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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. It has to be a mix of historical context and how much timeless fun (or innovation) it provides. Saying Atari Air-Sea Battle is a 1/10 compared to Doom Eternal is pretty dumb. But it's also not very useful to say it's a 10/10 because in the context of 1977, most games were pretty garbage and Air-Sea Battle the most playable relative to all of those. I think plenty of games are accused of "aging poorly" when they were never very good to begin with and people are blinded by something new and shiny. Assassin's Creed got loads of praise because 3D parkour was relatively new and exciting, even though the actual gameplay was entirely repetitive and tedious. Minecraft on the other hand has a timeless art style and flexible gameplay that appeals to a broad spectrum of people. It's pretty easy to see it will remain as ageless as Super Mario Bros. or Castlevania SOTN. And the people who say stuff like all N64 or all NES games have aged poorly are generally people who just think their own nostalgia bubble like Gamecube or whatever is the only classic period of games and everything before that is unplayable, so they don't have a very holistic view of games in general.
  2. The part that gets me is "I don't really know if this is rare". Like OK, maybe you're young and this is your nostalgia sweet spot. Maybe you spent you whole life with loose DS carts so it doesn't bother you. Maybe you don't care that it sells for half the price you paid complete because you want it in your hand right now. But it's at the top of DS bestseller charts and DS is Nintendo's bestselling system man! You don't KNOW whether it's RARE? But hey, these guys either just want to play games or are at the beginning of their collecting life. I was excited to have a physical Mario/Duck Hunt for the first time. But I mean... I paid $0.25 for it.
  3. My neighbor rented games and I used to borrow the manuals because without the internet I was starved for anything video games.
  4. I mean I'd pay $500 because I don't want one, but for $500 why not. You're asking what I would pay, not what it's worth!
  5. It must be a first print because there’s no copyright date in the second page. Sorry, I’ll see myself out.
  6. Was talking with someone about this and I am not sure if I lost my inserts or never had them to begin with (I'm 50/50, and mad at myself either way). I need the two ROB posters (small/large), warranty card, seal of quality insert, NES manual, and ROB Sunglasses. Some are generic I think like the SOQ insert and ROB sunglasses, but others will have 1985 copyright dates or possibly missing copyright dates in the manuals, I'm not sure. It sure won't say 1987 though. I'll buy pieces or a whole pre-deluxe set if it has everything. I'm trying to avoid having to buy two incomplete-yet-very-expensive pre-deluxe sets and piecing them together, because seemingly every set is missing one or two things, let alone the games which are basically always missing or the wrong version.
  7. It makes sense, it's not it's the most common GBA game ever. It's like... the third most common GBA game ever.
  8. Loose carts ahoy, my collection is trash The bulk of stuff is here, if something's missing it's separate for climate/disorganization reasons but I can find it if needed for proof. Odyssey 2 SNES N64 Wii U Sega Genesis Sega CD Sega Saturn Game Boy (incl. Pokemon Yellow ) Virtual Boy Xbox
  9. SNES Central is the best for SNES games (and Bootgod for NES) but this info is still very obscure and incomplete in general. Here are 6 Secret of Mana PCB variants, only 4 of which are on SNES Central. Matching the chip code and just seeing that the board looks like all the other PCBs for that console is all I do unless I’m checking something really expensive.
  10. Flip flopped between 7 and 8 and went 8. It's got its own personality and tons of exclusives, so it beats anything modern. It's got a good controller, so it beats anything super vintage. It's hard for to justify a lower score if 5 is average. My only issues with it are that I don't like how platforming feels with big cartoony 16-bit sprites and it doesn't win against the SNES, which is all my brain really wants to compare it to, not every video game console.
  11. I used to take it off because it’s ugly and inconsistent on my shelves, but with prices on near mint stuff on the rise I leave it now (and open my boxes like this too). People put a premium on games with OCD cello even if I don’t really, and I’m mostly a victim of peer pressure.
  12. This game is only like 4 hours long right. Maybe I should play it this weekend.
  13. Like Fenrir’s homogenous list I think this would be super easy for me. Basically 10 Mario games: Super Mario 64 Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario World Super Mario Galaxy 2 New Super Mario Bros. U Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Galaxy Banjo-Kazooie Sonic 2 Donkey Kong 64 (This game freaking rules, ghost bananas and all) The positions are wishy washy since they’re all 10/10 games, but it’d be hard to shake up the list because more than half benefit from nostalgia.
  14. Sonic 2 wins based on the nostalgia for me, it's probably my main childhood game as a poor Sega kid with no Nintendos. It's hard to tell whether Sonic Mania is better just because of the nostalgia blinders. Sonic 3 & Knuckles would probably win if they were a single game and not milked into 2.
  15. Here is a textbook’s more info than you’ll ever need to know on the topic. http://www.kaptainmyke.com/comics/howtopresscomics.htm
  16. 360/PS have all the multiplats. I don’t even know what’s on Wii without looking it up. Xenoblade and the supremely disappointing Super Paper Mario? And a long list of B-listers that’s sure to follow this post. Disgaea 3 is like the only exclusive RPG that I can remember playing, or Demons’ Souls I guess too. PS3 for me I guess.
  17. The most "must play" games are the most obvious ones I think. Gimmick, Sweet Home, Splatterhouse, Crisis Force, etc. You could play Kick Challenger Air Foot, but then you'll only ever be able to talk about it with other Famicom weirdos. Unrelated note, play Kick Challenger Air Foot. It's weird AF.
  18. 9/10, action movies were rarely better than this. Except they were a year later with T2. Arnie is just too good.
  19. It sure makes sense since SP is like the poster child of why we need to hoard physical games. Does any other delisted game come close in terms of popularity? Maybe P.T.? Buying Scott Pilgrim probably feels like buying a Beanie Baby that was already retired 10 years ago, not one that you're worried about getting retired in the future.
  20. OK all the girl Sonic characters wear clothes. None of the boys do. That's why seeing Sonic in clothes is weird.
  21. Shout out to Ninja Golf though for the insane mismatched Halloween costume box art and for being such an imaginative game on a console that otherwise lacked imagination
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