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About this blog

Until I'm Good At It is a series I hope to start doing with a number of games that I'm really into, where I basically play them until literally just that - until I git gud. The requirements will vary per game of course but generally the goal is to be able to confidently get from the start to the end without any manner of guidance, ideally with no deaths, and typically as quickly as I can (where applicable). I'll be reporting on my progress, and generally writing down my thoughts as I go through the process. This will essentially be like a review to start, and eventually include tips and guide style content as I get better at each game.

Entries in this blog

Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.9)

Detonation code activated.  And all the cards begin to fall into place for ol Snakey-poo. With the PAL Card(s) entered, the detonation has been activated, and Master Miller has revealed that he was Liquid Snake all along. Snake has really gotten the raw deal the whole game, and it's all coming to a head.  It's pretty easy to armchair general and say he should have seen this all coming, but there's really no way - Snake was depending on his team to be trustworthy and boy were they not. 



Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.8)

Insert DISC 2 If I recall correctly, disc 2 isn't quite as long as disc 1 gameplay wise, in fact I believe it was quite short. I think the majority of content on d2 is probably cutscenes, so realistically it's home stretch time now. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to wrap up this playthroughs and the first part of this series by part 10 at the latest.  I'm curious if anyone reading this (if in fact anyone IS reading this) has any thoughts on the length of each of these. I've basically sat



Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.7)

What is a Russian gunship doing here in Alaska!?  The section where you rappel down the tower while being shot at and having to avoid steam shooting out of the walls is an epic story and surely something amazing to behold when done right, but boy is it frustrating on your first attempt in a while. I basically ended up just tanking the damage all the way down, fingers crossed that I'd have enough health. Happily, I did.    Can love bloom, even on a battlefield?  Otacon over he



Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.6)

Ocelot... You'll pay for that.  Yet another fun little thing the game does is sneaking a bomb into your inventory when you get your gear back. I happened onto it as I was swapping to my thermal goggles for the minefield outside, and was once again reminded of how many little touches the game has which put it above and beyond just an average action/stealth game. It's all the little things that really cement the series into your memories, even years after playing.    I was a fool. I



Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.5)

Could there be wolves in there?  Meryl thinks she's all smart telling me she'll take point and to follow her footsteps to get through the minefield. Pfff, loser. *turns on thermal goggles and picks up all the mines* *watches Meryl get her comeuppance as Sniper Wolf lays into her and she lays bleeding on the floor* That'll teach her. And so begins the great backtrackening, my quest for a Sniper rifle.   The Les Enfants Terrible project wasn't a complete failure. 



Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.4)

Alone? Are you an otaku, too?  But seriously, what does me being on a solo mission have to do with being an otaku? Is poor ol Otacon just like "oh, another loner like me! Maybe he's into anime!"? Yikes, buddy.  After the fight with the Cyborg Ninja, Otacon is nice enough to inform me that Meryl was last seen on the floor above, sporting a nice butt and a pension for using the lady's room. All the clues I need to find myself staring at genome soldier butts, had I not already remembered



Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.3)

PAUSE - Canyon -  It's here that I stop to admire the options that the game provides to the player, whether most realized it at the time or not. After a brief chat with Meryl (and a bit more flirting, natch) you're tasked with traversing a short hallway filled with lasers, invisible to the naked eye.  Now, I have the thermal goggles since I've reverted to a "check every corner" state of play. But what if I didn't? Occasionally you'll find players less patient and totally skipping such



Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.2)

Her number is on the back of the CD case.  It's the temptation to peek. Just a quick check on the net and suddenly I know the optimal route, the secret super gun that'll make it all so much easier. Years of trophy hunting did this to me and it honestly really sucks - I often feel this urge to Min-max games on my first go because I have this sense that I only have so much time to play, and I want to make this one playthrough the one that gets me the 100% completion rating.  But no more



Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.1)

This is Snake, Colonel can you hear me?  It's a good sign of things to come when I get caught in the first room while trying to be stealthy about it. A friendly reminder not to try too hard to be perfect on the first attempt at the game I've made in literally years. I may be able to get the platinum trophy on MGS4 for ps3, but this is a totally different beast. As they remind you off the bat - weapons are OSP; I'll be picking things up as I go, so it's important to not expect perfection rig



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