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You die and kill the boss at the same time


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Super Mario Bros. gets all glitched out if you touch Bowser and the axe at the same time. You start the next level as large Mario but the game registers you as small so when you get a mushroom, you actually shrink from large Mario to small. Then when you get a fire flower, you have fireballs while small but when you shoot them, you temporarily grow while shooting, then shrink afterwards. It's just a split second growth and shrink again.


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In Brigandine you can kill both your ruler and an enemy one if you set things up right.   Depending who else is still alive (each side has up to three knights on the battlefield at once) you may gain the territory or the enemy may keep it.

In Dark Wizard in order to kill the strongest of the four demons (Karmak) normally you have to cast the water spirit spell on him before you can kill him.   However if you have gunpowder (which explodes if the character holding it dies) in your ninja's inventory and Karmak kills the ninja in a counterstrike the gunpowder explodes and Karmak also dies as a result (if Karmak is down to a low health point level).

Edited by Wandering Tellurian
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I recently played Bio-Hazard Battle and during my first atempt I managed to kill the final boss, but was hit by a stray bullet, that I didn't see. So while he was already exploding and whatnot I lost my final life and my final continue. Game over. I had to try it from the beginning again. This was very frustrating.

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On 12/20/2019 at 11:27 PM, Tulpa said:

Recca counts it as a loss.

Ask me how I know. 😞

Wouldn't that only be a problem if you were on your last life?

On 12/21/2019 at 7:10 AM, DarkTone said:

What about the mega man series?

Mega Man 2 will count it as 'You Won' while later installments(at least 6) will count it as 'You Died'.

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1 hour ago, AverageOliver98 said:

Wouldn't that only be a problem if you were on your last life?

Yes, but when you're grinding your face off to get through it, only to die while the boss blows up, it's still disappointing. Plus, it then precludes playing the second quest.

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In Battletoads after defeating the first boss, I always run forward and fall into the hole.  You die but the perspective switches back before you respawn and so it doesn't count as a death.  Plus you get to proceed to the next level with no health for a little bit.  If you die too quickly though you will lose a life.

I know I've been a victim of double death in other games but I can't remember any offhand.

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Most shooters count it as a death. Double K.O. is a genuine scoring strategy in most shoot'em ups with checkpoints and no looping (like Pulstar, etc.)
Cash in the score bonus for killing it, respawn at the last checkpoint, and repeat.

(Mr.) Gimmick! is a cool example that allows you to run around and often kill yourself after the boss dies, and it'll still move on to the next stage without losing any lives. Not sure what happens if you kill yourself right before the boss dies. It should be possible, so it would be interesting to try.

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20 hours ago, arnpoly said:

In Battletoads after defeating the first boss, I always run forward and fall into the hole.  You die but the perspective switches back before you respawn and so it doesn't count as a death.  Plus you get to proceed to the next level with no health for a little bit.  If you die too quickly though you will lose a life.

I know I've been a victim of double death in other games but I can't remember any offhand.

At the last boss, you defeat the queen. If you are standing where she appears when she floats upwards (to enter into the dialogue and thus win the game), you will take a hit and die, if you are on your last health. It will count it as a loss, despite the battle being over. Been there, done that, haven't touched the game since.

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In the US version of Super Mario Bros. 2, if you die at the same time as a boss, the screen pauses as the game plays the ending music, but after the music ends, you still die and you have to replay the boss again.  I've done it many times, but it just happened to me again the other night.  

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