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Everything posted by CMR

  1. It's the Final Fantasy II of playstation Final Fantasy games.
  2. I would love this game if it wasn't for the slow clunkiness of it. Have you played Gaiares yet?
  3. 8/10 It's a cool little game. Load it to your flash cart and go play it.
  4. It's an awesome console that many people ignored because the controls.
  5. It might still be the power supply. It puts out both 3.3volts and 12volts. One of them could be out.
  6. I love what Tengo Project has been doing. I can't wait for this one to come out.
  7. I used to use the gameboy player with custom software, but I switched to misterfpga and haven't looked back.
  8. On the SNES I had Musya, King of Dragons, Shien's Revenge (CIB), Nosferatu (CIB), Earthbound (CIB), Mega Man X2 & 3, and I'm sure more, but my brain refuses to go on.
  9. @Tanooki I said the opposite of what you're saying I said I said it's because the HiDef mod is installed that the hacked game is working. I was suggesting trying another un-modded NES besides the one you have to be sure. Another way to test would be to try another MMC5 game in your un-modded system. If another MMC5 game works fine, then the culprit is your hacked game and the HiDef mod is just propping it up somehow.
  10. Well at least Gamegearguy knows people are reading his blogs now.
  11. Console 5 provides good quality caps, and their wiki is a wealth of information.
  12. I think we're currently in a buyers market. Unless you need the money I would just hold on to stuff for now.
  13. I think about all the rare games I sold before they were worth anything. Frankenstein, Sword Master, Little Samson, etc.
  14. CMR

    Nebs n Debs

    You could try contacting the creator and asking if he'll send you a pdf of the English version. I can send you one if he doesn't respond.
  15. It's just a guess, but it may be a bad transistor or logic chip if works by using them like relays to power the motor.
  16. Your links are broken. At a guess, I would say the HiDef mod is taking over some aspects of the MMC5 chip. I know Kevtris emulated some special chips with expansion audio because of the missing pins. Something similar may be happening here. If you can get a hold of another un-modded NES to test with, that would probably clarify if it's the cart or the NES.
  17. Do you use fabric softener? I've heard that some of those can give you a bad rash.
  18. I want forever games without the story. The last two zelda games have kind of been this way for me. I'll get to the end, but won't go to the last boss and beat it. I just pick it up whenever I feel like running around in it.
  19. It was pretty complete for a hobby project, and the site had even been adding videos to the game descriptions. I hope you're right about him just being slow to shift servers.
  20. Man that is some impressive work. I'm glad you documented the mods before ripping them off.
  21. I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but zero page memory is just memory addresses from 00 to FF. It lets you do operations using just 8 bit addressing. Example: LDA $09 instead of LDA $0009 It saves a byte, and I think it's supposed to be slightly faster. Anything above FF and you have to use full sixteen bit addressing.
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