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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. The new sealed market has already spoken a few times in this regard. A new Fallout 3 on Xbox 360 auction last year went for $500 while sealed lunchboxes were still sitting in stacks unsold for $200. People used to buy the most expensive CE, take out the Pip Boy, and resell the sealed lunchbox. The sealed lunchbox contains a sealed first print of the game. The bidders didn't know this, but they still weren't interested in the gaudier sealed thing, either because it's big or doesn't fit in a Wata case. Since so many collector's editions were kept sealed from day 1, I bet tons of them are eventually opened just to grade the game inside since that's going to be the easier thing to sell or store. People have stacks of sealed Breath of the Wild collectors editions. Near mint copies of the Switch game are already selling for 2-3x what a sealed collector's edition sells for. How high does it need to go before you just start buying all the CEs and opening them? I generally agree that collector's editions are trash though and their very nature means they'll almost never be scarce or collectible. Rare variants are way more interesting and harder to find.
  2. I'm not super familiar with these but me and @ThePhleo have talked about these print codes combined with date codes on the box, manual, and cart mean there are exponential numbers of variants for games that have all of them. There could be dozens or hundreds of Ninja Gaiden variants to collect! It never has to end!
  3. Yes they do, but Wata will grade anything regardless.
  4. N64 is the one I spent the most time with with friends, so that one I guess. I was never the biggest fan of the series though. I just want to play N64 battle mode.
  5. I beat Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters. Like Kid Icarus on NES it's fine. I'll never talk about it again now.
  6. I mean besides the grinding it's alright.
  7. OK I'm playing Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters. This game is kind of dumb as hell. How do you get health upgrades? I don't know, if you get enough points at the end of the level. How do you get weapon upgrades? I don't know you get enough points when you find the Zeus room. How many points? Oh we're not going to tell you. Oh, how many points do I have at least? We're only going to tell you at the end of the level. Why do I have to grind in an action platformer anyway?? Don't punish me for getting through the game quickly you dingus. I'm gonna go play Ninja Gaiden.
  8. Gannon Grape! The other proposed name for VideoGameSage. I didn't realize Game Fuel was its own soda until maybe a couple years ago. I always thought it was just branded Mountain Dew!
  9. Just saw the latest leaks, they’re going to re-do the Year of Luigi.
  10. I guess I’ll be the one vote for Flagpole Sitta. Take On Me is objectively better but I have Flagpole Sitta in my car playlist and I don’t have Take On Me so it feels wrong to vote against what I actually still listen to. I voted Information Society purely because What’s On Your Mind is on Sega CD Rock Paintings, which is just an auto-win.
  11. Whaa? Is there a reason? It’s not some landmark release, it’s been rereleased digitally, and pretty much any other Rhythm Heaven game is a straight up alternative. Wild.
  12. Love The Depahted. I could list’n to the actaws tawk all funny like all day. I can’t imagine Internal Affairs giving me that same enjoyment, but I gotta see it. Also the title card is like 17m into the movie which is fantastic.
  13. If you find a time you’ve ever discussed this game with someone online I’ll rescind my statement.
  14. I was mega hyped for GT5 and also let down by it. MGS4 is the GOAT to me, probably my favorite modern game. Killzone 2 I thought mostly lived up the hype. Disgaea 3 is good, but I'd play Disgaea 1 over it. If I ever thought I'd collect PS3, I'd have picked up U2 Fortune Hunter Edition yesterday, maybe the only modern collectors edition that's truly rare and interesting in a world of giant crates with mass produced statues, RC cars, and night vision goggles.
  15. Yes, as opposed to if you accidentally play Sonic 3 alone where you play 6 stages, the credits roll, and you're left wondering where the rest of the game is
  16. The mild panic in my social media feeds about the McDonalds Pokeman cards is bizarre. There are many 1000s of McDonalds in the US. Each of them will have many 1000s of Pokemon packs. People are panicking about buyouts and flippers. It is a McDonalds promo! There be millions of these cards. Truly reminiscent of the McDonalds beanie baby happy meals.
  17. I never got into it because PS4 didn't play 4K BDs and standalone players were too expensive (on top of the expensive media cost). At the risk of sounding like a peasant, 1080p BD quality is good enough for me. I watch a lot of old movies that look like trash anyway.
  18. At least double stacked you can put your good stuff up front.
  19. Sorry, 2 identical 9.8 A++ Spidermans on 2600 recently sold at the same time, same auction and one went for over double what the other did. That’s a much more common game than Zelda sealed but just pointing out the market nonsense right now. I’d personally auction it rather than trying to get the right price in a private sale, could be a nice lotto ticket that goes for $1000s more than you guessed.
  20. In the bottom right after Nintendo Entertainment System it’s an R symbol and looks like there’s Rev-A too. One in worse shape went for $6600 on HA last summer, but 2 identical just Spidermans sold for $2k and $4.5k minutes apart, so nothing in this market matters except what someone is paying this exact second. I would guess this variant in pretty nice shape would have a lot of competition from people who can’t afford the crazy $$$$$$ sealed Zelda of their dreams.
  21. 10/10 educational worksheet console thing though... GEOSAFARI
  22. Had one years ago, never played it, legitimately threw it in the garbage because it wasn’t worth the space it took up. Can’t rate it though!
  23. You did not consult your financial advisor about this.
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