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38 minutes ago, Brickman said:

Yeah I can always find the cart for like $20 but never really see it CIB

Don’t have Nintama Rantaro yet but I see it online every now and then. 

Yeah the cart isn't too bad, but for whatever reason CIB is a huge jump up!

I wouldn't sleep on Nintama if I were you, if you see it for a decent price pick it up ASAP. Good combination of uncommon and desirable, puts it into the "get on that" zone, IMO.

If you want more hints on anything else you still need, PM me and I'll share my experience from when I was finishing up my set! 😉

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5 hours ago, Tyree_Cooper said:

I played through the PS version some time ago. Pretty good. But some levels have crazy slowdowns. Map 25 Perfect Hatred comes to mind. I was playing the Japanese version but it must be the same on all regions. They say the PS version is PRETTY FLUID. That's not what I would call it.

It's not, I had the even rare(US side) version of Doom where is had a short life as a jewel case black art (not the ugly green reissue) and would play this off and on.  I saw the slowdowns in various stages too, but largely the game is smooth.  Whatever Williams/Midway did in the day they got a good engine going, but the PS just struggled at times with it.  Given the hardware though and where the source came from, it was pretty much the god tier choice in quality until the post 2000 releases where emulation got there and the original ran great (or home emulation of PS1 you could crank the quality up to counter act things to a point.)

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7 hours ago, Tyree_Cooper said:

I played through the PS version some time ago. Pretty good. But some levels have crazy slowdowns. Map 25 Perfect Hatred comes to mind. I was playing the Japanese version but it must be the same on all regions. They say the PS version is PRETTY FLUID. That's not what I would call it.


1 hour ago, Tanooki said:

It's not, I had the even rare(US side) version of Doom where is had a short life as a jewel case black art (not the ugly green reissue) and would play this off and on.  I saw the slowdowns in various stages too, but largely the game is smooth.  Whatever Williams/Midway did in the day they got a good engine going, but the PS just struggled at times with it.  Given the hardware though and where the source came from, it was pretty much the god tier choice in quality until the post 2000 releases where emulation got there and the original ran great (or home emulation of PS1 you could crank the quality up to counter act things to a point.)

A few months ago I played through ALL of Doom and Final Doom on PS1 for the "Beat Every PS1 Game" challenge (including all secret levels).  I was extremely surprised as to how much I enjoyed playing through both games.  I thought playing them without analog sticks would be a deal breaker, but I adjusted pretty quickly.  Slow down can become much worse on higher difficulty settings when the enemy count is high.  If you play on a lower difficulty, slow down is very rare.  Perfect Hatred was definitely a problem level.  The odd thing is that the slow down seems to be caused by the pinkys off in the distance. Since you can normally pick them off before they ever have a chance to hurt you, they could have easily left them out without changing the level significantly.  I'm not sure why they left them in.  

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Possibly not super interesting but this one was always difficult for me to come by but also justify. Donkey Kong on the Colecovision was bundled with the console, but apparently a boxed edition existed. I could never find concrete evidence for why it exist, some speculation was that the Adam system didn't come with DK and that tanked in the US and they made this to sell for those buyers, so it could explain why it's hard to come by. It's a lot for some cardboard, but I like finally having one. 


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Wasn't expecting to have luck strike twice, did tonight.  Been a dry well around here for a bit outside of that cross town run I did in the last post.

GX paid $80 got Hit and Run along with Namco in nearly spotless/spotless shape on the discs.  NM box is a little rough just on the plastic clear, and Simpsons is like fresh from the wrap good.  Then HPB down that way had 8 64 titles and a big stash of handheld I didn't need, but I was wanting these two back and got them for $45.

I have had people telling me a long time that Simpsons game is just amazing, and seeing what the disc alone goes for I'm happy with what it cost me that's for sure.  Seems it's a crazy taxi/gta3 style hybrid which is fine by me.  The other three games are age old recoveries I put off.


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February Frugality

I had an eBay search for a few years before I managed to get an UKV Battleship CIB (this game is actually from January, I just forgot to snap a picture):


Limited Run Games stuff (they've been pretty off with the cards lately, sometimes missing completely and now it seems I got 2 from the same game but the gold card makes up for it):



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So, this lot was listed on ebay with the title "various xbox games'. Starting bid of $30 + $5 shipping w/reserve or $60 BIN. the description also just said 'various xbox games'. I saw this right before bed and messaged him asking if the auction was for all the games or just one? The next morning I woke up, and the seller messaged back "all" so I immediately bought it. Later that day I was looking at the games and didn't even notice the gem in the lot when I originally bought it. Anyone see it?

xbox games.jpg





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34 minutes ago, drxandy said:

@Nugfishnoiice dood! On top of that score Godzillas like half of what you paid for the lot and cool blockbuster GTA 3 cover toooo

I was trying to figure the GTA 3 cover out. It was PS2 graphics, but it had the XBOX header and the cover was far flimsier. A rental would make sense...🤔

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On 2/22/2023 at 10:54 AM, Tanooki said:

I had an odd day off work yesterday, not wanting to waste it at home I decided to take a few hours to cross town to hope to get lucky, and strangely I did.  I got stuck doing my wifes early morning around other stuff (12hrs.)

