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What's new in your collection/Pick-up Thread !!!


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9 hours ago, Ankos said:

Just a couple of GBA games. These were very stubborn when it came to needing their contacts cleaned. The shells could use some freshening too. Any recommendations on what to use for that? I've heard alcohol is bad for the plastic, so I only use it on the contacts


Digimon Adventure Pocket.png

Just a couple.... 😉

I always love seeing your pickup threads. Definitely some of the most interesting to me.

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Few more MD for you!


A few random games I guess, I'm pretty interested in checking out Dyna Brothers 2, although it's an RPG so I may not make much progress...

Best game here though is definitely Super Fantasy Zone!


Really fun game, I've always wanted to try this out, and I'm loving it! I also like the really cute little Sunsoft MD boxes, although they do kinda mess up the shelf, lol! 😅

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9 minutes ago, OptOut said:

Few more MD for you!


A few random games I guess, I'm pretty interested in checking out Dyna Brothers 2, although it's an RPG so I may not make much progress...

Best game here though is definitely Super Fantasy Zone!


Really fun game, I've always wanted to try this out, and I'm loving it! I also like the really cute little Sunsoft MD boxes, although they do kinda mess up the shelf, lol! 😅

I want that... love FZ

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Not precisely new, as I picked it up out of a bin of random parts and junk at a toy show about 5-6 years ago for a quarter.  However, I came across it the day before yesterday while I was going through a closet looking for something.  My son was kind of fascinated by the Pac-Man watch from my childhood, so I pulled this out and figured I'd see about getting it to work.  That didn't happen yesterday, however, it was brought to my attention again today as I was putting away my game bit drivers that had been left out and came across it right next to their home.

So, an hour or two ago, I set to getting all the screws out of the back to release it, then getting the screw out of the battery cover, and then trying desperately not to lose the battery cover screw that shot out of its hole and between my legs on the couch before it could be secured by a magnet.  Success was had, and I found that there was no dust, dirt, or corrosion inside, and that it seemed to take a very normal watch battery, a 389.  After a long day of galavanting with the family, I had no desire to leave again, so I looked up that cell in a comparison chart, then checked my battery box.  Success!  It turns out I'd bought a whole sheet of AG10 batteries at some point (most likely for my Pac-Man watch), and still had 8/10 remaining.

I popped one out of its blister pack, shoved it into the void left the previous, very dead cell, then pressed it firmly into place with a finger while turning the screen in the light to see if there were any signs of life.  Success again!  Some characters popped up randomly, but didn't want to stay, most likely due to the metal battery holder/grounding plate not being installed.  So, I set to getting everything put back together, finally fought the battery holder screw back into its hole and got the battery holder straight, then got the back/speaker screwed back down and secured.

I tried finding instructions on this watch, but alas, had zero luck.  I did, however, find a video by Gamester81 under what I assume is an old, or perhaps his original channel, where he was going by the moniker "NEStalgiaholic" that did a good job of going over the game (and flashing enough of the original instructions to give me a solid idea of what was up) and confirming that this thing was just a game and not, in fact, a watch (unlike my Nelsonic Pac-Man watch).  I've played around with the game a bit and while it's fun, it's something that really needs to be played in daylight or directly under fairly bright light, as the graphics aren't nearly as crisp and visible as on my other game watch, and there's quite a bit going on, making this thing essentially a miniaturized Tiger handheld.

You might notice from the photos that there is no watch band visible.  That isn't by design, but instead due to whatever abuse this unit endured in its former life before passing into my hands.  Looking at photos of "complete" units online, the "bumps" at the top and bottom appear to be designed for rubbery watch band halves to slide in from the side and lock in.  Unfortunately, both of the bottom "lips" of each of these has been broken off onto mine, leaving a solid section on the left side, an open void in the middle, and and nothing solid on the right, so there's no possibility of putting a proper watch band on this thing without at least a bit of modification.  Given what it is, I haven't made up my mind about whether I'll bother, as it's not yet clear how easy it would be to find a watch band whose pins would be narrow enough to fit in between the ends of the "bumps" for the original band.

Regardless, it's nice to see it back to life, with apparently little real usage or wear on it since 1990 beyond the busted up and missing watch band.  I was torn about whether to put this post here or in the "Repair" section, but opted for here since the only "repair" I really did was replacing the battery and making sure it worked correctly.  Should I end up opting to fit it with a new watch band of some sort, I'll put that update in the "Repair" area.


Look!  They're friends!

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newest arrival and are now verified...

so noting exciting has happened in the Gameboy NA collection in a very long time.  Well that was until now.  I can say without a dough that the this has for now turned the Game Boy NA collection upside down and all around...  The general concession is a late editions to the North America Set via MEXICO.


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I won this big boy marquee about a week and a half ago from an eBay auction for $130 shipped. I used to play Trilogy Arcade all the time at the local theater in the 90s, so I was happy to win it. 

