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Everything posted by spacepup

  1. Bump! Is anyone working on some ideas but hasn't finished yet? Just curious if there are pending creations out there. We appreciate all of the submissions so far and look forward to seeing what else people come up with!
  2. I don't know if there is a way to delete them from there - but you can click on the link for the thread and edit your post where you added the attachment, and delete the image / delete the attachment at the bottom. This would of course delete it from the thread and not just "my attachments."
  3. I think it’d be cool to have as many as people want and just keep em going. Not like the annual thing we are used to - but just - can VGS beat all the ps1 games, all the ps2 games, etc etc etc - for any system people want. It’s all just for fun anyway and maybe it takes 7 years or we never finish completely, but it’d be fun to try.
  4. I think the larger library systems will just have to span over years and I think that is perfectly fine. So maybe we'd have a - Can VGS beat every PS1 game - and just keep it ongoing until they are all beaten - and then celebrate at the end or do something fun. Same with other systems!
  5. Yes - definitely! I'd love to see more engagement with other systems. I chose Genesis for the first one mainly because some of the games are shorter and it is easier to complete them - but in terms of participation, I'd absolutely participate in Genesis, Playstation, and Playstation 2. I'm actually more interested in PS gaming in general, but I also know there are tons of games. As you mentioned, making it a multi-year goal is perhaps the only way to accomplish it but would still be fun!
  6. That's a really neat technique. Simple, yet achieves something cool that isn't just a big printout or perler art (nothing against perler art ). I think they turned out really well and are a bit different from what I typically see in terms of decor -- thanks for sharing! I'd love to see more creative works like this from you and anyone else. I have done a few very minor projects, but I'd love to get more into it. So far I don't really have anything interesting to share, but I will when I get the chance. Thanks again and keep up the great work!
  7. I just started playing LM3 this morning and I am loving it! I was really looking forward to this game, and I think they did a great job with keeping the style and environment interesting and entertaining. So far, I've only unlocked a few floors, but I love that they are all a bit different. And there are tons of little secrets hiding room - most of which are obvious but some that are extremely well hidden. I'm very happy with the game at this point, and can't wait to progress further.
  8. Welcome to VGS and thank you for joining us!
  9. This is just one of many reasons why I think it is unnecessary and arbitrarily complicated to try to enforce or regulate some sort of “no politics” or “regulated politics” structure here. In everything else, topics and discussions should be allowed as long as people aren’t breaking the rules. We enforce the rules and try to keep things under control. I seriously don’t think this was a major, pervasive issue on NA, and I actually think we and members did a decent job of not letting it get too out of hand. I really don’t want to get into the business of dictating the nuanced ways in which people can or cannot discuss certain topics. As with everything else - be reasonable. If someone is bringing up something controversial to intentionally rile people up or cause negativity, then we will stop it using judgment and context. If people are getting out of hand or personal, we’ll do the same.
  10. Join him and check out great moments like this where Gloves bows his head in shame after walking into a castle and randomly trying to murder a bunch of innocent damsels and now they are running away from him in fear.
  11. Good luck for today and I hope it's great! It's a great cause and I encourage people to check it out and support!
  12. Are you being serious or joking - legit question hah We need to get you out more. Love em or hate em, Nickelback is infamous for just about everyone having some sort of opinion haha. I gave em a 1 out of pity. I almost feel bad for them and the hate they get.
  13. I think the situation with ebay is a bit different. I don't know the details - but I'd imagine this has been a major problem and headache for both Amazon AND Nintendo, and they likely communicated and then Amazon made a final decision here. I am a bit surprised by this Amazon announcement, but I'd be *shocked* if something like this happened with ebay. Anything seems to go on ebay and they get their fee regardless and don't seem to really care that much about repros hah.
  14. This was announced a while back and has been a long time coming. The full site has been archived, and I know that a decent chunk of the community already migrated over to Obscure Gamers: https://www.obscuregamers.com/forums/ The issues with ownership and relationship to the community / longevity of that site, is a long and muddled mess - but at least the full place is archived and a new place was created many months ago for people to continue on.
