I can just ship in a normal box (but still priority) - but it's like half the cost because it isn't flat-rate, I assume that's ok? If not, let me know.
  4. They had a rough year, but I agree with jone that they aren't on the verge of bankruptcy or anything. Their most recently published fiscal year report showed a loss of about 700 million (ouch!), compared to profit from the previous two years. However, they still have a decent amount of equity (over a billion), and are clearly making changes (closing stores, other changes) to stop the bleeding and hopefully shift course. Their bread and butter in terms of gross profit margin, has always been pre-owned items - and they've had declining sales in that area for a couple years now. They've increased sales in collectibles and accessories, but their margins on those are significantly lower. They are making some serious changes in response to their recent performance, including selling off subsidiaries, closing down stores, reducing overhead, etc. They're definitely going to continue to struggle with the changing game market, but they are clearly aware of the gravity of the situation and trying to change course. I actually hope they survive and hang on. As much as people like to complain about gamestop (myself included at times), I do still like having them as an option, and I think they still provide at least some valuable services.
  5. @Loxx O))) I'm disappointed, because I've gone out of my way to defend you and try to be understanding and accommodating and reasonable. Even so far as to reaching out to you with genuine and sincere concern and interest. Regardless of what you think about these people or why -- calling them offensive names and being negative only makes you look bad and is absolutely not productive. I don't know what you think about the mods or what you've heard - but we really did (do) try to be understanding and accommodating to people, including those who made hateful or negative statements or actions in the past. Please stop. It's obvious there are personality conflicts here between you and some staff that may never be resolved. I'll ask everyone to just move on from this. If I see more back and forth regarding this matter, I'll just lock this thread as it's not doing anything productive if people are fighting.
  6. Sure, sounds like fun. I still want to participate and try it out at least.
  7. I try to focus more on just having fun, for me, when I'm playing games now. This has evolved into me trying to take a more zen / live in the moment type approach to gaming. The several-years-ago-me would be playing an RPG, and get asked a question with multiple options. I'd pause the game, look up a bunch of information, in order to make sure that I selected the answer that would give me the best outcome, the best equipment, etc. etc. Or maybe I'd try to read some tips before the game, for skippable items, to make sure I wouldn't miss anything. I realized over time that I was losing out on the immersive experience of just playing the game and having fun. So now, rather than worrying about what I might miss, I just focus on having fun with what I have, and playing the game more naturally. I sort of apply this same mentality to the concept of 100%ing a game. I'll play a game as long as I'm having fun with it. Sometimes, that means me exploring every nook and cranny to see the full game world. But sometimes, that is me doing some quests here and there, but ultimately focusing on the main game. Usually it's some sort of balance in the middle. I don't care about points, I don't care about trophies, and I don't care about being on some leaderboard, or having any gaming accomplishments. Other people love that stuff and that's great. But I just like playing the games for myself and having a good time. And if I tried to 100% games, I'd end up burning myself out, missing out on a lot of other games, and I think I wouldn't be as happy with my gaming experiences.
  8. I gave away my CRT years ago and have zero regrets. I get that people still love them for accuracy, or authenticity, or nostalgia, or whatever the case may be, and if that's how they like to game, that's great! For me personally, the trade off is worth it. I'm still in the process of working out solutions for everything of course. This problem is only going to get worse as CRTs die out and get harder and harder (or possibly more expensive) to find in good working condition. Like most other things in gaming / collecting, to each his/her own here. Pros and cons to both options.
  9. I fully expect no less than the following to be added with their own dedicated fields for each store: facebook twitter twitch linkedin foursquare youtube flickr tumblr vimeo myspace instagram google+ skype viber disqus
  10. Overall, you may be right on average regarding auction-style listings - but...I've also scored some AMAZING deals with standard auctions that somehow just magically passed by without people noticing. It won't happen probably on something super popular or in high demand - but I definitely have had some great success with both BIN and standard listings. The other day I won a PS2 trade demo for under $20 that I expected to go well over $100 - you just never know. Of course, most of the stuff I bid on isn't crazy popular, and a lot of it is a bit obscure or imports - so for those, some of the standard auction-style listings can end for way less than 'market' just depending on timing and luck.
  11. You're not crazy! I totally get it. I've had people tell me I'm stupid or wasteful for not using sniping tools, but...that doesn't bother me too much. I try not to take this all super seriously either, and sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. It's not really the end of the world either way.
