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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. It’s strongly between 1 and 7 for me ... because those are the only 2 I’ve beaten. I’ll say 7 because it has Cloud dressing up as a girl.
  2. I am desperate, cheap, and staring longingly at things out of my league.
  3. Some of the coolest stories are people who bought randomly listed old, rare games off Amazon. I don’t like dealing with returns at all and have enough issues buying something pictured that I want and getting shipped something else.
  4. ArcadeControls.com was a while ago. The website looks like Geocities so man I don’t know how long a while ago was. My only advice is a cabinet with 3 buttons and joystick will usually look and play a lot better than these 40 button, flight stick, spinner, trackball, USB light gun monstrosities that try to play everything. You’ll be less overwhelmed by choice too if you focus on certain types of games.
  5. "Let's walk around threateningly with deadly weapons!" "Where" "Tennessee, the United States of America" ??????? How were both of them not killed.
  6. There’s no reason to bring politics and religion into this
  7. I've hoarded everything my whole life and generally my hoard has unlocked its utility over time whether I'm swapping correct-styled Genesis cases, replacing incorrect SNES cart backs, or just finding variants. Sometimes it can be nice to have higher end stuff for people who want to trade rather than sell? That's the main reason I can see keeping better doubles.
  8. Demand can only increase for things not at maximum theoretical demand from all humankind.
  9. Hyperscan consoles and games are still the same price as ever. Use the bubble as an opportunity to find greener pastures like collecting every Hyperscan card.
  10. Probably I guess. The craziest price increases in sports and Pokemans can’t be stimulus money, so whether cabin fever or what there’s more than a few hundred free Uncle Sam bucks to the bubble. Hopefully the people buying $10,000 Charizards and GTAs are not on incomes where they’re getting government checks.
  11. I put 7, it’s a fun game with a really cool style. Kinda one of those decent big name series some people act like they’d die for for some reason although based on the ratings none of those people are on VGS. I grew up on SF64, my friend had PD, so maybe I’ve been biased from childhood to prefer Nintender’s big rail shooter for console superiority reasons.
  12. I can't rate it because I have little interest in fighting games. It would be trying to rate NES if you have no interest in action platform games. The few games I have played a bunch are the bomb: Metal Slug 3, Windjammers, Neo Turf Masters, Samurai Showdown V. The platform sure has the artistic chops to back up its technology, which is something not every system can say. Those giant sprites and zooming in and out give it a unique look among other 2D games too. Love that about it.
  13. Logan Paul spent another $2m on 1e Pokeman boxes apparently, keeping those kids interested! Remember, the youth is the future! The future to unlimited profits! I wonder if people who spent $20k on forgotten black box games in early variants feel like they boarded the wrong train to the moon looking at every other collectible hobby.
  14. I have a SCART Gscartsw and it's great. If you turn on more than one console, there is some kind of priority for the ports for which one shows up. You're only supposed to turn on one at a time, not switch between multiple active sources. I like the old professional media/presentation switchers, cause I used to use some of it at work! This thing is just the first thing that popped up on Ebay with composite/S-video support but there are million of them and they're all outrageously obsolete so they're pretty cheap. You would just need to get cheap RCA > BNC converters for the video. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Extron-MPS-112CS-Media-Presentation-Switcher-350-MHz-RGB-S-Video-Composite-VGA/143934547949?epid=663291095&hash=item21832ae7ed:g:V3gAAOSw71NgBG1i
  15. Here are some random ones you probably mostly have: Ninja Gaiden boxes: 90130, 90222, 90317, 90622, 90724, 90906, 91027, 00319 Super Mario Bros 3 (Left) boxes: 91208, 91219, 00119 Dragon Warrior (Star flap box): 91118 Die Schlumpfe (The Smurfs) NES-SF-NOE-1 box: 60401 (1996 babyyy) Zoda's Revenge box: 40111 (Printed backwards) Sometime this year I'm going to document all my personal codes (box and manual at least), but it will be a while.
  16. The comics nerds prices are nuts. A 13 year old Star Wars Clone Wars book is $1000. The Magic nerds prices are nuts. Revised Underground Seas are $1000. Revised! The sports card nerd prices are nuts. Luka Doncic has a $300,000 card and he's been in the NBA for 3 years. I don't know what the jocks and comic shop nerds did after high school, but I guess it worked out better than whatever computer jobs all the video game nerds got.
  17. But for real someone should send LVT help. Help in terms of financing to make more of the most depressing, self-indulgent movies of all time baby!
  18. In Dogville a bunch of bad people die and the dog lives at the end. It's a feel good movie!
  19. This is quite a trilogy. I thought the first one was kind of boring, more interesting in concept than execution. The Tom Six made 2 as a fuck you to people who thought the first movie wasn’t graphic enough, and it’s almost a masterpiece of excessive sleazy gore. And then 3 just all around might be the worst movie ever made!
  20. Haha, Megan is Missing is great because there’s a group of old people who think it’s a realistic depiction of gen Z. This kids are always getting drunk at raves or murdered and stuffed into barrels, am I right!
  21. I haven't but I've heard of it. It's on Shudder, I'll give it a go!
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