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Everything posted by CMR

  1. If I had a bigger dong, I wouldn't even wear any.
  2. Here is a couple of things I've picked up in the past few months. It's funny. Growing up, I wasn't much of a Trek fan, but now I like it more than Star Wars. I've got a few more things to show off, but I haven't had the chance to upload them yet.
  3. I would use a silicone based grease or lubricant instead of lithium.
  4. If anyone needs help with the barrels in Carnival Night, I'm here for you. 8/10 with S&K.
  5. Nice work. Maybe this site could give you some ideas for letter colors: https://www.theknot.com/content/colored-gemstones-101 To make things more difficult maybe you could increase the ghost speed for each loop. I think the original Venture only had about four levels that looped.
  6. Pretty awesome! You can count me in. Looks like I'll be kickstarting another project despite myself.
  7. For the HiDef NES mod Kevtris emulated the VRC6 and other expansion audio chips on the HiDef fpga. For a standard top loader, the expansion audio pins are missing from the cart slot completely. This mod shifts audio output from it's normal pin to another pin that does have a connector pin in the cart slot. I can't remember what this pin was originally for, but it's essentially unused for the most part. That cart slot pin is then connected to a point on the RGB mod board that mixes the audio back in with the consoles audio out. There is also a resistor and a wire that needs to be connected like in the front loader, and that's what Voultar's board is supposed to do. I think newer N8 Pros have this mod built in. You also have to do the two pin mod above on 72pin to 60pin adapters if you want expansion audio from famicom games.
  8. Your website won't load for me.
  9. Looks cool. I get a strong Final Fantasy Adventure vibe from it. Very strong.
  10. 9/10 A lot of the abilities were cool, but some of them like the ones Gau and Strago used were just too cumbersome to get or make use of because it was so hard to get good abilities. And if you did get them, they were buried under heaps of crap. It was easier just to turn them both into magicite wizards. Magicite breaks the game completely later on. Any strategy you might employ becomes completely unnecessary. Still a great game. From the stand point of the graphics and art, nothing else at the time could hold a candle to it.
  11. I tried mine and it works perfectly. I've got expansion audio and everything. I don't really have a clue what could be wrong with yours. Here's a pic of my N8 cart and how I modded it. I don't know if my pins match yours or not, I didn't count them.
  12. This looks really good. I saw your youtube vids on it and it seems like its coming along really well. I'm wondering if you could implement a harder mode where you have multiple ghosts. The two of them could take turns moving to make things more dynamic. It might be too difficult to pull off so don't stress it. Another thing you could do would be to have rooms with invisible walls like some of the levels in Pick Axe Pete. I've been thinking a bit about Frank The Fruit Fly. I like Frank, but I don't know how I would ever go about describing it to someone. It still makes me think of a Wario Ware game, just not as fast paced.
  13. Sorry, I didn't get to try it out. Maybe tomorrow.
  14. I always liked Galleon. It controls like crap, but it was still a pretty cool semi open world style game. I liked Gunvalkyrie also.
  15. I've got a modded toploader and N8 laying around. I'll give mine a try tomorrow. I'm not sure if I ever played any FDS games on it.
  16. Nice. It doesn't have to be a perfect clone. So don't tie yourself to the original if you don't want to. What they pulled off with the 2600 version was amazing.
  17. Been playing a retranslation of Final Fantasy III (VI). Just a casual playthrough.
  18. At this point, I think there are more 2d Castlevania games that use the exploration style than there are 2d Metroid games.
  19. I never tell people about my hobbies. All my friends are normies who either don't play games or play the modern stuff. I'm not embarrassed or anything, I just don't like being the conversation piece or the puzzle other people feel like they need to figure out.
  20. I refuse to call "run 'n' guns" "shoot'em ups", or "beat'em ups" "beat'em all", or Jaguar "jag-you-are".
  21. I want a line warbler at home.
  22. CMR

    Red score.

    I think there are some older Genesis games that get progressively harder or faster as they loop after the ending. Eventually, they just get impossible to play.
  23. CMR


    The realistic clouds kind of give it a surreal look.
  24. The Mandela effect got it's name from the fact that a lot of people remember Nelson Mandela dying while locked up in prison in the 1980's. It's not just remembering things "wrong". It's the fact that lots of people also remember them wrong. Another good example is the "Fruit of the Loom" Mandela effect. A lot of people remember the cornucopia in the label, but there's no historical record of it. There are things, however, that reference the original work without being explicitly linked to it like the Frank Wess, 'Flute of the Loom' album cover. OT: There's an old EGM add that shows a scene in Rushing Beat for the SFC where the background is exploding in flames, but that scene isn't anywhere in the game. I've had other experiences with games and ME, but I can't remember them at the moment.
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