  12. I'm certainly not opposed to giving people the option to put business hours. But like other aggregating services, sometimes that can backfire as hours change. Whereas if you have a direct link from here to the website or facebook page, you can almost get accurate and up-to-date hours from the source.
  13. I guess it's just a trade-off. I've bought hundreds of items off Yahoo Auctions and unfortunately, I've encountered many times where the auction kept getting extended over and over. I definitely think it increases the end price. And people are using sniping programs for that one as well. Putting in last second bids just before the 5 minutes, or just at the end. I guess at least with yahoo auctions, you don't truly risk getting sniped without any opportunity. If you REALLY want something, you can absolutely keep bidding if you're there. Obviously using sniping tools will yield better results over time. But then again...maybe I'd have spent more money if I used them, so I guess it's not all bad haha!
  14. I don't know why exactly, but I'm the same way. Something about using all those programs feels a bit like cheating to me or something. And even though I know many other bidders and collectors are doing it (the competition), and I'm at a disadvantage not doing it, it just doesn't feel right to me. To be clear - I don't have some moral issue with it or anything -- I mean, many of my friends use them all the time. It just doesn't feel the same to me. Yes - I've absolutely forgotten about some items or missed out on bids due to not remembering or life getting in the way, but I guess I just kinda roll with it and move on thinking maybe that's just how it should be. I think once all the sniping started, it took a lot of the fun away because now all the action for most auctions occurs in the final 10 seconds of every auction.
  15. Yeah, I agree. Length is fine and it's definitely interesting. I think these would be a bit hard to follow without having played the game. You definitely get a lot more out of reading through it, having some knowledge of the game. It'd be a bit confusing otherwise. But...if someone is reading this far and hasn't ever played MGS, well shame on them! They need to go play it! ha
  16. To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut. Gentlemen The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing. Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties. I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem. Th Jefferson Jan. 1. 1802. Library of Congress https://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9806/danpre.html
  17. I didn't know that would include articles and other items. The "option" for excluding from the stream is completely blank and doesn't say what it is, so it's hard to know exactly what it will do. Thanks for the heads up though - I don't want to block those types of content.
  18. I think having the addresses (even as required) is a good thing. On a separate note - I've customized my 'latest content' stream to exclude database updates, just in case that is of interest to people: https://www.videogamesage.com/discover/124/
  19. @DefaultGen I'll have a look at the other sections later to see if I have any other updates, but there are a few US Demos to be added: Need for Speed: Most Wanted (EA-136) Project Gotham Racing 2 (MS-121) [Dodge Magnum Edition Demo] Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict (MW-040) Let me know if you have any questions. Great work!
  20. Some random article says "Hundreds of Twitter users posted messages and memes insinuating that the draft, or selective service, will be put into place within the next few months" My question is...do you feel like this is actually a pervasive issue with "kids these days" legitimately believing that? I highly doubt that any significant number of kids these days is actually afraid of this.
  21. Sorry, I should clarify. The question is fine actually. Some of the answers and discussion regarding proof of one way or the other is semantics. As it really just depends on perspective. There is no harm in asking if genuinely curious. I've edited my comment a bit - thanks.
  22. I agree that it is perhaps a silly concept, and a lot of the discussion is semantics. However, there is no need to be so aggressive. Your last sentence in particular is unnecessary and offensive. I don't want to play word police here, but please don't call people or things they do on here the 'r' word. I have had more than one member in the past message me after seeing such comments, that they found them hurtful and offensive, and I don't want people to feel that way. We try really hard here to balance freedom and fun with being inclusive and supportive of members, so please take my comments to heart here.
  23. A) Hey, what is that cool looking game? B) Oh this? Oh, it's Micro Mages, a really cool homebrew NES game that came out recently! It's really awesome, you should tr..... A) Woah, wait a sec. Did you say NES game? That's not a NES game as it wasn't official licensed, and... B) Ummm....ok? It's uh...a video game pak designed for play on the NES. Better? A) Yes, that is much better and technically correct. However, you just said "ness." It's not "ness," it's "N. E. S." ugh! B) Um....ok dude, I'm just gonna go play Micro Mages and have fun while you sit here and analyze everything. See ya.
  24. I believe this game was cancelled, and that any 'sold' listings on game sites are inaccurate. Anything is possible, but I don't believe this game actually exists.
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