The arcade cabinet used a 40" rear-projection screen CRT, so the marquee itself is over 3 feet wide and a foot-and-a-half tall. I didn't think until after I won it if I would have enough empty wall space in the game room to mount it, hah.


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Not really one specific pick up as it were, but I've had an area under my staircase that was always kind of barren looking in contrast to the rest of the area, and really, a bit of minimalism never killed anyone, but I decided to use the space to throw up a bunch of random stuff I never found a place for, but in turn I then had to buy more stuff to fill in the rest which kind of backfired.. Either way, it's not very well themed, but I suppose it looks a bit festive for being under a staircase. This is the last area I intend to really add to aside my areas for more figures as they release, so it's a cherry on top.


It was a bit tough to try and angle/position the stuff so you could see everything from many angles, and since the TV is fat and can't be against the wall, I decided to throw some truly "I have no idea" stuff right behind it in case anyone decides to be sneaky and look behind 😛 You would not see the stuff under the Castlevania/Metroid/N64 logos naturally for the most part though. The heart is a Genesis Ms. Pac-Man heart that the seller threw in for free when making the authentic arcade style one that I ended up placing, if anyone cared.


Edited by goldenpp72
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1 hour ago, goldenpp72 said:

Not really one specific pick up as it were, but I've had an area under my staircase that was always kind of barren looking in contrast to the rest of the area, and really, a bit of minimalism never killed anyone, but I decided to use the space to throw up a bunch of random stuff I never found a place for, but in turn I then had to buy more stuff to fill in the rest which kind of backfired.. Either way, it's not very well themed, but I suppose it looks a bit festive for being under a staircase. This is the last area I intend to really add to aside my areas for more figures as they release, so it's a cherry on top.


It was a bit tough to try and angle/position the stuff so you could see everything from many angles, and since the TV is fat and can't be against the wall, I decided to throw some truly "I have no idea" stuff right behind it in case anyone decides to be sneaky and look behind 😛 You would not see the stuff under the Castlevania/Metroid/N64 logos naturally for the most part though. The heart is a Genesis Ms. Pac-Man heart that the seller threw in for free when making the authentic arcade style one that I ended up placing, if anyone cared.


Very nice! Where did you get the signs from? Wouldn't mind some of those.

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1 hour ago, Brickman said:

Very nice! Where did you get the signs from? Wouldn't mind some of those.


The vast bulk of them came from Etsy across various sellers, the only one you'd likely not be able to find today are the Game Over sign which I had custom made like 7 years ago from a guy who disappeared, the Zelda swag on the left was just some cheapo Halloween merch.

Etsy sellers put in the work in my area for sure though. 

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Fun post here both domestic and international. 🙂  Last week I had put an order in and got the CD up top, and the Super GG 15in1 below, both vintage to the era pieces with the original Sailor Moon soundtrack, and then Super GG15in1 is a welcome sight.  That multi made my obnoxious no menu, random game at powerup multi obsolete with Ninja Gaiden, Galaga, and another but the huge draw for me was Mega Man as that's disgustingly priced now the most expensive US title loose, a shame as it's a fun but hard as nails game.

Over the weekend I finally tracked down Sonic Triple Trouble for GG, wanted it, almost waivered using ebay and thankful I didn't.  And then today on the way to carpool, HPB got in like 20+ GB games which shocked me as it has been months for anything, paid just over $30 for the 4 and I couldn't be happier with the selection.  Never owned those before either other than Bugs.


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Pick ups from the past 7 (or 8 it’s been so long I can’t even remember) months.


A few NES and a bunch of Gameboy games. A handful of those Gameboy games came from trips that I went on last August, then the rest and the NES games are from late 2022.


Got a pretty decent deal on the Super Bomberman games. I really like the first one.


Some SMS and other random stuff. My sister ended up with an N64 earlier this year, and I only felt compelled to get WCW as she already has a handful of the bigger titles in their Japanese versions (Mario Kart, Zelda OOT etc.)


Lastly is this collection of 2600 games. This is made up mostly of an eBay lot that came with the system plus a few that I bought myself. The games that don’t have labels are: Fast Food (most left column bottom game), Slot Racers text label (most right column at the top) and ET, Joust and Vanguard in the middle column. Not shown are a handful of doubles and one of the Zellers games.

Thanks for reading!

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Couple small but interesting bits here!


I got the last COD game I need for the 360, Black Ops 3 sealed. Also got a really nice Halo history collection set too:


This was released exclusively in Japan, I think it was intended to get players who might of missed out up to speed on Halo before Halo 3 came out. It's got Halo 1 and 2, plus a demo for Halo 3, so it's pretty awesome.

I also have a couple SEGA promo items here:


This is a DVD of Dreamcast games released in 2001. It's sealed so I haven't watched it, maybe I could find the footage online!


And, even more exciting, VHS, lol! Don't see these around so much anymore!


Presumably this is an ad for Virtua Racing on Mega Drive, but seeing as I don't own a VCR, I guess we will never know! 🤣

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