First stop, $10 got me that MPT Prima premiere guide which is a steal.  Heading a little south of that and over I tried a game exchange there, no dice, but it's in an area old guy I've known for 15 years has this toys/games(etc) shop and I checked in as it opened.

Jackpot and strangeness ensued.  I was hoping to find more Game Gear stuff, I did, down below you see the two.  But I see this bag and a double take and a long glare later I see Taiwanese gaming goodies here??  Remember last year I got a Watara Supervision, that's what those games on the bottom are, a 3rd copy of Crystball(Arkanoid clone) but the rest holy moley, all NES/GB copycats of sorts...they had no idea what it was.  I caught them up on it, said I had the handheld, they instantly lowered it from $35 to $15 if I'd take it, so I did. 😛  Carrier=Sokobon/Boxxle, Eagle Plan = Top Gun, Balloon Fight(that's obvious), John Adventure = Dr Mario, and the Final Conflict is like a way harder mix of BattleCity and the emplacements of like Jackal style titles.   Also I got that GBA manual there too along with that full collection of SF2 anime series discs.  The toy store cost me $45 for all that.

After needed a bite, saw a goodwill next to it, found the Little Boppers Ruxpin for $3 and the mini pound puppy for a dollar, both are from 1985 and very clean like new, but the motor is having an issue with the bear I may try and fix it or leave it.  Lastly another one of those stores, paid $10, it was out of the county towards my kids lesson, it's a 1936 consumer video recorder that seemingly still works and shoots silent 16fps movies and I liked the look so it went into my antique cabinet.

** Not shown, I got a Super 21in1 gamegear 90s multicart in the mail days ago, 7 legit GG games and the rest are all the Sega SMS/Mark 3 mycard games converted which is a lot of fun.




On 2/26/2023 at 2:54 AM, Reed Rothchild said:

@Tanooki I had that Pound Puppy as a kid.  Still do in fact, in my kids' shit:


I meet both your yard sale Pound Puppy AND chiildhood Pound Puppy and raise you a Childhood, CIB LARGE Pound Puppy, with 4x other originals! 😛

All jokes aside, this is something I have from a very small collection of original childhood items.  When I was real young, I was quite attached to stuffed animals.  If you're curious why I have duplicates of the dalmatian and black lab, it's because my brother and I had birthdays separated by just 3 days so we often got duplicate gifts on our birthday's and Christmas.  He didn't care about stuffed toys, so when he got older, I inherited all of them.

The boxed pattern-set, to sew your own PP, was found at a Salvation Army for, as you see, $1.  I couldn't pass it up!



(I love that this came from AAFES (which was a military department store) and I forgot because I've not looked at this in yeeeears.  I can't believe it was $16 originally back in the day, though, even if it were name brand!









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It's been a minute. I been dealing with house related items (finally have the steel roof on!) and a herniated L2 disc in my back...my heart goes out to anyone dealing with serious back injuries and this pain and road to recovery has been...arduous, to say the least.

That said, I've picked up a few things here and there, and it started with a chance notification from Thrift Books in which I was able to get 'Game Over' for $10! This is a book I've often seen/heard referenced and always wanted to read but couldn't find, so this was great to get as I LOVE reading about gaming history. Next, I was watching the 'Here's My Question For You' podcast that Chris and Coury (CGQ and MLiG) have been doing of late, and Coury mentioned that he was having a print run done of their M2 documentary that had been commissioned by LRG for the Battle Garegga limited edition from a couple years back. I love what M2  has been doing over the years (the Shot Triggers line is especially awesome!), so I ordered a copy to check out.

Aside from that, an LRG order showed up, and I got Kirby and Metroid on a lark. With regards to Metroid, I'd played the original some, but couldn't get invested because of the odd control scheme; I'm very excited that options have been added for the controls, so I'm looking forward to digging in once I've knocked out Tactics Ogre and Octopath Traveller which I've got on the go right now.


Then, just today, it felt like Christmas because a box of games showed up from Jim (KidShoryuken / Mad Panic Gaming) through his Patreon gamebox service. I'd been rolling over money for the last few months to get some higher ticket titles taken care of on my list, and here's what he surprised me with:


Super Tempo was a complete surprise because it wasn't on my list (I couldn't remember the name of the game, which I'd only seen for the first time at PRGE) so that was an awesome surprise, and SFZ3...dooope!!! Shooters, a fighter, and a platformer...super excited to play these 🙂

I set up a Saturn and the Switch in my room while I recover and rehab...been getting my ass handed to me for the last 2 weeks on the 'shoot 'em up' front, lol.

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