  15. Nintendo can be pretty intense sometimes. I'm actually glad we are no longer "NintendoAge" particularly since we are buying and selling things here. Realistically, I doubt Nintendo really cares much about us comparatively to say, Amazon.com, but still - can't hurt to get away from literally having their company name in the title of our website.
  16. I agree personally, in that I don't think we need to have specific topics that are completely disallowed in Everything Else. This particular issue has come up before, and the discussion of "this is a game forum" has been had many times. I totally understand WHY this proposal is made, and I think it comes from a good place of wanting to keep nastiness out of the community. Personally, I think this issue can be addressed by simply having good moderation and enforcement of the rules, and a good common understanding and encouragement from members to make a deliberate attempt to being reasonable adults, and not provoking people just for the sake of it. And people can absolutely avoid topics if they don't want to discuss them. I do acknowledge that people tend to get very heated particularly in the current climate, and even normally reasonable people can get too emotional and participate in negative back and forth arguments that aren't constructive. And obviously that is not good to have negativity festering in a community, particularly if it could extend to other places or cause people to dislike each other. Personally - I really do view this as a community, and just as in my own community circle of family and friends, I typically prefer to talk about fun things I enjoy and chit-chat around about random stuff and video games, but every now and then, I'm fine with talking about something that might be politically-related or otherwise, and I enjoy hearing different opinions about things. I think if people are respectful and reasonable, it can be fine. I think as a society, if we just refuse to talk about anything political because of the negativity, I don't know that that's good either. I think WE ALL just need to work on better handling of our own emotions, better reacting and responding, being more respectful, and not getting hateful and attacking others. That is clearly a challenge that we are struggling with as a society, far beyond a forum. Do I have too much faith and hope in people? Is it silly to expect people to be reasonable and not lose it on a forum and the wild west of the internet? I don't know. I'm not so naive to think everyone is going to always get along perfectly, particularly with controversial or political topics. But also, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, with some exceptions, I feel like the community over at NA was still kept in tact for the most part and I don't think political discussions alone destroyed anything. I think that if we do not explicitly exclude these topics, we all need to try to be better. And if we do allow such discussions, it does create a little bit more potential work for moderators, but I do know that our current team is committed to fostering a constructive, positive environment. We will consider and discuss this of course. For the time being there isn't any specific exclusion - I'd prefer to give us a chance and deal with issues if they arise, just like anything else.
  17. Welcome to VGS! It sounds like a lot has changed and for the better - sounds great!
  18. Welcome kuriatsu and thanks for joining VGS!
  19. Absolutely! Of course there will always be a lot of users here who are very into collecting, but we absolutely welcome, encourage, and WANT people here who like to play games, talk about games, develop them, document them, whatever else - even if it has nothing to do with actual collecting. And that goes for Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Computer, anything really. Personally, I would love to see more content and discussions about gaming, whether that is someone playing an older game for the first time, or sharing their thoughts on the latest game that just came out for Switch, PS4, PC, whatever. If you like video games in some fashion, you are DEFINITELY a part of the community! :)
  20. https://discord.gg/5tuxaqD Welcome anytime!
  21. * Content items would include actual content such as posts, threads, blog entries, etc. Whereas, if you include "comments" and "reviews" your stream will show additional information such as people's reactions to posts, etc. * You can delete a custom stream by selecting that stream, and then clicking the trash can icon next to the name of the screen. For example: Clicking the icon circled above, will remove that custom stream from your account. Let us know if you have any other questions! --spacepup--
  22. Thank you for spreading the word about VGS. I would suggest maybe revising the language in the last paragraph to show it was started by not just seasoned collectors - but by collectors, gamers, homebrew developers, etc. I just really want to highlight that we are NOT just about collecting. And maybe rather than saying no one owns the site, it might be less confusing to say that it is currently managed by a team of dedicated people or something. I just don't want to cause any confusion or create the wrong idea about the technicalities of who owns this place.
  23. Here is a custom stream that Vaosu created in an attempt to mirror the latest topics concept. I'll have to test it a bit to see if it's working as intended, but in the meantime, here it is: https://www.videogamesage.com/discover/14/
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